Comp 5421/1-BB Assignment 1 solution


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Your Task Your task is to implement a data structure that will provide a very small subset of the services that are readily provided by the C++ standard class and the list class template. Bear in mind that there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel when C++17 is already in place on just about any compiler. However, this assignment intentionally requires that you do reinvent the wheel so that you will gain insight into underlying complexities of dynamic resource management in C++. Specifically, you are to implement a class, named LineList, to represent a list of text lines. Your LineList class is required to be structured as indicated by the following UML class diagram: LineList Node Line It indicates that Node is a self-referential class with a data member associated with a Line object. The small round symbol indicates that class LineList completely encloses class Node as a “member type”, effectively hiding Node from client code by applying the principle of information hiding. To facilitate your task in this first assignment, the three classes above are specified in detail in the following sections. 1 3 Class Line This class models a line of text, storing it in a dynamically created array of characters and providing simple operations on that line. Specifically: Line – linePtr : char * Stores a pointer to the first character in a dynamically created array of char, effectively representing the underlying line of text. – lineLength : int Length of this line – capacity : int Storage capacity of this line + Line( text : const char *): Constructs this line, assigning linePtr a pointer to a deep copy of the supplied C-string text + Line( const Line&): Copy Constructor + operator= ( rhs : const Line&): const Line& Assignment operator overload + virtual ∼ Line() : Releases dynamic memory created and owned by this line + cstr( ) const: const char * Returns C-style version of this line + length( ) const : int Returns length of this line + empty() const : bool Returns whether this line is empty + full() const : bool Returns whether this line is full + capacity() const: int Returns capacity of this line + resize(): void Doubles capacity if this line is full + push back(ch : const char& );: void Appends ch to the end of this line + pop back() : void Removes the last character in this line + operator<<( out : ostream&, line : const Line& ) : ostream& Overloads operator << as a friend + operator>>( in : istream&, line : Line& ) : istream& Overloads operator>> as a friend 2 4 Class LineList This class models a linked list of text lines, implementing a doubly linked list of nodes of type Node. Typically, a Node objects stores three values, of which two point to neighboring Node objects, if any. The third value represents a data object, either directly or indirectly, as depicted in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. previous node Line object next node Figure 1: A node in a doubly linked list storing a Line object directly previous node next node Line object Figure 2: A node in a doubly linked list storing a pointer to a Line object The node structure in Figure 1 illustrates a major difference between Java and C++, indicating the fact that C++ allows object variables to have names and hold values. In other words, you never use the new operator when you need to construct an object in C++. You simply supply the object’s constructor with initial arguments within parenthesis after the variable name. Since Java seems to be a primary programming language for most students, you will use the structure in Figure 1 in your LineList class so that you can quickly adapt to using object variables in C++. Thus, an instance of the LineList class may be depicted as follows: LO LO LO LO head tail Line objects pointer to header node pointer to trailer node header node trailer node Figure 3: A doubly linked list storing four Line objects (LO) 3 As you will recall from Comp 5511 (or equivalent background on data structures), implementation of list operations in a doubly linked list can be simplified by using two extra nodes referred to as the header and trailer nodes (also called sentinel nodes and dummy nodes). For an empty list, the header and trailer nodes point at each other, as depicted in Figure 4. For a non-empty list, the header node points at the first node and the trailer node points at the last node, as depicted in Figure 3. The primary advantage of using the dummy nodes is that they facilitate implementation of list operations by eliminating