1 Overview
Fig. 1: Sudoku being
played with a
Swing application.
Sudoku is a popular puzzle game in which the player
is presented with a nine by nine grid of numbers, partially
populated. Each square can be filled with a
number one through nine, and the puzzle is considered
solved when the puzzle is completely filled out
and the following rules are unbroken. Each row must
have each digit exactly once. Each column must have
each digit exactly once. Each of the nine, three by
three sub-squares must have each digit exactly once.
The example screen shot is invalid because of the 7
value in the bottom right. is repeat both in its row,
and its three by three sub square. We will be building
an object representing a Sudoku puzzle, capable
of accepting values and determining if the puzzle is in
a valid state, or completely solved.
2 Learning Outcomes
By the end of this project students should be
able to:
• Use iteration to solve computational problems;
• Use conditional statements;
• Write a class to a per-defined public contract;
• Instantiate arrays and/or lists;
• work effectively with a partner using pairprogramming;
• write an effective report that describes the students’
problem solving process.
3 Pre-Lab Instructions 2
3 Pre-Lab Instructions
Do this part before you come to lab:
This project will require you to use conditional statements, iteration and
• Read Big Java chapters 4 5 and 6
• Write psudocode that would create an array 16 items long and populate
it with numbers 10 through 25 in order.
• Write psudocode for a function that would verify that a 16 item long array
contained the numbers 10 through 25 in order.
4 Lab Instructions
Do this part in lab:
Step 1
In this lab we will create a class following the following class specification:
Sudoku( )
Sudoku(starting_configuration : String)
getSquare(row : int, col : int) : char
setSquare(row : int, col : int, value : char) : void
isValid( ) : boolean
isSolved( ) : boolean
Tab. 1: UML Class Diagram
Start by implementing class with stubs for each of the methods, either doing
nothing or returning a placeholder value. Once you have stubs for all of
the methods, copy the SudokuPlayer.class file provided into the same folder
and running the SudokuPlayer class. If your Sudoku object worked it should
bring up a window. If it crashes, you are likely not correctly implementing the
contract. Ensure you can open the player before moving on to step 2.
Step 2
Now that we know we have the proper public contract, we will provide the
class’s implementation. First decide what internal state the Sudoku class will
4 Lab Instructions 3
require and record your thought process for the planning stage of your report.
Now, implement each method.
Sudoku( )
For our basic constructor initialize your state to represent an empty Sudoku
Sudoku(starting_configuration : String)
Our second constructor takes a string representing the initial configuration of
the puzzle. This string will contain one character per grid square, each row
ending with a character return. Blank spaces are represented with a space.
Example is below:
String start = “”;
start += ” 26 7 1\n”;
start += “68 7 9 \n”;
start += “19 45 \n”;
start += “82 1 4 \n”;
start += ” 46 29 \n”;
start += ” 5 3 28\n”;
start += ” 93 74\n”;
start += ” 4 5 36\n”;
start += “7 3 18 \n”;
getSquare(row : int, col : int) : char
Should take a row and column number and return the digit in that square.
Blank spaces should be represented with a space.
setSquare(row : int, col : int, value : char) : void
Takes a row, column and digit, and sets the puzzle to store value at the given
isValid( ) : boolean
Returns true if all three Sudoku rules are observed. No duplicate numbers in
each row, in each column, or in each sub-square. This method and methods
it calls are REQUIRED to be shorter than 25 lines of code each. Break
the problem down into multiple private methods to make this possible while still
writing clear code.
5 Lab Report 4
isSolved( ) : boolean
Returns true if the puzzle has no more blank spaces and is still valid.
Once you have completed these tasks, you should be able to run your code with
the SudokuPlayer and play a complete game of Sudoku, in which the player accurately
tells you when you have violated any Sudoku rules, and congratulates
you when you win.
5 Lab Report
Each pair of students will write a single lab report together and each
student will turn in that same lab report on BBLearn. Submissions
from each student on a pair should be identical.
Your lab report should begin with a preamble that contains:
• The lab assignment number and name
• Your name(s)
• The date
• The lab section
It should then be followed by four numbered sections:
1. Problem Statement
In this section you should describe the problem in your own words. The problem
statement should answer questions like:
• What are the important features of the problem?
• What are the problem requirements?
This section should also include a reasonably complete list of requirements in
the assignment. Following your description of the problem, include a bulleted
list of specific features to implement. If there are any specific funtions, classes or
numeric requirements given to you, they should be represented in this bulleted
2. Planning
In the second section you should describe what planning you did in order to solve
the problem. You should include planning artifacts like sketches, diagrams, or
pseudocode you may have used. You should also describe your planning process.
List the specific data structures or techniques you plan on using, and why.
5 Lab Report 5
3. Implementation and Testing
In the third section you should describe how you implemented your plan. As
directed by the lab instructor you should (as appropriate) include:
• a copy of your source code (Submitted in BBLearn as a .java files)
• a screen shot of your running application / solution
• results from testing
4. Reflection
In the last section you should reflect on the project. Consider different things
you could have done to make your solution better. This might include code
organization improvements, design improvements, etc.
You should also ask yourself what were the key insights or features of your
solution? Were there alternative approaches or techniques you could have employed?
How would these alternatives have impacted a different solution?
5. Partner Rating
Every assignment you are required to rate your partner with a score -1, 0 or +1.
This should be submitted in the comment section of the BBLearn submission,
and not in the report document. If you don’t want to give your partner a
negative rating making sure not to use a dash before listing the number! You do
not have to tell your partner the rating you assign them. A rating of 1 indicates
that your partner was particularly helpful or contributed exceptional effort. A
rating of 0 indcates that your partner met the class expectations of them. Rating
your partner at -1 means that they refused contribute to the project, failed to
put in a resonable effort or actively blocked you from participating. If a student
recieves three ratings of -1 they must attend a mandatory meeting with the
instructor to dicuss the situation, and recieving additional -1 ratings beyond
that, the student risks losing a letter grade, or even failing the course.