COMP 5421/1 BB Assignment 5 solution


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• Practice using the Standard Library containers, iterators, and algorithms.

1. Recall that a palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same when read forward or backward, such as “Was it a car or a cat I saw?”. The reading process ignores spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. Write a function named isPalindrome that receives a string as parameter and determines whether the received string is a palindrome.

Your implementation may not use • any loops explicitly; that is, no for, while or do/while loops • more than one local string object • raw arrays, STL container classes Use the following function to test your isPalindrome function: void test_is_palindrome () { std :: string str_i = std :: string (“Was it a car or a cat I saw?”); std :: string str_u = std :: string (“Was it a car or a cat U saw?”); cout << ” the phrase \”” + str_i + “\” is ” + ( is_palindrome ( str_i ) ? “” : “not “) + “a palindrome \n”; cout << ” the phrase \”” + str_u + “\” is ” + ( is_palindrome ( str_u ) ? “” : “not “) + “a palindrome \n”; } A Suggestion: bool is_palindrome ( const std :: string & phrase ) { string temp ;

1. use std::remove copy if to move only alphabet characters from phrase to temp; note that temp is empty; hence the need for an inserter iterator

2. use std::transform to convert all characters in temp to uppercase (or lowercase) (see page 22, Smart Pointers + Move Semantics, Moodle)

3. use std::equal to compare the first half of temp with its second half, moving forward in the first half (starting at temp.begin()) and moving backward in the second half (starting at temp.rbegin())

4. return the outcome of step 3 } 1

2. Write a function template named second_max to find the second largest element in a container within a given range [start, finish), where start and finish are iterators that provide properties of forward iterators.

Your function template should be prototyped as follows, and may not use STL algorithms or containers. template // template header std :: pair < Iterator ,bool > // function template return type second_max ( Iterator start , Iterator finish ) // function signature { // your code } Clearly, in the case where the iterator range [start, finish) contains at least two distinct objects, second_max should return an iterator to the second largest object.

However, what should second_max return if the iterator range [start, finish) is empty or contains objects which are all equal to one another? How should it convey all that information back to the caller? Mimicking std::set’s insert member function, your second_max function should return a std::pair<Iterator,bool> defined as follows: condition value to return R is empty std::make_pair (finish,false) R contains all equal elements std::make_pair (start,false) R contains at least two distinct elements std::make_pair (iter,true) R is the range [start, finish), iter is an Iterator referring to the 2nd largest element in the range.

Use the following function to test your second_max function: 2 void test_second_max (std :: vector vec ) { // note : auto in the following statement is deduced as // std :: pair :: iterator , bool > auto retval = second_max (vec . begin (), vec .end ()); if ( retval . second ) { cout << “The second largest element in vec is ” << * retval . first << endl ; } else { if ( retval . first == vec .end ()) cout << ” List empty , no elements \n”; else cout << ” Container ’s elements are all equal to ” << * retval . first << endl ; } } 3

3. Consider the count_if algorithm in the header: function template std::count_if template typename iterator_traits < InputIterator >:: difference_type count_if ( InputIterator first , InputIterator last , UnaryPredicate pred ); Returns the number of elements in the range [first,last) for which pred is true.

Write a function named countStrings that takes two parameters: a vector (by reference), and an integer n. Your function must return the number of strings in the vector whose length is equal to n. Your functions must use the count_if algorithm. For example, suppose std :: vector vec { “C”, “BB”, “A”, “CC”, “A”, “B”, “BB”, “A”, “D”, “CC”, “DDD”, “AAA” }; Then, for example, the call countStrings(vec, 1) should return 6, the call countStrings(vec, 3) should return 2, etc.

You should write three versions of countStrings, implementing the callable argument to count_if as follows: A. A lambda expression named countStringLambda B. A free function named countStringFreeFun C. A functor (function object) named countStringFunctor Recall that an object or expression is callable if the call operator can be applied to it.

