CMPT 470 Final solved


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1. Part 1: Introduction to TXL (this part will be asked by different types of question including writing TXL programs)
a. What is TXL good for? Describe with examples.
b. Couple small questions more on TXL. Highlighted parts of the TXL manual.
i. Grammars
ii. Rules
c. Write TXL grammar for a given code. In lectures.
i. Asked to redefine the grammar for parsing a new but related input.
ii. Calculator program
d. Writing a couple of small TXL programs that also exercise the TXL rules such as the
i. calculator program
ii. or the number summation problem
e. Grammar for the command language
i. If else
ii. Case
iii. Switch /case
iv. Transformation
1. Transfer one to another
v. Few missing lines in the replacement part of one of the major rules
f. Need to read
i. Introductory
ii. TXL manual
iii. TXL cookbook
iv. Example
2. Vaclav Software Engineering Books
a. Must know
i. Why do we care about change? Know the basic of software change including the software change process model
ii. Concept location, need to know this detail including the rows of concept tringle
iii. Given a change request and then will ask you to find out the significant concept out of it, justify
iv. Know the different methods of conception location, including their importance and roles, strengths and weaknesses
v. Decency graph and then ask to find the significant concept by suitable conception by suitable concept location methodology
vi. Ask about impact analysis. Test knowledge of different impact analysis method in lecture, strengths and weakness.
vii. Example scenarios and then will say apply method x for impact analysis or concept location
1. E.g. test knowledge on those methods for a particular example scenario
viii. Provide some code sell example, ask to identify possible refactoring candidates.
ix. Understand the situations of different code smell
x. Lots of small question form software change
b. Need to read
i. Software change
1. Intro
2. Concept location
3. Impact analysis
4. Actualization
5. Refactoring
6. Verification
7. Conclusion
ii. Change-based processes
1. Change-based software process Models
2. Software Engineering Life Span Models
3. Intro SE
4. Case Studies on Software change
5. Case Studies on software process
3. Other advanced topics related S E
a. Liskov Substitute principle
i. Know what it is
ii. What are issues
iii. Someone can violate this
iv. how to solve the issue
b. Open-close principle
i. Object-Oriented design principle
ii. Know the details
c. Other
i. Actor Model
ii. Architectural Styles
iii. Big Data Analytics and Frameworks
iv. Block Chaim
v. Cloud Computing
vi. Deep learning
vii. Machine Learning
viii. Design patterns and Anti-Patterns
ix. SOLID principles
x. Webapp development