CMPT412 Project 4 Augmented Reality with Planar Homographies solution


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2. Homographies
A planar homography is a warp operation (which is a mapping from pixel coordinates
from one camera frame to another) that makes a fundamental assumption of the points
lying on a plane in the real world. Under this particular assumption, pixel coordinates in
one view of the points on the plane can be directly mapped to pixel coordinates in
another camera view of the same points.
There exists a homography H that satisfies equation 1 below, given two 3×4 camera
projection matrices P1 and P2 corresponding to the two cameras and a plane Π.
x1 ≡ H x2 (1)
The ≡ symbol stands for identical to or equal up to a scale. The points x1 and x2 are in
homogeneous coordinates, which means they have an additional dimension. If x1 is a
3D vector [xi yi zi]^T , it represents the 2D point [xi/zi yi/zi]^T (called heterogeneous
This additional dimension is a mathematical convenience to represent transformations
(like translation, rotation, scaling, etc) in a concise matrix form. The ≡ means that the
equation is correct to a scaling factor.
Note: A degenerate case happens when the plane Π contains both cameras’ centers, in
which case there are infinite choices of H satisfying equation 1.
3. Direct Linear Transform
A very common problem in projective geometry is often of the form x ≡ Ay, where x and
y are known vectors, and A is a matrix which contains unknowns to be solved. Given
matching points in two images, our homography relationship clearly is an instance of
such a problem. Note that the equality holds only up to scale (which means that the set
of equations are of the form x = λHx′), which is why we cannot use an ordinary least
squares solution such as what you may have used in the past to solve simultaneous
equations. A standard approach to solve these kinds of problems is called the Direct
Linear Transform, where we rewrite the equation as proper homogeneous equations
which are then solved in the standard least squares sense. Since this process involves
disentangling the structure of the H matrix, it’s a transform of the problem into a set of
linear equation, thus giving it its name.
Let x1 be a set of points in an image and x2 be the set of corresponding points in an
image taken by another camera. Suppose there exists a homography H such that:
xi1 ≡H xi2 (i∈{1…N})
where xi1 = [xi1[1] x1i[2] 1]^T are in homogeneous coordinates, xi1 ∈ x1 and H is a 3
× 3 matrix. For each point pair, this relation can be rewritten as
Aih = 0
where h is a column vector reshaped from H, and Ai is a matrix with elements derived
from the points xi1 and xi2. You can solve for h by finding the right null space by Singular
Value Decomposition or Eigen Decomposition as described below.
3.1. Eigenvalue Decomposition
One way to solve Ax = 0 is to calculate the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest
eigenvalue, when A is a square matrix. Consider this example:
Using the Matlab function eig, we get the following eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
Here, the columns of V are the eigenvectors and each corresponding element in D is an
eigenvalue. The second eigenvalue is 0, and hence that is the solution to our problem.
However, h has a dimension of 9. One point correspondence provides 2 constraints. So,
if you utilize all the information, you may never encounter this scenario in solving
homographies, that is, you never have a square matrix (8×9 or 10×9 matrices for
3.2. Singular Value Decomposition
The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix A is expressed as:
Here, U is a matrix of column vectors called the “left singular vectors”. Similarly, V is
called the “right singular vectors”. The matrix Σ is a rectangular matrix with off-diagonal
elements 0 (or only diagonal elements are non-zero). Each diagonal element σi is called
the “singular value” and these are sorted in order of magnitude. In our case, you might
see 9 values.
● If σ9 = 0, the system is exactly-determined, a homography exists and all points fit
exactly. The corresponding right singular vector in V is then the solution we want.
● If σ9 ≥ 0, the system is over-determined. A homography exists but not all points fit
exactly (they fit in the least-squares error sense). This value represents the
goodness of fit. The corresponding right singular vector in V is then the solution
we want.
● Usually, you will have at least four correspondences. If not, the system is underdetermined. We will not deal with those here.
