Project 2 Phase 1 (P2Ph1): Search and Rescue solution


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1 Introduction
Welcome to the Special Forces of the Disaster Relief team! We hope you enjoyed your short
2 day training program we called “Homework 1”. Now that you are ready for the next
challenge, your mission is to find the survivors in a power plant that has been destroyed by a
recent earthquake. You will be in the intelligence development team. Due to the hazardous
materials, you will be using drones (quadcopters) for this mission. There are two parts to
this mission. First, since the plant is in disarray, your job is to build the map of the current
condition of the plant. You will use a light weight drone with nothing but a single camera
and an IMU, that will explore the plant and build the map. The second drone is capable of
carrying other needed supplies for the rescue mission. The second drone will use the map
from the first drone and go to the rescue target location with the supplies. Remember, there
is not much time left. The search and rescue mission relies totally on you. To assist you with
this mission, the commanders have provided you with some guidance to help you accomplish
this mission. Good luck!
2 The Task
The task has been divided into two “modes”, first being the SLAM mode (Refer to SLAMUsingGTSAM
function) and second, the Localization mode (Refer to LocalizationUsingiSAM2 function).
In the SLAM mode, you will construct a map (using GTSAM) of the world given your AprilTag inputs by optimizing the factor graph. You will simultaneously be localizing yourself in
the map. In Localization mode, you will use this constructed map and, based on observations obtained, localize yourself in the map by estimating the 6DOF pose for each AprilTag
visible to you in each frame using iSAM2 part of GTSAM package.
Please refer [1] to get ideas about the factor graph needed for both SLAM and Localization
modes. You are free to construct any factor graph which you think makes sense for this
project phase.
2.1 SLAM Mode
In this step you will build a map based on the observation measurements the robot makes.
In this mode, you will use data from DataMapping.mat file to build a map and localize your
robot on the map (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) using the GTSAM package.
Don’t use iSAM2 part of the GTSAM package here to get the best accuracy possible.
2.2 Localization Mode
In this step, you will localize your robot using the map built in the previous step. Once the
map has been built, given a new sequence, your robot has to localize itself on the pre-built
map using iSAM2 part of the GTSAM package.
For this mode, you will use data from DataSquare.mat file which will have the observations the robot makes for a square trajectory. Compute the 6DOF pose and return the values
as per the function specifications provided in the next few sections. Note that you will also
be tested on upto 5 more held-out sequences and your code should be able to handle these.
Later during the week, we’ll also provide output from iSAM2 for the Square trajectory along
with pose estimates from a visual-inertial odometry algorithm called ROVIO [2].
3 Environment
The provided data for this phase was collected with a hand-held SLAMDunk sensor module
[3] (shown in Fig. 1), manufactured by Parrot R
, simulating flight patterns over a floor mat
of AprilTags [4] each of which has a unique ID. The data files can be downloaded from here.
The data contains the rectified left camera images, IMU data, SLAMDunk’s pose estimates,
AprilTag [4] detections with tag size and camera intrinsics and extrinsics. All units are in
m, rad, rads−1 and ms−2
if not specified.
Camera Intrinsics and Extrinsics are given specifically in CalibParams.mat and has the
following parameters:
• K has the camera intrinsics (assume that the distortion coefficients in the radtan model
are zero).
• TagSize is in size of each AprilTag in meters.
• qIMUToC has the quaternion to transform from IMU to Camera frame (QuaternionW,
QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ).
• TIMUToC has the translation to transform from IMU to Camera frame (TransX, TransY,
The .mat file for any of the sequence (in the format DataNAME OF SEQUENCE.mat for e.g.,
DataSquare.mat where Square is the sequence name) will contain the following data:
• DetAll is a cell array with AprilTag detections per frame. For e.g., frame 1 detections
can be extracted as DetAll{1}. Each cell has multiple rows of data. Each row has the
following data format:
– [TagID, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y]
Here p1 is the left bottom corner and points are incremented in counter-clockwise
direction, i.e., the p1x, p1y are coordinates of the bottom left, p2 is bottom right,
p3 is top right, and p4 is top left corners (Refer to Fig. 2). You will use the left
bottom corner (p1) of Tag 10 as the world frame origin with positive X being
direction pointing from p1 to p2 in Tag 10 and positive Y being pointing from p1
to p4 in Tag 10 and Z axis being pointing out of the plane (upwards) from the
– IMU is a cell array where each row has the following data
[QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ, AccelX, AccelY,
AccelZ, GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ, Timestamp]
You do not need the IMU readings for this project, however, if you find a creative
way to use it, please feel free to use it.
