COMP2404A Assignment 1 Hotel application for tracking Rooms solved


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2 Learning Outcomes
In this assignment you will learn the basics of classes, arrays, and static and dynamic memory in C++. You will make
a few simple classes, populate the members, and use functions and constructors in a meaningful and appropriate
way. You will learn how to provide a working Makefile and do some rudimentary testing. You will learn array basics,
and implement a small amount of application logic.
3 Overview
In this assignment you will make a Hotel application for tracking Rooms and Reservations for those Rooms. The
Hotel class will store records of the Rooms , and each Room will keep track of its own Reservations. Each Room
should be able to print out all of its Reservations. The application should be able to print out all of its Rooms. In
addition, someone may request a Room with certain features (such as a King sized bed) for a certain Date and for
some number of days. The application should verify that a Room meeting the needed criteria is free during that time,
and if so, create the Reservation and add it to the appropriate Room.
The Rooms have criteria such as capacity (the number of people who can stay in the Room), bed type (such as
King or Queen or Double), and whether the Room has a fridge (it either has or does not have a fridge and so is
represented by a boolean value). When someone reserves a Room that Room should meet the desired criteria of the
We will be implementing the back-end of the application, but not a user-facing interface. Instead of a user-facing
interface you will be supplied with a test suite for your application. In addition to writing your application you will
be responsible for writing some of the tests.
4 Classes Overview
This application will consist of 4 classes. A brief description of each class follows.
1. Date (you may use the Date class from the class demonstration code available on Brightspace) – year, month,
2. Reservation – the name of the client making the reservation, the check in Date, and the number of days that
the client will be staying.
3. Room – details of a room as well as an array of Reservations for that room.
4. Hotel – the main control class that controls the interaction of the other classes. This class should provide
functions for users to be able to add a Room, delete a Room, print all Rooms, request a Reservation, and
print all Reservations. As a bonus you can implement an updateReservations function which removes all
Reservations that come before the current Date, i.e., the Reservations that are in the past.
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
5 Instructions
Download the starting code from Brightspace. It includes some global functions in that you are to use for
testing, as well as the Date class and defs.h.
All member variables are private unless otherwise noted. All member functions are public unless otherwise
noted. Some return values are not explicitly given. You should use your best judgment (they will often be void, but
not always). ALL CLASSES MUST HAVE A PRINT FUNCTION. This prints metadata about the class like names
or dates but not data contained in a data structure like an array (unless explicitly specified).
You are allowed to pass string objects by value for this assignment only. Passing by string& does not work
with string literals (and we will learn why in the lessons on Encapsulation). You may use string or const string&.
For the purposes of this assignment they function the same, but the second version is more efficient, as we will learn.
Your finished code should compile into a single executable called a1 using the command make a1, make, or make
all, using a Makefile that you wrote yourself. Your submission should consist of a single zip file with a suitable
name (e.g., that contains a folder containing all your files. This folder should also contain a
README with your name, student number, a list of all files that are included, a directory structure (if applicable),
compiling and running instructions, and any other information that will make the TAs life easier when they mark
your assignment.
5.1 Notes on Automated Marking
Initially will not compile because it references classes and functions that do not exist. Feel free to comment
out parts that are not working (the tests for the bonus section are already commented out – if you complete the
bonus you should uncomment them). You may also #include additional header files for classes other than Hotel.
You may make your own file with your own main function and write your own tests, and compile that separately.
But the code in is what will be run to determine your mark.
Likely most of the bugs you experience will be in your own code. However, you might find bugs or inconsistencies
in this test code as well. Please bring them to my attention.
5.2 The defs.h file
This file contains some preprocessor constants that you may use to initialize your arrays. You do not have to use
these – you may also define your own constants if you wish, as long as the values are appropriate.
5.3 The Date Class
We will use the Date class that we saw in class but we will add two functions to allow us to compare and sort by
Date, and a third function to advance the Date by a number of days.
