SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2 solution


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Overview In this project, you will create a graphical simulation of a world and its inhabitants, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution to Project 1 one week after the release (allowing for late submissions). You may use all or part of it—however, any files containing code taken from the solution must clearly indicate this at the top of the file. This is an individual project. You may discuss it with other students, but all of the implementation must be your own work. You may use any platform and tools you wish to develop the project, but we officially support IntelliJ IDEA for Java development. There are two tasks in this project, with different submission dates. The first task, Project 2A, asks you to produce a class design demonstrating how you intend to implement the classes for your simulation. This should be in the form of a UML diagram showing the classes you plan to implement, their attributes, their public methods, and the relationships (e.g. inheritance and associations) between them. You do not need to show constructors, getters/setters, dependency, composition, or aggregation relationships. You must submit your diagram as a PDF file. You will be marked on your delegation of tasks between classes, your use of object-oriented principles such as inheritance and encapsulation, use of Java conventions, and other design aspects. Remember, associations should be used instead of attributes. There will be a Canvas submission link closer to the due date. The second task, Project 2B, asks you to complete your implementation of the simulation described in the rest of this specification. You do not need to strictly adhere to the design you submitted for Project 2A—it is intended as a high-level design based only on reading the specification, and to practice designing using object-oriented principles before you begin programming. You will likely find ways to further improve the design as you implement it. Submission for Project 2B will be via Gitlab. You must make at least 5 commits throughout your project. This will be enforced. 1 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Shadow Life Simulation overview Shadow Life is a graphical simulation of a world inhabited by creatures called gatherers. Their purpose in life is to gather fruit from the trees, and deposit them at stockpiles. Once they have gathered all the fruit from their trees, they rest in front of fences. Making their life difficult is the thief who aims to steal fruit from the stockpiles and place it in their hoards. The thief and gatherers follow rigid rules, and once they all reach their final goals (the fence), the simulation halts. They are quite industrious workers—with enough time, they could calculate anything that any computer can! The behaviour of the simulation is entirely determined by the world file loaded when the Shadow Life program starts: each gatherer, thief, and other element begins at a specified location and follows a set of rules to determine their behaviour. Once all gatherers and thieves have reached a fence, the simulation halts, and the amount of fruit at each stockpile and hoard is tallied up. The simulation proceeds in ticks, with the tick rate (time between ticks) determined by a commandline parameter. If more than a maximum number of ticks (also determined by a command-line parameter) pass before halting, the simulation times out. Otherwise, the number of elapsed ticks, together with the amounts of fruit at each location, is printed to form the result of the world file. Figure 1 shows a screenshot of a simulation in progress. Figure 1: A simulation in progres. 2 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Command-line arguments Your simulation must take three command-line arguments: the tick rate (in milliseconds), the maximum number of ticks, and the world file. Here are some example argument lists for the program: 500 100 res/worlds/harvest.csv 100 1000 res/worlds/sum.csv • If more or fewer than 3 arguments are provided, the simulation should print (to the terminal) the line usage: ShadowLife and exit with return code -1 (for example, using System.exit()). It’s OK if the Bagel version line Bagel v1.9.3 (August 13th, 2020) appears as well. • If the first and/or second arguments are not valid non-negative integers (zero is allowed), the simulation should print the usage line and exit as above. Update: there is a bug in MacOS preventing command-line arguments from working. Instead, you may read the command-line arguments from a file called args.txt. Code that can do this is below. private static String[] argsFromFile() { try { return Files.readString(Path.of(“args.txt”), Charset.defaultCharset()) .split(” “); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } Ticks The simulation proceeds in discrete ticks. Each tick, an actor can perform an action such as moving and/or changing direction. The tick rate is determined by a command-line argument as above; you should ensure at least this many milliseconds pass between ticks. If more than the maximum number of ticks pass (including the first one) during a simulation, the simulation should print the line Timed out and exit with return code -1. Simulation Elements Below is an outline of the different simulation elements you will need to implement. 