project 9 Aces Up solution


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You will develop a program that allows the user to play Aces Up according to the rules given
above. The program will use the instructor-supplied module to model the cards and
deck of cards. To help clarify the specifications, we provide a sample interaction with a program
satisfying the specifications on the project directory (sample_interaction.pdf).
1. The program will recognize the following commands (upper or lower case):
D Deal four cards from the stock to the tableau
F x
T x y
     x !   y
H  !
Q Quit
where x and y denote column numbers, and the columns are numbered from 1 to 4.
The program will repeatedly display the current state of the game and prompt the user to enter a
command until the user wins the game or enters “Q” (or “q”), whichever comes first.
The program will detect, report and recover from invalid commands. None of the data structu
2. The program will use the following function to initialize a game:
init_game()  (stock, tableau, foundation)
That function has no parameters. It creates and initializes the stock, tableau, and foundation, and
then returns them as a tuple, in that order.
3. The program will use the following function to deal cards to the tableau:
deal_to_tableau( stock, tableau ):  None
That function has two parameters: the data structure representing the stock and the data structure
representing the tableau. It will deal a card from the stock to each column of the tableau, unless
the stock has fewer than 4 cards; in which case it will just deal a card to consecutive columns
until the stock is empty.
4. The program will use the following function to display the current state of the game:
display( stock, tableau, foundation )  None
That function has three parameters: the data structure representing the stock, the data structure
representing the tableau, and the data structure representing the foundation. A header line will
be displayed labeling the stock, tableau, and foundation.
Under the “stock” header, a non-empty stock will be displayed as “XX”, and an empty one will
be displayed as whitespace.
Under the “tableau” header, each column of the tableau will be displayed in order: a non-empty
column by the cards in the column, in order, from the first card moved that is still left in the
column (top) to the last card moved that is still left in the column (bottom); and an empty column
will be displayed by whitespace.
Under the “foundation” header, a non-empty foundation will be displayed as the top card in the
foundation (i.e. last card moved to it); and an empty foundation will be displayed as whitespace.
5. The program will use the following function to prompt the user to enter an option and return a
representation of the option designed to facilitate subsequent processing.
get_option() list
That function takes no parameters. It prompts the user for an option and checks that the input
supplied by the user is of the form requested in the menu. If the input is not of the required form,
the function prints an error message.
The function returns a list as follows:
– [], if the input is not of the required form
– [‘D’], for deal
– [‘F’, x], where x is an int, for moving a card to the foundation
– [‘T’, x, y], where x and y are int”, for moving a card within the tableau
– [‘R’], for restart
– [‘H’], for displaying the menu
– [‘Q’], for quit
6. The program will use the following function to determine if a requested move to the
foundation is valid:
validate_move_to_foundation( tableau, from_col )  bool
That function has two parameters: the data structure representing the tableau and an int
indicating the column whose bottom card should be moved. The function will return True, if
the move is valid; and False, otherwise. In the latter case, it will also print an appropriate error
7. The program will use the following function to move a card from the tableau to the
move_to_foundation( tableau, foundation, from_col )  None
That function has three parameters: the data structure representing the tableau, the data structure
representing the foundation, and an int indicating the column whose bottom card should be
moved. If the move is valid, the function will update the tableau and foundation; otherwise, it
will do nothing to them.
8. The program will use the following function to detrmine if a requested move to within the
tableau is valid:
validate_move_within_tableau( tableau, from_col, to_col )  bool
That function has three parameters: the data structure representing the tableau, an int indicating
the column whose bottom card should be moved, and an int indicating the column the card
should be moved to. The function will return True, if the move is valid; and False, otherwise.
In the latter case, it will also print an appropriate error message.
9. The program will use the following function to move a card from the tableau to the
move_within_tableau( tableau, from_col, to_col )  None
That function has three parameters: the data structure representing the tableau, an int indicating
the column whose bottom card should be moved, and an int indicating the column the card
should be moved to. If the move is valid, the function will update the tableau; otherwise, it will
do nothing to it.
10. The program will use the following function to check if the game has been won:
check_for_win( stock, tableau )  bool
That function has two parameters: the data structure representing the stock and the data structure
representing the tableau. If returns True, if the stock is empty and the tableau contains only the
four aces; and False, otherwise.
Assignment Notes
1. Before you begin to write any code, play with the provided demo program and look over the
sample interaction supplied on the project website to be sure you understand the rules of the
game and how you will simulate the demo program. The demo program is at Under the “Solitaire” tab, click on “Select Game…” and “Aces Up”.
 We provide a module called that contains a Card class and a Deck class. Your
program must use this module (import cards). Do not modify this file! This is a generic
module for any card game and happens to be implemented with “aces low” (having a rank of 1).
Your game requires aces to have a rank higher than any other card. Your program must
implement “aces high” without modifying the cards module.
3. Laboratory Exercise #12 demonstrates how to use the cards module. Understanding those
programs should give you a good idea how you can use the module in your game.
4. We have provided a framework named to get you started.
Using this framework is mandatory. Begin by copying or renaming it to
 . Gradually replace the “stub” code (marked with comments) with your own
code. (Delete the stub code.)
 Displaying the tableau in columns is tricky. Start by implementing a very simple display
function: You can easily label and display the stock and foundation on one line, and the tableau
using four lines, with each line displaying the cards in a column. Once you have the game logic
working properly, modify your display function to display the current game state as described
above in the specification for function display. (Displaying the tableau in columns instead of
rows will cost only a small number of points compared to enforcing the rules of the game.)
6. The coding standard for CSE 231 is posted on the course website:
Items 1-9 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project.
7. Your program may not use any global variables inside of functions. That is, all variables used
in a function body must belong to the function’s local name space. The only global references
will be to functions and constants.
8. Your program may not use any nested functions. That is, you may not nest the definition of a
function inside another function definition.
9. Your program must contain the functions listed above; you may develop additional functions,
as appropriate