1. Make a bool equals(Date& d) function. This should return true if the Date in question and d are equal and
false otherwise.
2. Make a bool lessThan(Date& d) function. This should return true if the Date in question comes before d
and false otherwise.
3. Make an addDays(int days) function that advances this Date by the number of days in the days parameter.
You may call on the incDate() function if you wish.
5.4 The Reservation Class
Reservations will be stored in the Room class. It is essentially a wrapper class for the Date class that adds extra
information and functionality.
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
1. Data members: choose appropriate data members for the Reservation object. You may use whatever you
wish as long as the Reservation object functions correctly. Don’t overthink it. There are probably two valid
ways to represent a Reservation object, and they both are pretty obvious.
2. Make a 3 argument constructor with parameters string customerName, Date& checkIn, int duration in
that order. Use these parameters to initialize your Reservation object.
3. Make a void setDuration(int duration) function. The duration of someone’s stay is always at least 1 day.
4. Make an bool overlaps(Reservation& r) function. This function returns true if the two Reservations have
a day in common. Note: a Reservation may end on the same day another Reservation begins. Examples:
(a) A Reservation r1 with Date(2023, 1, 3) and duration 2 does NOT overlap with a Reservation r2
with Date(2023, 1, 7) and any duration, since r1 ends before r2 begins.
(b) A Reservation r1 with Date(2023, 1, 5) and duration 2 does NOT overlap with a Reservation r2
with Date(2023, 1, 7) and any duration, since r1 ends on the same day that r2 begins.
(c) A Reservation r1 with Date(2023, 1, 5) and duration 3 DOES overlap with a Reservation r2 with
Date(2023, 1, 7) and any duration, since r1 begins before r2 begins and ends after r2 begins (which
means that two different guests will be sleeping in the same room on the same night).
5. Make a lessThan(Reservation& res) function. If the Reservations overlap return false. Otherwise return
true if this Reservation occurs before the res Reservation and false otherwise. As before, if res starts
on the same day that this Reservation ends you should return true.
6. Make a lessThan(Date& d) function. This function should return true if this Reservation occurs before d
(where the last day of this Reservation could be equal to d but not greater than).
7. Make a print function. This function should print all the Reservation data nicely formatted. For example:
Reservation for Bobby on December 25, 2022 for 3 days.
5.5 The Room Class
Make a Room class.
1. Make six member variables:
(a) roomNumber: an int
(b) bedType: a string
(c) capacity: an int
(d) hasFridge: a bool
(e) A statically allocated array of Reservation pointers. The Room class is responsible for deleting any
dynamic memory contained in this array.
(f) An int that tracks how many Reservations are currently in the array.
2. Make a four-argument constructor that takes an int, a string, an int and a bool as arguments. The first int
should be used to initialize roomNumber, the string should used to intialize bedType, the second int should
be used to initialize the capacity, and the bool should initialize hasFridge. This constructor should also
appropriately initialize any other member variables.
3. (Bonus) Make a destructor that deletes all dynamic memory contained in this Room.
4. Make a getter for the roomNumber member (getRoomNumber()).
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
5. Make a function bool isMatch(string bt, int cap, bool f). This function verifies that the Room in question has the right criteria to serve the client’s needs. To return true the following is required:
(a) The bedType must match bt (that is, they are equal)
(b) The capacity is at least cap.
(c) If f is true then a fridge is required, so hasFridge must also be true. If f is false then hasFridge may
be true or false. That is, we don’t mind if the room has a fridge even if we did not request it, but if we
requested a fridge then the Room must have it.
6. Make a function bool lessThan(Room& r). Return true if this Room’s number comes before r’s number in
numerical order, otherwise return false.
7. Make a function bool addReservation(string customerName, Date& d, int duration). If the array of
Reservation* is full, return false. Otherwise add a new Reservation with the given parameters only if it
does not overlap with another Reservation. For full marks add the Reservation in the order defined by the
Reservation::lessThan function. Return true if a new Reservation is added, and false otherwise. Be
careful to not introduce any memory leaks.
