CMIS 141 Week 3 Homework 2 solution


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Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on
labs, discussions, and assignments to date.
Write a Java program to simulate a pick 3, 4 or 5 lottery drawing. A lottery game of this type will draw
values between 0 and 9. You should use the Math.Random() or the java.util.Random() class to generate
the values in the lottery drawing. The program should prompt the user for which lottery game they want
to play (pick 3 or pick 4 or pick 5). The program should also ask how many times they want to play the
game. The output should show the numbers picked for each game and it should sum each individual
number selected into a total of all numbers. For example, if a user of the program made a selection to
randomly draw 2 three digit numbers (as in the example shown below) the sum would be 3 + 5 + 0 + 1 +
0 + 0 = 9. Here is an example of what a run of your code should produce.
Do you wish to make lottery game selections? Y or y for yes, N or n for no
Input from keyboard – Y
Which lottery game do you want to play (Enter 3 for pick-3, 4 for pick-4, 5 for pick-5)
Input from keyboard – 3
How many games would you like to play?
Input from keyboard – 2
Thank you! The numbers randomly generated were:
The sum of each individually selected number is 9
Be sure to use at least two classes and at least one constructor method in your answer. Also present
runs for all three types of games. Be sure to have loop logic that allows the user to choose to stop