a host of special cases (e.g., empty list, first node, last node, list with a single node, etc.) and potential programming pitfalls. head tail pointers to header and trailer nodes fixed (dummy) nodes Figure 4: An empty list Here are the specifics: LineList – theSize: int Number of elements in this list – head : Node * Pointer to the first node in this list – tail : Node * Pointer to the last node in this list – Node : class A private member type (an inner class) + LineList( ): Default constructor + virtual ∼LineList( ): Destructor + LineList( rhs : const LineList &): Copy constructor + operator=( rhs : const LineList &): const LineList & Copy assignment + push front( line : const Line & ): void Inserts line at the front of the this list + push back( line : const Line & ): void Inserts line at the end of the this list + pop front( ): void Remove the first node in this list + pop back( ): void Remove the last node in this list + size( ) const : int Returns the size of this list + empty( ) const : bool Returns whether this list is empty + insert( line : const Line & k : int ): void Inserts a new line at position k in this list + remove( k : int ): void Removes node at position k in this list + get( k : int ) const: Line Returns the line at position k in this list 4 5 Class Node The Node instances model the nodes in the list, each storing a Line object and two pointers to the preceding and succeeding nodes, if any. Node + data : Line this node’s data object + prev : Node * pointer to previous node + next : Node * pointer to next node + Node(ln : const Line &, prv : Node *, nxt : Node *) : Conctructor Since Node objects are solely created and used by the LineList class, it makes sense to have LineList host Node as a private member type, completely isolating it from the outside world. Typically, Node objects are seldom responsible for allocation and deallocation of resources they represent; their raison d’etre is to keep the items in the list linked. 6 Programming Requirements ˆ Both Line and LineList classes must directly call the new and delete operators for storage allocation and deallocation, respectively. ˆ The Line class must not use C++’s string class. Instead, it should use C-strings and dynamic arrays of chars for its stotage needs. It can of course use functions such as strlen, strcpy, strcmp, strcat, etc., from the header to operate on C-strings. ˆ Outside Line, your implementation may use functions from the header. For example, you may use C++ strings to read input from an istream such as cin. ˆ Class Node must be implemented as a private member type in class LineList. 7 Deliverables Create a a new folder that contains the files listed below, then compress (zip) your folder, and submit the compressed (zipped) folder as instructed in the course outline. 1. Header files: Line.h, LineList.h, 2. Implementation files: Line.cpp, LineList.cpp, LineListTestDriver.cpp 3. Input and output files 4. A README.txt text file. 5 8 Test Driver 1 # include < iostream > 2 # include < iomanip > 3 # include < fstream > 4 # include < cassert > 5 # include 6 7 using std :: cout ; 8 using std :: cin; 9 using std :: endl ; 10 using std :: setw ; 11 using std :: string ; 12 13 # include ” Line .h” 14 # include ” LineList .h” 15 16 // function prototypes 17 bool operator == ( const LineList & , const LineList &); 18 bool operator != ( const LineList & , const LineList &); 19 void load_linked_list ( const char * , LineList &); 20 void test_linked_list_operations ( LineList &); 21 22 // ——- 23 int main () 24 { 25 const char * filename_a { “C:\\ input_a .txt” }; 26 const char * filename_b { “C:\\ input_b .txt” }; 27 28 LineList list_a {}; 29 load_linked_list ( filename_a , list_a ); // load our first list list_a 30 cout << ” list_a loaded ” << “\n”; 31 list_a . print (); // print list_a 32 33 test_linked_list_operations ( list_a ); // manipulate lines in list_a 34 cout << “\n” << ” list_a rearranged ” << “\n”; 35 list_a . print (); // print manipulated list_a 36 37 LineList list_b {}; 38 load_linked_list ( filename_b , list_b ); // load our second list list_b 39 assert ( list_a == list_b ); // test operator = 40 41 cout << ” Done !” << endl ; 42 return 0; // report success 43 } 6 44 45 /* 46 Loads the supplied line_list with the lines of a given text file . 47 @ filename The name of the given text file . 48 @ line_list The LineList object to load . 