Write a program that can calculate the number of slices a pizza of any size can be divided into. The program should do the following
– Prompt the user for a diameter of the pizza
– Calculate the number that may be taken assuming each slice has an area of 14.8 square inches
– Display a message indicating the number of slices
– Test your program with a pizza size of 16 inches
– Use file names pizza.cpp and pizza.jpg (or other screen capture extensions)
Note area is calculated using PI (constant 3.14) times radius squared
PartB: Modify the program in parta to indicate the number of pizzas you would need to buy so that each person would have 4 pieces.
– Prompt for pizza diameter
– Prompt for number of people at the party
– Display how many pizzas would be needed.
– Test your program with a party size of 30 people and 16 inch pizzas.
– Use file names pizzaPartyCalc.cpp and pizzaPartyCalc.jpg (or other screen capture extensions)
PartC: Calculate party cost. Modify the program in part B to calculate the cost for the pizza party. Test your program assuming the cost for a 16 inch pizza is $22. Use the other test settings in partb
– Use file names partyCost.cpp and partyCost.jpg