CMPE 250 Project 5: A* Algorithm CMPE 250 solved


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1 Description
Well… We know that you are already tired of reading descriptions, we are tired of writing as well, so this will be a one sentenced description!
Implement the A* algorithm described in class. The algorithm will find the shortest path from a node to another. In contrast to Dijkstra’s algorithm, A* considers the distance between cities as well as the heuristic values. Below are very useful links that would help you a lot in the project.
Link to the slide Link to the video series
2 Input & Output
Input and output files will have the following format and their name will be specified via terminal as usual. For input: • First line will contain V and E Number of cities and roads respectively. • Next V line will contain straight line distances to the destination (i.e. Value of the heuristic functions) • Next E line will contain three integers that will represent the bidirectional roads. The first two integers will define the vertices and the last one will define the length of the road. • Last line will have two integers that are the ids of the source and the destination. For output just print one integer that is the shortest distance between two cities. (The table 1 is on the last page)
Note that city enumeration is done as follows for the Romania map in videos and slides:
0. Arad
1. Zerind
2. Oradea
3. Sibiu
4. Timisoara
5. Lugoj
6. Mehadia
7. Dobreta
8. Craiova
9. Rimnicu Vicea
10. Pilesti
11. Fagaras
12. Neamt
13. Iasi
14. Vaslui
15. Urziceni
16. Bucharest
17. Giurgiu
18. Hirsova
19. Eforie
Submission Details
You are supposed to use the Git system provided to you for all projects. No other type of submission will be accepted. Also pay attention to the following points:
• Make sure that an executable is created after executing cmake CMakeLists.txt and make commands. Otherwise, you will get no credit. Your code will be tested with the command:
./project5 inputFile outputFile
• All source codes are checked automatically for similarity with other submissions and exercises from previous years. Make sure you write and submit your own code.
• In our case, you are expected to use C++ as powerful, steady and flexible as possible. Use mechanisms that affects these issues positively. • Make sure you document your code with necessary inline comments, and use meaningful variable names. Do not over-comment, or make your variable names unnecessarily long.
Sample Input File Sample Output File 20 23 418 366 374 380 253 329 244 241 242 160 193 10 176 234 226 199 80 0 77 151 161 0 1 75 0 3 140 0 4 118 1 2 71 2 3 151 4 5 111 5 6 70 6 7 75 7 8 120 8 9 146 3 9 80 3 11 99 9 10 97 8 10 138 10 16 101 11 16 211 16 17 90 12 13 87 13 14 92 14 15 142 15 16 85 15 18 98 18 19 86 0 16
Table 1: Representation of the graph in the slides.