3 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 The background As for Project 1, you will need to show the background below all other elements. Actors An actor is an object with an associated image that is located at a particular tile, and may perform an action every tick. • Trees: a tree is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/tree.png. It begins with 3 fruit. The current number of fruit at each tree should be drawn at the top-left of its image. (We have provided a font, res/VeraMono.ttf, for you to use if you desire.) • Golden Trees: a golden tree is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/gold-tree.png. It has an infinite reserve of fruit, and no number should be drawn. • Stockpiles: a stockpile is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/cherries.png. It begins with 0 fruit. The current number of fruit at each stockpile should be drawn at the top-left of its image. • Hoards: a hoard is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/hoard.png. It begins with 0 fruit. The current number of fruit at each hoard should be drawn at the top-left of its image. • Pads: a pad is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/pad.png. • Fences: a fence is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/fence.png. • Signs: a sign is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. It serves to redirect gatherers and thieves. There are four types of signs, with images located at – res/images/left.png – res/images/right.png – res/images/up.png – res/images/down.png • Mitosis Pools: a mitosis pool is stationary and takes no action upon a tick. Its image is located at res/images/pool.png. • Gatherers: a gatherer contains state, and is initialised according to Algorithm 1. Each tick, it should follow the procedure of Algorithm 2. Update: the order of the move and other actions has changed. Its image is located at res/images/gatherer.png. • Thieves: a thief contains state, and is initialised according to Algorithm 3. Each tick, it should follow the procedure of Algorithm 4. Update: the order of the move and other actions has changed. Its image is located at res/images/thief.png. 4 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Algorithm 1 Gatherer initialisation 1: Set direction = LEFT. 2: Set carrying = false. 3: Set active = true. Algorithm 2 Gatherer tick 1: if active == true then 2: Move 64 pixels (1 tile) in its direction. 3: if the gatherer is standing on a fence then 4: Set active = false. 5: Move to the position the gatherer was at in the previous tick. 6: if the gatherer is standing on a mitosis pool then 7: Create one gatherer at its position with its direction rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. 8: Create one gatherer at its position with its direction rotated 90 degrees clockwise. 9: Move each of the created gatherers 64 pixels (1 tile) in their directions. (They should do nothing else this tick.) 10: Destroy this gatherer. (It should do nothing else this tick.) 11: if the gatherer is standing on a sign then 12: Set direction to match the sign. 13: if the gatherer is standing on a tree and carrying == false then 14: if the tree has at least 1 fruit then 15: Decrease the tree’s fruit by 1. 16: Set carrying = true. 17: Rotate direction by 180 degrees. 18: if the gatherer is standing on a hoard or a stockpile then 19: if carrying == true then 20: Set carrying = false. 21: Increase the hoard/stockpile’s fruit by 1. 22: Rotate direction by 180 degrees. Algorithm 3 Thief initialisation 1: Set direction = UP. 2: Set carrying = false. 3: Set consuming = false. 4: Set active = true. 5 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Algorithm 4 Thief tick 1: if active == true then 2: Move 64 pixels (1 tile) in its direction. 3: if the thief is standing on a fence then 4: Set active = false. 5: Move to the position the thief was at in the previous tick. 6: if the thief is standing on a mitosis pool then 7: Create one thief at its position with its direction rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. 8: Create one thief at its position with its direction rotated 90 degrees clockwise. 9: Move each of the created thieves 64 pixels (1 tile) in their directions. (They should do nothing else this tick.) 10: Destroy this thief. (It should do nothing else this tick.) 11: if the thief is standing on a sign then 12: Set direction to match the sign. 13: if the thief is standing on a pad then 14: Set consuming = true. 15: if the thief is standing on a gatherer (after the gatherer’s tick has been performed) then 16: Rotate direction by 270 degrees clockwise. 17: if the thief is standing on a tree and carrying == false then 18: if the tree has at least 1 fruit then 19: Decrease the tree’s fruit by 1. 20: Set carrying = true. 21: if the thief is standing on a hoard then 22: if consuming == true then 23: Set consuming = false. 24: if carrying == false then 25: if the hoard has at least 1 fruit then 26: Set carrying = true. 27: Decrease the hoard’s fruit by 1. 28: else 29: Rotate direction by 90 degrees clockwise. 30: else if carrying == true then 31: Set carrying = false. 32: Increase the hoard’s fruit by 1. 33: Rotate direction by 90 degrees clockwise. 