COMP 2404 — Assignment #2 solution


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You will modify your movie database program from Assignment #1 and separate persistent objects into storage using the Façade design pattern. You will also implement a resizable collection class to hold the movie information.Learning Objectives• gain experience using a simple design pattern• separate program logic for managing persistent objects• practice with dynamically allocated memory in C++Instructions:1. Implement a resizable collection classYou will implement a dynamic array class (called DynArray) to hold the movies as a collection. The dynamic array should grow in size dynamically every time a movie is added and shrink in size every time a movie is deleted.This class should:• represent the movie collection as a dynamically allocated array of Movie pointers (i.e. a Movie double pointer)• provide an add movie function to dynamically reallocate the movie collection and grow it by one element• provide a delete movie function to dynamically reallocate the movie collection and shrink it by one element• manage its memory to avoid memory leaks• provide any additional utility functions that are required2. Separate persistent data managementYou will restructure your code so that the persistent data, i.e. the permanent (“master”) movie collection, is exclusively managed by a separate Storage class. The Storage class will provide two member functions:• void retrieve(DynArray* movieArr) which returns the entire contents of the movie collection• void update(UpdateType action, DynArray* movieArr) which either adds to the permanent collection all the movies in the given movie array or deletes from the permanent collection all the movies in the given movie array. UpdateType is an enumerated data type that indicates either an add or a delete action.Notes:ο There can only be one instance of the Storage class in your program. Do not make copies.ο Only the Storage class is allowed to maintain the permanent movie collection, no other classes are allowed to.ο All classes in the program must send queries and updates to the Storage class when they need to display or modify movie information.COMP 2404 — Assignment #2 Winter 2014 2/33. Façade design patternThe Façade design pattern is commonly used to provide a simplified interface, like a gateway, to a set of complex classes. With this pattern, the class users do not need to understand the more complex operations of each class they need, but instead they can invoke a simple operation on the Façade class which itself uses the more complex operations on the needed classes.Note: The Façade class does not replace the complex classes nor does it implement their functionality!In a future assignment, you will be separating your program into a server process and a client process, where the server manages the persistent storage for multiple clients, while the client process contains the movie database logic and interacts with the user. Multiple clients will be able to interact with a single server, so that many users can share the same movie database. The Façade design pattern can be used on the client side as a special class that encapsulates the details of interacting with the server process.For this assignment, you will begin the separation of client and server by implementing a Façade class, which you will call Server. All the classes in your program that perform queries and updates to storage will go through the Server class, which will pass along the queries and updates to the Storage class.Notes:ο There can only be one instance of the Server class in your program. Do not make copies.ο Only the Server class is allowed to access the Storage class directly, no other classes are allowed to.Constraints• your program must be written in C++, and not in C• do not use any functions from the C standard library (e.g. printf, scanf, fgets, sscanf, malloc, free, string functions)• do not use any classes or containers from the C++ standard template library (STL)• do not use low level data types when there is a better one available (e.g. do not use character arrays, use string objects instead)• do not use any global variables or any global functions other than main• do not use structs, use classes instead• objects should always be passed by reference, not by valueFaçadeComplex class 1Complex class 2Complex class 3Class user 1Class user 2COMP 2404 — Assignment #2 Winter 2014 3/3SubmissionYou will submit in cuLearn, before the due date and time, the following:• a UML class diagram (as a PDF file) that corresponds to your program design• one tar file that includes:ο all source and header files for your movie database programο a Makefileο a readme file that includes: a preamble (program author, purpose, list of source/header/data files) compilation instructions launching and operating instructionsGrading• Marking breakdown:ComponentMarksUML class diagram20Resizable collection class30Storage class25Façade class25• Deductions:ο Up to 50 marks for any of the following: the code does not compile using g++ in the VM provided for the course the code cannot be tested because the program consistently crashes the design does not generally follow correct design principles (e.g. data abstraction) prohibited library classes or functions are usedο Up to 20 marks for any of the following: the Makefile or readme file is missing global variables, global functions, or structs are used objects are passed by value the code is not correctly separated into header and source filesο Up to 10 marks for missing comments or other bad style (non-standard indentation, etc.)• Bonus marks:ο Up to 5 extra marks are available for fun and creative additional features