8. Make a printReservations() function (this is in addition to the regular print function). This function should
print out the Room metadata, then print every Reservation of that Room.
5.6 The Hotel Class
The Hotel class will maintain a collection of Rooms and functions related to making, adding, and deleting Rooms and
1. Member variables: There is one collection in the Hotel class, implemented as an array.
(a) Make a statically allocated array of Room pointers. The Hotel class is responsible for deleting any dynamic
memory contained in this array.
(b) Make sure you track the number of elements in the above array.
2. Make a default (no-argument) constructor that initializes all member variables.
3. (Bonus) Make a destructor that deletes all dynamic memory contained in Hotel.
4. Make a bool addRoom(int roomNumber, string bedType, int capacity, bool fr) function to add a Room
to Hotel. If there is no space in the array return false. If the room number is duplicated return false. Otherwise make a new Room object using the given parameters and add it to the array and return true. Rooms
should be stored in increasing order as defined by their lessThan function. However, for part marks the Room
may be added to the back of the array.
5. Make a bool deleteRoom(int roomNumber) function. If there is a Room with the given number in the array,
remove it and close any gaps in the array.
6. Make a bool getRoom(int roomNumber, Room** room) function. If a Room with the given roomNumber exists,
assign it to the room output parameter and return true. If there is currently no Room with that number, return
7. Make a bool addReservation(string customer, string bedType, int capacity, bool fr, Date& date,
int duration) function. This function should find a Room that matches the given criteria and add a new
Reservation to it. If there is a Room that matches the criteria and you successfully add the Reservation to
that Room, return true, otherwise return false.
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
8. (Bonus) Make a void updateReservations(Date& currentDate) function. For each Room in the Hotel remove every Reservation that comes before the given Date (according to the Reservation::lessThan function). To complete this task you should also add an void updateReservations(Date& currentDate) function
to the Room class that updates the Reservations for that Room.
9. Have the print function call print on all the Rooms.
10. Make a void printReservations() function. This should print out every Room and its Reservations.
5.7 The testResOverlap Function
1. In the file there is a function resOverlap(Reservation& r1, Reservation& r2, bool shouldOverlap)
for testing the overlaps function of the Reservation class. You should finish the int testResOverlap function by writing at least 4 additional tests. The first test is given to you and explained below.
To use resOverlap, supply two Reservations and a boolean indicating whether the Reservations should
overlap. For instance, the first test, which is given to you, is as follows:
Date d1(2022,9,30);
Date d2(2022,9,28);
Reservation res1(“Joe”, d1, 3);
Reservation res2(“Bob”, d2, 2);
if (!resOverlap(r1,r2,false)) score = 0;
Since res1 ends on the same day as res2 begins they should not overlap, hence we supply false to the boolean
shouldOverlap parameter. The resOverlap function then returns true if the test succeeds or false if the
test fails. If resOverlap returns false you should set score = 0.
You should come up with at least 4 tests to add to the testResOverlap function, and each of these should
test for something different. Be sure to comment each test describing what it is testing for.
6 Grading
The marks are divided into three main categories. The first two categories, Requirements and Constraints are
worth 26 and 8 marks respectively. The third category, Deductions is where you are penalized marks.
6.1 Specification Requirements
These are marks for having a working application (even when not implemented according to the specification, within
reason). These are the same marks shown in the test suite, repeated here for convenience. Marks are awarded for
the application working as requested.
The test script provides a mark out of 22. If you have implemented everything correctly, this will probably be
your mark for these sections. However, you are still responsible for, and may be penalized for, any errors the test
suite does not catch, or any drastic departure from the specification (such as using outside libraries). We reserve the
right to modify the mark given by the test script in these cases.
General Requirements
• All marking components must be called and execute successfully to earn marks.