34: if the thief is standing on a stockpile then 35: if carrying == false then 36: if the stockpile has at least 1 fruit then 37: Set carrying = true. 38: Set consuming = false. 39: Decrease the stockpile’s fruit by 1. 40: Rotate direction by 90 degrees clockwise. 41: else 42: Rotate direction by 90 degrees clockwise. 6 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 World files The world file follows the same structure as in Project 1. Below is an example: Tree,384,384 Stockpile,768,384 Gatherer,512,384 Fence,256,384 • If the provided file does not exist or you fail to open it, the simulation should print the line error: file “” not found (with the provided file in the quotes) and exit with return code -1. • If the file exists, but one of its line is invalid (e.g. does not contain two commas, the type in the first part is not recognised, or the second two parts are not valid integers), the program should print the line error: in file “” at line with the appropriate file name and line number, and exit with return code -1. (You only need to print the message for the first invalid line seen.) The simulation halts once all gatherers and thieves have set active to false. When the simulation halts, you should print the total number of ticks that have elapsed. You should then print the amount of fruit at each stockpile and hoard, in the order they appear in the world file. The program should then exit with return code 0. For example, for the below world file: Tree,384,384 Stockpile,768,384 Gatherer,512,384 Fence,256,384 the correct output is: Bagel v1.9.3 (August 13th, 2020) 40 ticks 3 (IntelliJ will also display more information such as /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-14.0.1/bin/java and Process finished with exit code 0 . This information is not part of your program’s output— you can ignore it.) We have provided you with several sample world files. Your simulation will be tested on each of these, as well as several secret tests. Sample output for the provided world files is in the appendix of this specification. 7 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Your Code You are required to submit the following: • a class named ShadowLife that contains a main method to run the simulation described above • at least one other class (the purpose of which is up to you) You may choose to create as many additional classes as you see fit, keeping in mind the principles of object oriented design discussed so far in the subject. You will be assessed based on your code running correctly, as well as the effective use of Java concepts. As always in software engineering, appropriate comments and variables/method/class names are important. Implementation Checklist To help you get started, here is a checklist of the required functionality, with a suggested order of implementation (assuming you begin with your solution to Project 1): • Implement command-line arguments • Load all of the actor types (they can be stationary for now) • Implement gatherer functionality for trees, stockpiles, and fences • Implement the sign and hoard functionality for gatherers • Implement basic thief functionality for signs, stockpiles, fences, and hoards (without worrying about consuming) • Implement the pad functionality • Implement the rest of the thief functionality • Implement the mitosis pool functionality Supplied Package You will be given a package res.zip, which contains all of the graphics and other files you need to build the simulation. Here is a brief summary of its contents: • res/ – The resources for the simulation. – images/: – The image files for the simulation. – worlds/: – The worlds for the simulation. ∗ harvest.csv – a simple test with no thieves ∗ sum.csv – a slightly more difficult test with a thief ∗ product.csv – a challenging test with a thief 8 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 Customisation Optional: we want to encourage creativity with this project. We have tried to outline every aspect of the simulation design here, but if you wish, you may customise any part of the simulation, including the graphics, types of actors, variety of worlds, etc. You can also add entirely new features. However, to be eligible for full marks, you must implement all of the features in the above implementation checklist. For those of you with far too much time on your hands, we will hold a competition for the best simulation extension or modification, judged by the lecturer and tutors. The winning three will be demonstrated at the final lecture, and there will be a prize for our favourite. Past modifications have included drastically increasing the scope of the simulation, implementing jokes and creative , adding polish to the game, and even introducing networked interaction. If you would like to enter the competition, please email the head tutor, Eleanor McMurtry, at eleanor.mcmurtry@unimelb.edu.au with your username and a short description of the modifications you came up with. