CSCE 314 Assignment 3 solution


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Aggie Honor Code: “On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on
any portion of the academic work included in this assignment.”
Note 1: This homework set is individual homework, not a team-based effort. Discussion of the concept is
encouraged, but actual write-up of the solutions must be done individually.
Note 2: Submit electronically exactly one zipped file, namely,, that
zip file will contain two files: a .hs file and a pdf file on We are not providing any
skeleton code for this assignment.
Note 3: Please make sure that the Haskell script (the .hs file) you submit compiles without any error
when compiled using the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (ghc), that is installed in the departmental servers
( and If your program does not compile, there is a chance
that you receive zero points for this assignment.
Note 4: Remember to put the head comment in your file, including your name, UIN, and
acknowledgements of any help received in doing this assignment. You will get points deducted if you do
not put the head comment. Again, remember the honor code.
[1] A3×3 grid containing all the integers 1 to 9 is called a magic square if every row, every column, and
both diagonals all add up to 15, as in:
Suppose that 3×3 grids are represented using the following types:
type Grid = Matrix Int
type Matrix a = [Row a]
type Row a = [a]
and that you are given functions
rows :: Matrix a -> [Row a]
cols :: Matrix a -> [Row a]
diags :: Matrix a -> [Row a]
that extract the rows, columns and diagonals from a matrix.
a) Define a function sort :: [Int] -> [Int] that sorts a list of integers into numeric order, using a sorting
method of your choice. [6 points]
b) Using sort, define a function isValid :: Grid -> Bool that decides if a grid is valid, in the sense that it
contains all the integers 1 to 9. [6 points]
c) Define a function isMagic :: Grid -> Bool that decides if a grid is magic, in the sense that all rows,
columns and diagonals sum to 15. [6 points]
d) Using the library function replicate :: Int -> a -> [a], define the matrix choices :: Matrix [Int] that
contains [1..9] in every cell. [6 points]
e) [6 points] Define a function cp :: [[a]] -> [[a]] that returns the Cartesian product of a list of lists, e.g. cp
[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] should give:
f) Using cp, define a function collapse :: Matrix [a] -> [Matrix a] that collapses a matrix of choices into a
choice of matrices. [6 points]
g) Using your answers to the previous parts of this question, define the list magics :: [Grid] of all possible
magic squares of size 3×3. [6 points]
h) Submit a pdf file named hw3comment.pdf. In that file, describe how you can make your Sudoku
Puzzle solver more interactive and more efficient. Describe your plan for implementation ( you can
mention the Haskell packages for doing that). [8 points]
NB: This is an open-ended assignment. Feel free to use anything from Haskell to solve this problem. In
your comment, describe how you test your functions. Provide some examples. Also, you can think of it
as a Sudoku Puzzle Solver. You can also consider the option from taking the puzzle from the user, and
showing the result to user. Monads!!! This part is optional. Think about how you can solve a large
Sudoku puzzle more efficiently? Parallel Programming? If we wish you can try to write your code
following that approach too. But, again this is optional. Have fun!