• All data handled must be printed to the screen to earn marks (make sure print and printReservation prints
useful information).
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
Application Requirements: 22 marks + 1 bonus
• 2 marks: Reservation overlaps function works correctly.
• 2 marks: Room isMatch function works correctly.
• 2 marks: Can add a Room to the Hotel application.
• 2 marks: Rooms are added to the Hotel application in numerical order.
• 2 marks: Can delete a Room from the Hotel application.
• 4 marks: Can add a Reservation to a Room.
• 2 marks: Reservations are added to Rooms in the correct order (in order by Date).
• 6 marks: Can add a Reservation to the Hotel application.
• Bonus, 1 mark: Can update the Reservations.
Testing Requirements: 4 marks
• 4 marks: Proper implementation of at least four unique tests in the testResOverlap function with proper
Requirements Total: 26 marks + 1 bonus
6.2 Constraints
The previous section awards marks if your program works correctly. In this section marks are awarded if your
program is written according to the specification and using proper object oriented programming techniques. This
includes but is not limited to:
• Proper declaration of member variables (correct type, naming conventions, etc).
• Proper instantiation and initialization of member variables (statically or dynamically).
• Proper instantiation and initialization of objects (statically or dynamically).
• Proper constructor and function signatures.
• Proper constructor and function implementation.
• Proper use of arrays and data structures.
• Passing objects by reference or by pointer. Do not pass by value.
– Note: For this assignment only, strings may be passed by value.
• Reusing existing functions, within reason.
• Proper error checking – check array bounds, data in the correct range, etc.
• Reasonable documentation (remember the best documentation is expressive variable and function names, and
clear purposes for each class).
• Bonus (1 mark): All dynamically allocated memory should be deallocated. Use valgrind to ensure there
are no memory leaks.
COMP2404A (Winter 23) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday February 5th, 11:59 pm
6.2.1 Constraint marks:
1. 2 marks: Proper implementation of the Date class.
2. 2 marks: Proper implementation of the Room class.
3. 2 marks: Proper implementation of the Reservation class.
4. 2 marks: Proper implementation of the Hotel class.
5. 1 mark (bonus): no memory leaks.
Constraints Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus)
6.3 Deductions
The requirements listed here represent possible deductions from your assignment total. In addition to the constraints
listed in the specification, these are global level constraints that you must observe. For example, you may only use
approved libraries, and your programming environment must be properly configured to be compatible with the virtual
machine. This is not a comprehensive list. Any requirement specified during class but not listed here must also be
observed and may be penalized if done incorrectly.
6.3.1 Packaging and file errors:
1. 5%: Missing README
2. 10%: Missing Makefile (assuming this is a simple fix, otherwise see 4 or 5).
3. up to 10%: Failure to use proper file structure (separate header and source files for example), but your program
still compiles and runs
4. up to 50%: Failure to use proper file structure (such as case-sensitive files and/or Makefile instructions) that
results in program not compiling, but is fixable by a TA using reasonable effort.
5. up to 100%: Failure to use proper file structure or other problems that severely compromise the ability to
compile and run your program.
As an example, submitting Windows C++ code and Makefile that is not compatible with the Linux VM would
fall under 4 or 5 depending on whether a reasonable effort could get it running.
6.3.2 Incorrect object-oriented programming techniques:
• Up to 10%: Substituting C functions where C++ functions exist (e.g. don’t use printf, do use cout).
• Up to 25%: Using smart pointers.
• Up to 25%: Using global functions or global variables other than the main function and those functions and
variables expressly permitted or provided for initialization and testing purposes.
6.3.3 Unapproved libraries:
• Up to 100%: The code must compile and execute in the default course VM provided. It must NOT require
any additional libraries, packages, or software besides what is available in the standard VM.
• Up to 100%: Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the standard template
library (STL) unless expressly permitted.
Assignment Total (Requirements and Constraints): 34 marks + 2 bonus