SENG1120 Assignment 1 eToll operator solution


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Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .ZIP solution file upon Payment


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You are required to build the infrastructure to manipulate data related to an eToll operator in Sydney,
NSW. Your client further specifies that you are to create a class named LinkedList to store
information about each vehicle that uses its motorway. The LinkedList will store the vehicle’s licence
number, its type, and the toll charged, in a Node of the list, using the provided class EToll.
You are required to use a Doubly-Linked List, as discussed in lectures, to create your own
implementation of the LinkedList class. It will use instances of Node to store instances of
value_type (in this assignment, each Node will be used to store an instance of EToll).
The LinkedList class will be used by a main program, to be supplied to you, as well as a makefile.
You will need to design LinkedList and Node in a way that it communicates seamlessly with the
main program and the class EToll provided, and compiles with the makefile also supplied. Please
refer to the lecture slides and recordings for guidance on how to implement both classes.
For SENG1120 students who want to be challenged more, there is an extra requirement, worth a
bonus 3.0 marks, however you can still only score a MAXIMUM of 15.0/15.0.:
• (3.0 marks) Implement the member method void order() inside LinkedList. That
method will order the vehicles according to their licence number. You are NOT ALLOWED to
manipulate the contents of the Node’s value_type variable. You can only manipulate the
pointers of the nodes to move them around until the list is ordered. In addition, you are NOT
ALLOWED to instantiate new nodes in the implementation of the method void order().
Make sure your code works with the files supplied, and DO NOT change them (except for the
uncommenting of the Bonus Question, if you want to try it). For marking, we will add the main file and
the EToll class to the project and compile everything using the makefile, together with your own
files. If it does not compile or run, your mark will be zero (as we are unable to test and validate
your implementation).
Your submission should be made using the Assignments section of the course Blackboard site.
Incorrectly submitted assignments will not be marked. You should provide the .h and .cpp files
related to the LinkedList and Node classes, only, plus an assessment item coversheet. Also, if
necessary, provide a readme.txt file containing instructions or comments for the marker. Each
program file should have a proper header comment section including your name, course and student
number; and your code should be properly documented.
Remember that your code should compile and run correctly using Cygwin. There should be no
segmentation faults or memory leaks during or after the execution of the program.
Compress all your files into a single .zip file, using your student number as the filename. For example, if
your student number is c9876543, you would name your submission:
If you have attempted the Bonus Requirement (or you are a 6120 student), please include a blank text file
in the same folder as your source files, simply called Bonus.txt – this is to make it clear to the marker
that you are attempting this.
Submit by selecting the Assignment 1 link that will be found in the Assessment section on Blackboard.
DO NOT USE RAR or any compression format other than ZIP. Late submissions are subject to the
rules specified in the Course Outline. Finally, a completed Assignment Cover Sheet should accompany
your submission, as well as any Adverse Circumstances documentation, should you have applied for and
been granted Adverse Circumstances before your submission!
This assignment is worth 15 marks of your final result for the course (including bonus marks).
Compiling and running your files together with the demo file provided should output the following result:
CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass1-S2-2021
$ make clean
rm -rf *.o core
CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass1-S2-2021
$ make
g++ -c -Wall -c LinkedListDemo.cpp
g++ -c -Wall -c LinkedList.cpp
g++ -c -Wall -c Node.cpp
g++ -c -Wall -c EToll.cpp
g++ LinkedListDemo.o LinkedList.o Node.o EToll.o -o assignment1
CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass1-S2-2021
$ ./assignment1.exe
Start lists:
Booth 1: (BYC567,Car) (U2KT30,Car) (P23SHW,Light Truck) (BY12PH,Car) (PNG890,Truck) (QWER45,Truck) (ERTC20,Car)
Booth 2: (GFCU49,Car) (IFTN98,Motorcycle) (PNG890,Light Truck) (DTYR33,Truck) (NIO324,Truck) (GFV349,Car)
Daily total: List is empty.
Removing vehicle ‘NIO324’ from Booth 2.
Removing vehicle ‘BYC567’ from Booth 1.
Removing vehicle ‘GFV349’ from Booth 2.
Concatenating the two lists onto list ‘Daily Report’.
Booth 1: (U2KT30,Car) (P23SHW,Light Truck) (BY12PH,Car) (PNG890,Truck) (QWER45,Truck) (ERTC20,Car) (OYTCO7,Car)
Booth 2: (GFCU49,Car) (IFTN98,Motorcycle) (PNG890,Light Truck) (DTYR33,Truck)
Daily report: (U2KT30,Car) (P23SHW,Light Truck) (BY12PH,Car) (PNG890,Truck) (QWER45,Truck) (ERTC20,Car)
(OYTCO7,Car) (GFCU49,Car) (IFTN98,Motorcycle) (PNG890,Light Truck) (DTYR33,Truck)
Detailed report for the day:
Number of vehicles of type ‘Car’: 5
Number of vehicles of type ‘Motorcycle’: 1
Number of vehicles of type ‘Light Truck’: 2
Number of vehicles of type ‘Truck’: 3
Total charged: 87
Removing the contents of both booths from the daily report:
Booth 1: (U2KT30,Car) (P23SHW,Light Truck) (BY12PH,Car) (PNG890,Truck) (QWER45,Truck) (ERTC20,Car) (OYTCO7,Car)
Booth 2: (GFCU49,Car) (IFTN98,Motorcycle) (PNG890,Light Truck) (DTYR33,Truck)
Daily report: List is empty.
The program has finished.
CES236-7DXQJX2+Alex@CES236-7DXQJX2 /home/Ass1-S2-2021
Dan and Alex
v1.0 2021-08-04