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done! For your customisation, you may use additional libraries (other than Bagel and the Java standard library). However, the version you submit via your repository must not use additional libraries. If you would like to use extra libraries for customisation, please commit these to a different repository and let Eleanor know. Submission and marking Technical requirements • The program must be written in the Java programming language. • Comments and class names must be in English only. • The program must not depend upon any libraries other than the Java standard library and the Bagel library (as well as Bagel’s dependencies). • The program must compile fully without errors. • For full marks, every public class, method, and attribute must have a descriptive Javadoc comment (covered later in the semester). Submission will take place through GitLab. You are to submit to your -project-2 repository. An example repository has been set up here1 showing an ideal repository structure. At the bare minimum you are expected to follow the following structure. You can create more files and directories in your repository. 1 https://gitlab.eng.unimelb.edu.au/emcmurtry/emcmurtry-project-2 9 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 username -project-2 res resources used for project src ShadowLife.java other Java files, including at least one other class On 23/10/2020 at 21:00 AEST, your latest commit will automatically be harvested from GitLab. Commits You are free to push to your repository post-deadline, but only the latest commit on or before 23/10/2020 at 20:59 AEST will be marked. You must make at least 5 commits throughout the development of the project, and they must have meaningful messages (commit messages must match the code in the commit). If commits are anomalous (e.g. commit message does not match the code, commits with a large amount of code within two commits which are not far apart in time) you risk penalization. Examples of good, meaningful commit messages: • display background and tree graphics • implemented gatherer movement logic • refactored code for cleaner design Examples of bad, unhelpful commit messages: • fesjakhbdjl • i’m hungry • fixed thingzZZZ Good Coding Style Good coding style is a contentious issue; however, we will be marking your code based on the following criteria: • You should not go back and comment your code after the fact. You should be commenting as you go. (Yes, we can tell.) • You should be taking care to ensure proper use of visibility modifiers. Unless you have a very good reason for it, all instance variables should be private. • Any constant should be defined as a static final variable with a name that describes its purpose. Don’t use magic numbers! – A string value that is used once and is self-descriptive (e.g. a file path) does not need to be defined as a constant. 10 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 • Think about whether your code is written to be easily extensible via appropriate use of classes. • Make sure each class makes sense as a cohesive whole. A class should have a single well-defined purpose, and should contain all the data it needs to fulfil this purpose. Extensions and late submissions If you need an extension for the project, please email Eleanor at eleanor.mcmurtry@unimelb.edu.au explaining your situation with some supporting documentation (medical certificate, academic adjustment plan, wedding invitation). If an extension has been granted, you may submit via Gitlab as usual; please do however email Eleanor once you have submitted your project. The project is due at 20:59 AEST sharp. Any submissions received past this time (from 21:00 AEST onwards) will be considered late unless an extension has been granted. There will be no exceptions. There is a penalty of 1 mark for a late project, plus an additional 1 mark per 24 hours. If you submit late, you must email Eleanor so that we can ensure your late submission is marked correctly. Marks Project 2 is worth 22 marks out of the total 100 for the subject. You are not required to use any particular features of Java. For example, you may decide not to use any interfaces or generic classes. You will be marked based on the effective and appropriate use of the various object-oriented principles and tools you have learnt throughout the subject. • Project 2A is worth 6 marks. – Notation (includes Java conventions): ∗ Correct UML notation for methods: 1 mark ∗ Correct UML notation for attributes: 1 mark ∗ Correct UML notation for associations: 1 mark – Design: ∗ Good breakdown into classes: 1 mark ∗ Good delegation and use of associations: 1 mark ∗ Appropriate use of inheritance and/or interfaces: 1 mark • Project 2B is worth 16 marks. – Features implemented correctly: 8 marks (based on automated test cases, including the ones we have provided and some hidden cases) – Use of object-oriented principles: 6 marks This includes but is not limited to: ∗ Delegation: breaking the code down into appropriate classes 11 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 ∗ Use of methods: avoiding repeated code and overly complex methods ∗ Cohesion: classes are complete units that contain all their data ∗ Coupling: interactions between classes are not overly complex ∗ Encapsulation: classes abstract their implementation details away from their users – General code style: visibility modifiers, magic numbers, commenting etc.: 1 mark – Use of Javadoc documentation: 1 mark 12 SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2020 A Sample outputs For harvest.csv: Bagel v1.9.3 (August 13th, 2020) 40 ticks 3 For sum.csv: Bagel v1.9.3 (August 13th, 2020) 202 ticks 0 0 9 For product.csv: Bagel v1.9.3 (August 13th, 2020) 758 ticks 0 3 6 0 18 13