The columns of U are eigenvectors of AAT . The columns of V are the eigenvectors of AT
A. With this fact, the following holds. If A is not a square matrix, then you can solve
Ah=0 by finding the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of AT A
(instead of SVD if you want).
4. Tasks: Computing Planar Homographies
4.1. Feature Detection, Description, and Matching (3 pts)
Before finding the homography between an image pair, we need to find corresponding
point pairs between two images. But how do we get these points? One way is to select
them manually (using cpselect), which is tedious and inefficient. The CV way is to find
interest points in the image pair and automatically match them. In the interest of being
able to do cool stuff, we will not implement a feature detector or descriptor here, but use
built-in MATLAB methods. The purpose of an interest point detector (e.g. Harris, SIFT,
SURF, etc.) is to find particular salient points in the images around which we extract
feature descriptors (e.g. MOPS, etc.). These descriptors try to summarize the content of
the image around the feature points in as succinct yet descriptive manner possible
(there is often a trade-off between representational and computational complexity for
many computer vision tasks; you can have a very high dimensional feature descriptor
that would ensure that you get good matches, but computing it could be prohibitively
expensive). Matching, then, is a task of trying to find a descriptor in the list of
descriptors obtained after computing them on a new image that best matches the
current descriptor. This could be something as simple as the Euclidean distance
between the two descriptors, or something more complicated, depending on how the
descriptor is composed. For the purpose of this exercise, we shall use the widely used
FAST detector in concert with the BRIEF descriptor.
Now implement the following function:
[locs1, locs2] = matchPics(I1, I2)
where I1 and I2 are the images you want to match. locs1 and locs2 are N × 2 matrices
containing the x and y coordinates of the matched point pairs. Use the Matlab built-in
function detectFASTFeatures to compute the features, then build descriptors using the
provided computeBrief function and finally compare them using the built-in method
matchFeatures. Use the function showMatchedFeatures(im1, im2, locs1, locs2,
‘montage’) to visualize your matched points and include the result image in your
write-up. An example is shown in Fig. 2.
There is a threshold parameter on matchFeatures() that must be tweaked to see things:
matchFeatures(…, ‘MatchThreshold’, threshold);
Threshold should be 10.0 at default for binary descriptors and 1.0 otherwise. BRIEF is a
binary descriptor, but matlab fails to set 10.0 for some reason (use 1.0 instead). Specify
the threshold to be 10.0 for BRIEF descriptor. You may also need to increase MaxRatio
We provide you with the function:
[desc, locs] = computeBrief(img, locs in)
which computes the BRIEF descriptor for img. locs in is an N × 2 matrix in which each
row represents the location (x, y) of a feature point. Please note that the number of valid
output feature points could be less than the number of input feature points. desc is the
corresponding matrix of BRIEF descriptors for the interest points.
4.2. BRIEF and Rotations (3 pts)
Let’s investigate how BRIEF works with rotations. Write a script briefRotTest.m that:
● Takes the cv cover.jpg and matches it to itself rotated [Hint: use imrotate] in
increments of 10 degrees.
● Stores a histogram of the count of matches for each orientation.
● Plots the histogram using plot
Visualize the feature matching result at three different orientations and include them in
your write-up. Explain why you think the BRIEF descriptor behaves this way. Next, use
a feature detector detectSURFFeatures and extractFeatures(…, ‘Method’, ‘SURF’)
instead and show the results. Does the plot change significantly?
4.3. Homography Computation (3 pts)
Write a function computeH that estimates the planar homography from a set of matched
point pairs.
function [H2to1] = computeH(x1, x2)
x1 and x2 are N × 2 matrices containing the coordinates (x, y) of point pairs between the
two images. H2to1 should be a 3 × 3 matrix for the best homography from image 2 to
image 1 in the least-square sense. You can use eig or svd to get the eigenvectors as
described above in this handout. For at least one pair of images, pick a certain number
of points (say randomly 10 points) from the first image, and show the corresponding
locations in the second image after the homography transformation.