4 4. The STL algorithm for each accepts as parameters a range of iterators and a unary callable, then calls the callable on each argument. Write a function charFrequency() that reads a string of any number of characters from the keyboard, storing and counting the frequencies of each input character (except whitespace).

Your code must use a map<char, int> container to store the characters (keys) and their frequency counts (values) as pair<char, int> objects. Do not use any loops; instead, use the for_each algorithm to extract characters from the input stream and reflect the characters and their frequency counts into the map.

Hint: although the task at hand here might seem very involved, reading input characters and counting their frequencies can be implemented using just one statement! Simply, implement the callable parameter of the for_each algorithm as a lambda expression, capturing your map object into your lambda by reference.

Here is the output from a sample run: Enter one or more lines of text . To end input press Ctrl -Z in Windows and Ctrl -D in Linux line one line two line three and no more lines after this last line . ^Z . 1 a 3 d 1 e 10 f 1 h 2 i 6 l 6 m 1 n 8 o 4 r 3 s 3 t 5 w 1 5

5. Consider the following function that uses a multiset defined using std::multiset’s default compare function: 1 void multisetUsingDefaultComparator () 2 { 3 std :: multiset strSet ; // an empty set 4 5 // a set that uses the default std :: less to sort the set elements 6 std :: vector vec {“C”, “BB”, “A”, “CC”, “A”, “B”, 7 “BB”, “A”, “D”, “CC”, “DDD”, “AAA” }; 8 9 // copy the vector elements to our set .

10 // We must use a general ( not front or back ) inserter 11 // ( set does not have push_front or push_back members , 12 // so we can ’t use front or back inserter ) 13 std :: copy (vec. begin (), vec.end(), // source container range 14 std :: inserter (strSet , strSet . begin ())); // general inserter 15 16 // create an ostream_iterator for writing to cout , 17 // using a space ” ” as a separator 18 std :: ostream_iterator out(cout , ” “); 19 20 // output the set elements to cout separating them with a space 21 std :: copy ( strSet . begin (), strSet .end(), out); 22 }

The function produces the following output: A A A AAA B BB BB C CC CC D DDD Modify the construction of the strSet set at line 3 so that the resulting function, named multisetUsingMyComparator(), outputs: A A A B C D BB BB CC CC AAA DDD The effect is that the string elements in strSet are now ordered into groups of strings of increasing lengths 1, 2, 3, …, with the strings in each group sorted lexicographically.

6 Test Driver Code int main () { // problem 1: test_is_palindrome (); cout << “\n”; // problem 2: std :: vector v1{ 1 }; // one element test_second_max (v1); std :: vector v2{ 1, 1 }; // all elements equal test_second_max (v2); std :: vector v3{ 1, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7}; // at least with two distict elements test_second_max (v3); cout << “\n”; // problem 3: std :: vector vecstr { ” count_if “, ” Returns “, “the”, ” number “, “of”, ” elements “, “in”, “the”, ” range “, “[ first “, ” last )”, “for”, ” which “, ” pred “, “is”, ” true .” };

cout << countStringLambda (vecstr , 5) << endl ; cout << countStringFreeFun (vecstr , 5) << endl ; cout << countStringFunctor (vecstr , 5) << endl ; cout << “\n”; // problem 4: charFrequency (); cout << “\n”; // problem 5: multisetUsingMyComparator (); cout << “\n”; return 0; } 7 1


Implementation files: Only one file named A5_all.cpp that includes is_palindrome, test_is_palindrome, second_max, test_second_max, countStringLambda, countStringFreeFun, countStringFunctor, charFrequency, multisetUsingMyComparator, as well as all the supporting functions, functors, and lambdas. README.txt A text file, as described in the course outline.

2 Marking scheme 80% Program correctness: 16% per problem 5% Format, clarity, completeness of output 10% Javadoc style documentation before introduction of every class and function, Concise documentation of nontrivial steps in code, choice of variable names, indentation and readability of program