CS 341 Assignment 4 solution


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1. Create an efficient algorithm that determines if a directed graph is rooted tree. A rooted tree is an acyclic, connected, directed graph which contains a vertex r such there is a unique path from r to every other vertex in the graph [10 points]. Analyze and state the asymptotic worse-case running time of your algorithm, O(|E|) where |E| is the number of directed edges. You should pick a suitable representation for your graph [10 points].
2. Create an efficient algorithm that determines how many colours it takes to colour an undirected graph G where the degree of each vertex in G is at most two [10 points]. Analyze and state the asymptotic worse-case running time of your algorithm, O(|V|) where |V| is the number of vertices [10 points]. 3. Create an efficient algorithm that does two tasks to an undirected graph G: (1) eliminates multiple copies of edges by replacing them with a single edge and (2) replaces edges (u, v) and (v,w) by an edge (u,w) where v is an edge of degree two. Be aware that removing a vertex with degree two can create multiple copies of edges and that removing multiple copies of edges can create a vertex with degree two. [10 points]. Analyze and state the asymptotic worse-case running time of your algorithm, O(|V|,|E|) where |V| and |E| have their usual meanings [10 points]. 4. Create an efficient algorithm that determines if for each vertex v in a graph there is a path from v to at most twenty other vertices. [10 points]. Analyze and state the the asymptotic worse-case running time of your algorithm O(|V|) [10 points].
5. One method of performing a topological sort on a directed acyclic graph is the following: repeat until the graph is empty: find a vertex of in-degree zero, output it, and delete it from the graph. Design an efficient algorithm for this idea [10 points]. Analyze the O(|V|,|E|) asymptotic worse-case running time of this algorithm and compare its running time to the method describe in Section 22.3 of the course text [10 points].
6. Create an efficient algorithm that given a graph G(V,E), a spanning tree T for G(V,E), an additional vertex v, and additional edges Ea adjacent to v, it creates a spanning tree for G(V ∪{v},E ∪Ea) [10 points]. Analyze and state the asymptotic worse-case running time of your algorithm, O(|V|,|E|,|Ea|). [10 points].
7. For each of a) Kruskal’s algorithm, b) Prim’s algorithm and c) Dijkstra’s algorithm what happens if edges with negative weights are allowed. If the algorithm does not work properly give a case where it fails. [5 points for each algorithm]
8. Programming Assignment. Create an efficient program that given a graph as an adjacency list and a list of edge queries, labels each of the edges as one of {tree-edge, forward-edge, back-edge, cross-edge, no-such-edge}. For example, given the following input in stdin 1 : 4 2 2 : 5 3 : 5 4 : 2 5 : 4 ← blank line 1 2 1 4 4 2 3 5 2 1 ← blank line
the following output is produced. 1 2 tree-edge 1 4 forward-edge 4 2 back-edge 3 5 cross-edge 2 1 no-such-edge
Note: there are two blank lines delimiting the input. There is a single blank space between any two vertices and between a vertex and the colon. There are at most 215 vertices and they are all labelled by unsigned ints. In order to keep the labels consistent across all submissions do a DFS of the vertices in ascending order of their labels. Your code must provide meaningful error messages. [35 points for correctness/test cases, 5 for coding style] In the written part of this question briefly a) state how you represented the edges and labels, b) how you processed the queries and c) analyze your algorithm in terms of O(|V|,|E|,|Q|) where |V| and |E| have their usual meanings and |Q| is the number of edges you made queries about [10 points].