4.4. Homography Normalization (2 pts)
Normalization improves numerical stability of the solution and you should always
normalize your coordinate data. Normalization has two steps:
1. Translate the mean of the points to the origin.
2. Scale the points so that the average distance to the origin (or you could also try
“the largest distance to the origin” to compare) is sqrt(2). This is a linear
transformation and can be written as follows:
x’1 = T1 x1
x’2 = T2 x2
where x’1 and x’2 are the normalized homogeneous coordinates of x1 and x2. T1 and T2
are 3 × 3 matrices. The homography H from x’2 to x’1 computed by computeH satisfies:
x’1 = H x’2
By substituting x’1 and x’2 with T1 x1 and T2 x2 , we have
T1 x1=H T2 x2
By following the above procedure, implement the function computeH_norm:
function [H2to1] = computeH_norm(x1, x2).
This function should normalize the coordinates in x1 and x2 and call computeH(x1, x2).
Again, for at least one pair of images, pick a certain number of points (say randomly 10
points) from the first image, and show the corresponding locations in the second image
after the homography transformation.
4.5. RANSAC (2 pts)
The RANSAC algorithm can generally fit any model to noisy data. You will implement it
for (planar) homographies between images. Remember that 4 point-pairs are required
at a minimum to compute a homography.
Write a function:
function [bestH2to1, inliers] = computeH_ransac(locs1, locs2)
where bestH2to1 should be the homography H with most inliers found during RANSAC.
H will be a homography such that if x2 is a point in locs2 and x1 is a corresponding point
in locs1, then x1 ≡ H x2. locs1 and locs2 are N × 2 matrices containing the matched
points. inliers is a vector of length N with a 1 at those matches that are part of the
consensus set, and 0 elsewhere. Use computeH norm to compute the homography. For
at least one pair of images, visualize the 4 point-pairs (that produced the most number
of inliers) and the inlier matches that were selected by RANSAC algorithm.
4.6. HarryPotterizing a Book (2 pts)
Write a script HarryPotterize.m that
1. Reads cv_cover.jpg, cv_desk.png, and hp_cover.jpg.
2. Computes a homography automatically using MatchPics and computeH_ransac.
3. Warps hp_cover.jpg to the dimensions of the cv_desk.png image using the
provided warpH function.
4. At this point you should notice that although the image is being warped to the
correct location, it is not filling up the same space as the book. Implement the
function that modifies hp_cover.jpg to fix this issue:
function [ composite img ] = compositeH( H2to1, template, img )
5. Creating your Augmented Reality application (2 pts)
Now with the code you have, you’re able to create your own Augmented Reality
application. What you’re going to do is HarryPotterize the video ar onto the
video More specifically, you’re going to track the computer vision textbook in
each frame of, and overlay each frame of ar onto the book in Please write a script ar.m to implement this AR application and save your
result video as ar.avi in the result/ directory. You may use the function loadVid.m that
we provide to load the videos. Your result should be similar to the LifePrint project.
You’ll be given full credits if you can put the video together correctly, while it is OK to
have strange frames here and there. Also warped images may fluctuate as it is difficult
to keep the results exactly temporarily consistent, which is also OK. See Figure 5 for an
example frame of what the final video should look like.
Note that the book and the videos we have provided have very different aspect ratios
(the ratio of the image width to the image height). You must either use imresize or crop
each frame to fit onto the book cover. The number of frames may be slightly different,
and you do not have to worry about the glitch at the end of the video.
Cropping an image in Matlab is easy. You just need to extract the rows and columns
you are interested in. For example, if you want to extract the subimage from point (40,
50) to point (100, 200), your code would look like img cropped = img(50:200, 40:100). In
this project, you must crop that image such that only the central region of the image is
used in the final output. See Figure 6 for an example.