49 */ 50 void load_linked_list ( const char * filename , LineList & line_list ) 51 { 52 std :: ifstream ifs ( filename , std :: ifstream :: in); 53 if (!ifs . is_open ()) 54 { 55 cout << ” Unable to open file ” << filename << endl ; 56 exit (0); 57 } 58 59 int lineno = 0; 60 std :: string line ; 61 while ( getline (ifs , line )) // Read until end of file 62 { 63 ++ lineno ; 64 // cout << “(” << lineno << “) ” << line << endl ; 65 const char * c_line = line . c_str (); // const makes this a safe idea . 66 // Get a pointer to the c- string represented by the C++ string object 67 // ONLY because Line ’s Ctor in the call below expects a char * 68 line_list . push_back ( Line ( c_line )); 69 70 } 71 } 72 73 /* 74 An oveload for operator ==. Considers two lists equal 75 if they each have the same number of lines and same lines . 76 @ list 1 The left hand side operand . 77 @ list 2 The right hand side operand . 78 */ 79 bool operator == ( const LineList & list 1, const LineList & list 2) 80 { 81 if ( list 1. size () != list 2. size ()) return false ; 82 for ( size_t i{ 1 }; i <= list 1. size (); ++i) 83 { 84 if ( list 1. get(i) != list 2.get (i)) return false ; 85 } 86 return true ; 87 } 88 89 /* 90 An oveload for operator !=. Considers two lists unequal 91 if they they are not equal . 92 @ list 1 The left hand side operand . 93 @ list 2 The right hand side operand . 94 */ 95 bool operator != ( const LineList & list 1, const LineList & list 2) 96 { 97 return !( list 1 == list 2); 98 } 7 99 100 /* 101 Tests opeations provided by a given LineList object . 102 @ line_list The LineList object to use troughout the test . 103 */ 104 void test_linked_list_operations ( LineList & line_list ) 105 { 106 107 if ( line_list . empty ()) return ; // test empty () 108 109 int lastPos = line_list . size (); // size 110 line_list . remove ( lastPos ); // remove 111 if ( line_list . empty ()) return ; // empty 112 113 line_list . remove (1); // remove 114 if ( line_list . empty ()) return ; // empty 115 116 Line lastline = line_list .get ( line_list . size ()); // get , copy ctor 117 line_list . pop_back (); // pop_back 118 if ( line_list . empty ()) return ; // empty 119 120 Line line 1 = line_list .get (1); // get 121 line_list . pop_front (); // pop_front () 122 if ( line_list . empty ()) return ; // empty 123 124 line 1 = line_list .get (1); // get , operator = 125 line_list . pop_front (); // pop_front (); 126 line_list . push_front ( lastline ); // push_front 127 line_list . push_back ( line 1); // push_back 128 if ( line_list . size () >= 3) // size 129 line_list . insert ( Line (” Line 3″), 3); // insert 130 131 line_list . insert ( Line (” Welcome to C++”), 1); // insert 132 line_list . push_back ( Line (” Have fun!”)); // push_back 133 } 8 input a.txt 1 Line first 2 Line second 3 Line 20 4 Line 2 5 Line 4 6 Line 5 7 Line 6 8 Line 7 9 Line 8 10 Line 9 11 Line 10 12 Line 11 13 Line 12 14 Line 13 15 Line 14 16 Line 15 17 Line 16 18 Line 17 19 Line 18 20 Line 19 21 Line 1 22 Line last input b.txt 1 Welcome to C++ 2 Line 1 3 Line 2 4 Line 3 5 Line 4 6 Line 5 7 Line 6 8 Line 7 9 Line 8 10 Line 9 11 Line 10 12 Line 11 13 Line 12 14 Line 13 15 Line 14 16 Line 15 17 Line 16 18 Line 17 19 Line 18 20 Line 19 21 Line 20 22 Have fun ! Output 1 list_a loaded 2 ( 1) Line first 3 ( 2) Line second 4 ( 3) Line 20 5 ( 4) Line 2 6 ( 5) Line 4 7 ( 6) Line 5 8 ( 7) Line 6 9 ( 8) Line 7 10 ( 9) Line 8 11 (10) Line 9 12 (11) Line 10 13 (12) Line 11 14 (13) Line 12 15 (14) Line 13 16 (15) Line 14 17 (16) Line 15 18 (17) Line 16 19 (18) Line 17 20 (19) Line 18 21 (20) Line 19 22 (21) Line 1 23 (22) Line last 24 25 list_a rearranged 26 ( 1) Welcome to C++ 27 ( 2) Line 1 28 ( 3) Line 2 29 ( 4) Line 3 30 ( 5) Line 4 31 ( 6) Line 5 32 ( 7) Line 6 33 ( 8) Line 7 34 ( 9) Line 8 35 (10) Line 9 36 (11) Line 10 37 (12) Line 11 38 (13) Line 12 39 (14) Line 13 40 (15) Line 14 41 (16) Line 15 42 (17) Line 16 43 (18) Line 17 44 (19) Line 18 45 (20) Line 19 46 (21) Line 20 47 (22) Have fun! 48 Done ! Note that you would not print the line numbers listed in color blue outside the left edges of the display boxes above, but we use them here for reference. 9 9 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Functionality Testing correctness of execution of your program, Proper implementation of all specified requirements, Efficiency 60% OOP style Encapsulating only the necessary data inside your objects, Information hiding, Proper use of C++ constructs and facilities 10% Documentation Description of purpose of program, Javadoc comment style for all methods and fields, comments on non-trivial pieces of code in submitted programs 10% Presentation Format, clarity, completeness of output, user friendly interface 10% Code readability Meaningful identifiers, indentation, spacing, localizing variables 10%