ECE 555 Computer Control of Robotics Course Project solution


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In this project involves computer control of the sawyer robot for a continous pick and place action using the ROS/Gazebo Development environment. The course project consist of the following: Part 1: Object Pose Detections [20 pts] • A. Pose of the three targets with the repect to the robot base frame [10 pts] • B. The joint variables to grasp the object at each location, ie. inverse kinematics [5 pts] • C. The Jacobian matrix at each location using the joint variables from Part B [5 pts] An example ROS Package, ece_sawyer_project, has been created to assist the project. This package is available to download using the following: This resposity contains the following contents worldfile [] In [ ]: git clone The repository also contains example source code for motion planning of the sawyer robot. Part 2 involves writing a software algorithm to manipulate the sawyer robot. You may use the sample code as a starting place – Part 2 – Part 2: Computer Control of Robot System [50 pts] Write a computer algorithm the performs the following task. (Example video available) • 1. Pick up and discard target 2 from the scene • 1. Pick up target from location 1 and place location 2 • 1. Pick up target from location 3 and place in location 1 • 1. Pick up target from location 2 and place in location 3 • Repeat steps 2 – 4 The program should be demostrated using the following actions Bring up the simulator Enable the sawyer robot Let’s start by lanch the trajectory action server of the robot with the following command In [ ]: model://ground_plane model://sun model://table table 1 0 0 0 0 1.57 model://wood_cube_5cm target1 0.75 -.35 1.5 0 0 0 model://wood_cube_5cm target3 0.85 0.25 1.5 0 0 0.785 model://wood_cube_5cm target2 1 0 1.5 0 0 -0.785 1000.0 0.0 0.0 -9.81 2.69836 -0.874828 2.04939 0 0.399643 2.75619 orbit perspective In [ ]: ./ sim In [ ]: roslaunch ece_sawyer_project sawyer_world.launch In [ ]: ./ sim In [ ]: rosrun intera_interface -e In [ ]: rosrun intera_interface Then run the moveit package again with the controller. Broadcast Joint States. Execute motion planning algorithm Try to plan the trajectory and execute again, you should see the robot move while executing the trajectory. – Documentation and Demo – Documentation [20 pts] Documentation of the algorith from Part 2 and the robot analysis from Part 1 should be submitted in the IEEE Conference Paper format no later than the end of the schedule final examination. Typicaly 3- 5 pages with refs. Robot Demostration [10 pts] The project must be demostrated to the instructor or TA. Groups may use the simulated or real environment for demostration. Other options include: • Virtual Demos • Recorded Demos • Remote Lab access (pending) In [ ]: ./ sim In [ ]: roslaunch sawyer_moveit_config sawyer_moveit.launch electric_gripper:=true In [ ]: ./ sim In [ ]: rosrun joint_state_publisher joint_state_publisher In [ ]: ./ sim In [ ]: rosrun ece_sawyer_project sawyer_pick_and_place In [ ]: