SOLVED:COMP.4270/5460 Programming Assignment 4 WebGL


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Use the WebGL sample code to implement the following:
• change the cube to a house—coordinates given below
• 0, 0,30
16, 0,30
0, 0,54
16, 0,54
• change the colors for each surface of the house
• Add following options:
◦ ability to define a line—3d coordinates via text box will be acceptable; accept (x1, y1, z1)
and (x2, y2, z2); use parametric equation for a line to sample (x, y, z) points along the line
◦ add a button to animate such that the camera moves along this defined line and projects the
view of the house appropriately; use appropriate delay (eg. 1 sec) as the projection is drawn
at each point
ortho2.html and ortho2.js (from Chapter 5) of the code supplied by the book may be used as sample
• Source files
• Sample Input/output
• 1 page report : Write about issues faced, lessons learned, any remaining bugs etc.
Extra Credit
• additional paths such as circle, curve etc to move the camera
• choice of projection types
• any other functionality …. – please document in report and code.
Deadline and Late Submissions
• The assignment is due on the date specified above at 11:59:59 PM
• Each day late will incur a penalty of 5% of the grade for the assignment; for example, if the
assignment is 3 days late, the maximum grade will be 85 out of 100—15 will be subtracted
from whatever grade is assigned.