– LeftImgs is a cell array where each cell is a Image.
– TLeftImgs is the Timestamps for LeftImgs. For e.g. LeftImgs{1} was collected
at time TLeftImgs(1).
– Pose is an array with each row in the form
[PosX, PosY, PosZ, QuaternionW, QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ,
EulerX, EulerY, EulerZ, Timestamp]
Here ZY X Euler angle was used which is the default for Matlab’s quat2eul
Figure 1: Parrot SLAMDunk.
Figure 2: Corners of an AprilTag.
As stated before, later during the week, we’ll also provide output from iSAM2
for the Square trajectory along with pose estimates from a VIO algorithm called
ROVIO [2]. This will help you with your estimates and to validate your code
and your algorithm.
4 Code
The starter code can be found in the code folder. There are 3 .m files in the folder, namely,
SLAMUsingGTSAM.m, LocalizationUsingiSAM2.m and Wrapper.m. You are required to submit the functions SLAMUsingGTSAM and LocalizationUsingiSAM2 along with any other
helper functions you would need. The script Wrapper.m is given for your debugging only.
Also, the Input and Output for the SLAMUsingGTSAM and LocalizationUsingiSAM2 functions are given in the Environment section. The SLAMUsingGTSAM function has two return
arguments, LandMarksComputed and AllPosesComputed. LandMarksComputed is an array
of landmark locations where each row is [TagID, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x,
p4y]. Note that the rows have to be sorted in ascending order by TagIDs. AllPosesComputed
is an array of 6DOF pose where each row is pose at each camera timestep, i.e., you have
1 pose measurement per camera step. Each row is [PosX, PosY, PosZ, Quaternion,
QuaternionX, QuaternionY, QuaternionZ]. The reason we are using quaternions is because euler angles flip near singularity conditions – similar to the ones we are operating in.
There is only a single output argument for the function LocalizationUsingiSAM2, namely,
AllPosesComputed which has the same specifications as described before.
4.1 Submission Guidelines
Note that this time you’ll have to submit a 2 page report (PDF) typeset in
double column format in LATEXtalking about results and the factor graph used
with any observations and analysis along with code this time.
Submit your code via CMSC 828T submit section. You should create a folder called code
and copy SLAMusingGTSAM.m and LocalizationUsingiSAM2.m into it, zip it as,
and submit Any other file format is not valid. Please note:
• Do NOT add or submit any sub-folders.
• Do NOT submit any visualization code. If you have any, either remove them or comment them out.
• Do NOT print out any outputs. If you have any debug code printing outputs to the
console, please remove them or comment them out.
• Only include the files that are listed below and any other supplementary m-files you
might have created.
• Do NOT submit any other files that are not necessary.
Your submission should contain:
• A README.txt detailing anything specific regarding your code.
• A LateDays.txt containing only one number, specifying how many late days you have
used for this submission.
• A 2 page report (PDF) typeset in double column format in LATEXtalking about results
and the factor graph used with any observations and analysis.
• All necessary files inside one folder code such that we can just run the autograder
• Folder structure for submission:
5 Collaboration Policy
You can discuss with any number of people. But the solution you turn in MUST be your
own. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism checker will be used to check your submission. Please make sure to cite any references from papers, websites, or any other student’s
work you might have referred.
[1] Bernd Pfrommer, Nitin Sanket, Kostas Daniilidis, and Jonas Cleveland. Penncosyvio: A
challenging visual inertial odometry benchmark. In 2017 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3847–3854, May 2017.
[2] Michael Bloesch, Michael Burri, Sammy Omari, Marco Hutter, and Roland Siegwart.
Iterated extended kalman filter based visual-inertial odometry using direct photometric
feedback. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 36(10):1053–1072, 2017.
[3] Parrot. SLAMDunk., 2016.
[4] Edwin Olson. AprilTag: A robust and flexible visual fiducial system. In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3400–3407.
IEEE, May 2011.