Project 2 Phase 2 (P2Ph2): Vision-based 3-D Velocity Estimator solution


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1 Introduction
In this phase, you will implement a vision-based 3-D velocity estimator and compare against
a provided dataset gathered using some certain reliable and robust method. Sections 2, 3,
and 4 will give you a logical flow of the estimation procedure.
1.1 Environment
The provided data for this phase was collected with a hand-held SLAMDunk sensor module
[6] (shown in Fig. 1), manufactured by Parrot R
, simulating flight patterns over a floor mat
of AprilTags [1] each of which has a unique ID. The data files can be downloaded from here.
The data contains the rectified left camera images, IMU data, SLAMDunk’s pose estimates,
AprilTag [1] detections with tag size and camera intrinsics and extrinsics. All units are in
m, rad, rads−1 and ms−2
if not specified.
1.2 Calibration
Camera Intrinsics and Extrinsics are given specifically in CalibParams.mat and has the
following parameters:
• K has the camera intrinsics (assume that the distortion coefficients in the radtan model
are zero).
• TagSize is in size of each AprilTag in meters.
• qIMUToC has the quaternion to transform from IMU to Camera frame (QuaternionW,
QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ).
• TIMUToC has the translation to transform from IMU to Camera frame (TransX, TransY,
1.3 Data
The .mat file for any of the sequence (in the format DataNAME OF SEQUENCE.mat for e.g.,
DataSquare.mat where Square is the sequence name) will contain the following data:
• DetAll is a cell array with AprilTag detections per frame. For e.g., frame 1 detections
can be extracted as DetAll{1}. Each cell has multiple rows of data. Each row has the
following data format:
– [TagID, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y]
Here p1 is the left bottom corner and points are incremented in counter-clockwise
direction, i.e., the p1x, p1y are coordinates of the bottom left, p2 is bottom right,
p3 is top right, and p4 is top left corners (Refer to Fig. 2). You will use the left
bottom corner (p1) of Tag 10 as the world frame origin with positive X being
direction pointing from p1 to p2 in Tag 10 and positive Y being pointing from p1
to p4 in Tag 10 and Z axis being pointing out of the plane (upwards) from the
– IMU is a cell array where each row has the following data
[QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ, AccelX, AccelY,
AccelZ, GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ, Timestamp]
You do not need the IMU readings for this project, however, if you find a creative
way to use it, please feel free to use it.
– TLeftImgs is the Timestamps for Left Camera Frames (Images). For e.g. Frame
1 was collected at time TLeftImgs(1).
– Pose is an array with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ,
EulerX, EulerY, EulerZ, Timestamp]
Here ZY X Euler angle was used which is the default for Matlab’s quat2eul
– PoseGTSAM is an array of our GTSAM pose outputs from with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if pose doesn’t exist or is errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros. You can
compute valid indexes by using the following command
ValidIdxs = ∼any(PoseGTSAM).
– PoseiSAM2 is an array of our iSAM2 pose outputs from with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if pose doesn’t exist or is errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros.
• The provided data for comparison also has a similar format:
– PoseGTSAM is an array of our GTSAM pose outputs from with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if pose doesn’t exist or is errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros. You can
compute valid indexes by using the following command
ValidIdxs = ∼any(PoseGTSAM).
– PoseiSAM2 is an array of our iSAM2 pose outputs from with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if pose doesn’t exist or is errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros.
– VelGTSAM is an array of our velocities computed from GTSAM pose outputs from
with each row in the form [Vx,Vy,Vz]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if velocity doesn’t exist or is
errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros. You
can compute valid indexes by using the following command
ValidIdxs = ∼any(VelGTSAM).
– PoseiSAM2 is an array of our velocities computed from iSAM2 pose outputs from
with each row in the form [Vx,Vy,Vz]
Here the row number corresponds to frame number, if velocity doesn’t exist or is
errorneous due to missed tag detections then the whole row will be zeros. You
can compute valid indexes by using the following command
ValidIdxs = ∼any(VeliSAM2).
The Images are given as a .zip file with the name NAME OF where
the image name is FrameNumber.jpg and the timestamp for each Frame Number is given in
the DataNAME OF SEQUENCE.mat file’s TLeftImgs variable, i.e., timestamp for 1.jpg can be
found as TLeftImgs(1).
Figure 1: Parrot SLAMDunk.
Figure 2: Corners of an AprilTag.
2 Corner Extraction and Tracking
You will first need to extract corners in each image. You may choose to use Matlab’s built in
corner detectors [2, 3], external Matlab based computer libraries [4], find implementations
on the Internet, or write your own corner detector. You are safe to assume that all detected
corners will be on the ground plane. Note that the extracted corners should include not only
the AprilTag [1] corners, but also corners from the cityscape background images between the
For all corners in the image, you will then compute the sparse optical flow between two
consecutive images using the KLT tracker [5]. You may again choose between [2, 3, 4], or
find the tracker implementation on the Internet, or write your own implementation. This
sparse optical flow, together with the time stamp of the image, will give you [ ˙x, y˙]
in the
calibrated image frame. Note that the timestamps can have a bit of jitter, which adds noise
to the time measurement. You can assume that the images were taken approximately at a
constant rate and simply use a low-pass filter on the ∆T to get better results. Again as a
reminder you can get timestamps from TLeftImgs.
3 Velocity Estimation
Given a corner in the calibrated image frame [x, y]
T and its optical flow [ ˙x, y˙]
, the following
linear equation holds:


f1(x, y, Z)
f2(x, y, Z)


where h
Vx, Vy, Vz, Ωx, Ωy, Ωz
are linear and angular velocities to be estimated. Both
the functions f1(.) and f2(.) return 1 × 6 vectors. Z is the depth of the corner. Assuming
that all corners are on the floor, Z can be computed based on the estimated height and
rotation of the quadrotor using the AprilTags. Note that Z does not equal to the height of
the quadrotor due to nonzero roll and pitch.
4 RANSAC-Based Outlier Rejection
It is likely that there are outliers in the optical flow computation. You will need to reject
outliers using RANSAC. Three sets of constraints are required to solve the system above
equation (1), and thus a 3-point RANSAC can be used for outlier rejection. It is recommended to recompute the velocities using equation (1) with all inliers.
5 Compare Against Provided Dataset
The provided dataset is a reasonably good output which has been gathered using some robust
and reliable data capture method. You will be comparing your PoseGTSAM, PoseiSAM2,
VelGTSAM, VeliSAM2 output with the provided ground truth of the respective data. You
are expected to have a plot and compute the error between the respective output and the
ground truth in your report.
The optical flow-based velocity estimation will be in the frame of the camera while the
VelGTSAM and VeliSAM2 are in the world frame (Tag 10). You are required to transform
the coordinate frames between the camera, IMU and the world to correctly compare your
velocity estimates with the ground truth.
6 Submission
When you are finished you will submit your code via CMSC 828T website submit section.
You should create a folder called code and copy all the files into it, zip it, and submit Please note the zip file needs to be .zip format. Any other format is not valid.
Please note:
• Do NOT add or submit any sub-folders.
• Do NOT submit any visualization code. If you have any either remove them or comment them out.
• Do NOT print out any outputs. If you have any debug code printing outputs to the
console, please remove them or comment them out.
• Only include the files that are listed below and any new dependent m-files you might
have created.
• Do NOT submit any other files that are not necessary and was created only for your
testing/ debugging.
Your submission should contain:
• A detailed and comprehensive report.pdf detailing your process and approach, as
well as plots and diagrams for the same.
• A README.txt detailing anything we should be aware of. Since we are not providing
strict guidelines on input/output specifications, please mention what we need to do to
get your code running.
• A LateDays.txt with a single number letting us know how many of the late days you
wish you exercise for this submission.
• All necessary files inside one folder code such that we can just run the automated
testing script to see your results.
6.1 Project Report
Primarily, your assignment will be graded on the quality and content of your submitted
report.pdf. We expect a PDF of at most 6 pages in double-column format, complete with
diagrams, plots and all other necessary explanations and details regarding your process.
Your output must include, at the very least, the following points of information:
• Describe the algorithm used along with all the equations and any assumptions made.
• Plot of estimated velocities in x, y and z directions and error for all the sequences
(Mapping, StraightLine, SlowCircle, FastCircle, Mountain and Square). Provide a comparison with our reference velocity estimates with detailed analysis. You
can use the function ComputeVelError.m provided to compute velocity error.
7 Acknowledgement
The project has been adapted from the University of Pennsylvania MEAM 620 course.
8 Collaboration Policy
You can discuss with any number of people. But the solution you turn in MUST be your own.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism checker will be used to check your submission.
Please make sure to cite any references from papers, websites, or any other student’s work
you might have referred.
[1] AprilTags.
[2] MATLAB Computer Vision System Toolbox.
[3] MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox.
[4] VLFeat.
[5] Bruce D Lucas, Takeo Kanade, et al. An iterative image registration technique with an
application to stereo vision. 1981.
[6] Parrot. SLAMDunk., 2016.