CSCI 243 Project 2 – Offspring solution


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There are two ways to look at a family tree. One is to start with a person and identify their mother and father,
and then identify their mother’s mother and father and father’s mother and father. A binary tree works for this
approach, which details a person’s lineage going back in time.
The other way is to start with a ‘deep’ ancestor and work forward in time. This approach leads to Biblicalstyle descriptions such as ‘James begat Sam, Bob and Mary. Sam begat Jill and Tony. Bob begat …’ and so on
through all the offspring, or descendants, in the tree. Because a person may have many children, a binary tree
will not work.
You will write a program named offspring, which builds a descendant tree of the generations of offspring
from one person. The program takes one optional command line argument. If there is an argument, it reads
the file to load an offspring tree based on the file’s content. Otherwise, it begins running with an empty (NULL)
The program issues a prompt and waits for user commands to process. Here are the commands with a brief
add parent-name, child-name # create a parent-child relation.
find [name] # find and print the name and its children list.
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print [name] # print a breadth first traversal of all the offspring from the named person down.
size [name] # count of all members in the [sub]tree.
height [name] # print the height of [sub]tree.
init # delete the current tree and start with an empty tree.
help # print information on available commands.
quit # delete the current tree and exit.
An N-ary Tree
An N-ary tree will support an arbitrary number of children, possibly zero. The node for an N-ary tree has the
following form and content:
struct NTree_S {
char * name; ///< name of the person
struct NTree_S ** children; ///< dynamic collection of children
size_t child_count; ///< number of children
} NTree;
It is necessary to create and initialize an instance of one of these structures for each person in the family tree.
You may use this structure as-is or adapt it to suit your detailed design.
Here is an outline of a subset of the operations needed for the manipulation of an N-ary tree and its
component nodes:
create_node( name) returns a node pointer or NULL if it fails.
destroy_tree( tree) frees all memory of the tree and its offspring.
find_node( tree, name) returns the node pointer or NULL.
print_tree( tree, name) to stdout.
add_child( tree, parent-name, child-name ) finds the named parent, adds the child, and returns
the possibly revised tree node pointer with the child added to the parent’s set of children.
Input Data Formats
Command Inputs
The commands which take arguments, add, find, print, size, and height, will use the comma character, (,)
as a field separator.
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Below is the general pattern for interactive commands. The square brackets mean that an argument is optional
for the command.
CommandName [argument1 [, argument2 …]]
If there is only one argument, then there are no commas on the line. If there are two arguments, then there is
one comma on the line. And so forth.
Note that there is no comma between the CommandName and the first argument. There is only whitespace
separating these elements.
There may be one or more whitespace characters separating these tokens. Note also that there may be one or
more whitespace characters separating tokens and commas. The program will have to trim off any leading
and trailing whitespace from the fields.
The values of each argument may be composed of more than one word. For example, one argument could be
“John Doe”, and there could be values with additional names and titles as well.
Valid CommandName values with their arguments are:
add parent name , child name
find [name]
print [name]
size [name]
height [name]
The maximum length of command input is 1024 characters.
File Data
The offspring file has a format also uses the comma character as a field separator. Each file entry line follows
one of these patterns:
parent name
parent name , child name
parent name , child name [ , child2 name …]
Here are some examples of file content. One has no offspring; the second has one child, and the third has
three children. The fourth line is an error.
John Smith
John Smith, Ralph , Linda
Ralph , Mary , Emily, Joseph John Smith
Fred , Bill
In the example above, the first entry in the file will create the root of the offspring tree. The second line will
add Ralph and Linda as offspring of John Smith. The third line will add Mary, Emily and Joseph John Smith
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as offspring of Ralph.
The fourth line will be an error because Fred is not anywhere in the tree, and Bill is not the root of the tree.
The program must report this error and continue processing lines after it in the file.
Note: Unlike the add command, the lines in the file can have more than one child. Also, there may be zero or
more whitespace characters separating the names and the commas.
The maximum length of any line in an input file is 1024 characters.
Provided Materials
You have been provided with some materials for this assignment. The get command below delivers the
provided materials to the directory in which you run it.
$ get csci243 project2
Here are the provided items.
gitignore: This file should be edited and then renamed to .gitignore so that the version control will
use it. Remember to use git to set up your project folder. Edit the provided gitignore file to add the
files that git should ignore and not control.
file2.txt: This is an example offspring file. You should also make up your own files to test the
various cases of correct and incorrect input files.
trimit.h: This is the interface for a string trimmer function that was downloaded from the web. You
can use this to trim leading and trailing whitespace from the input strings.
trimit.c: This utility file implements the string trimmer.
TreeStructExample.txt: This is a starter structure that you should take and modify to suit your
design for the N-ary tree.
Printed Outputs
There are a number of examples in this document. Please refer to these for what the printed output should
look like.
The file ExampleSession.txt shows the interaction and output of an example session using the file provided
file file2.txt.
Error Outputs
There are examples of error output in this document. Each error message must start with the string “error:” at
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the start of a new line.
Following that string, the error message should report the problem as shown in the examples below.
$ offspring some-file
error: ‘Fred’ is not in the tree and ‘Bill’ is not the root.
$ offspring some-file

offspring> add Betty, Bam Bam
error: ‘Bam Bam’ is already a child of ‘Betty’.
offspring> init
offspring> add Wilma , Pebbles
offspring> add Bing , Betty Boop
error: ‘Bing’ is not in the tree, and ‘Betty Boop’ is not the root.
offspring> print
Wilma had Pebbles.
Functional Requirements
When offspring runs, it checks whether there is a file name on the command line. If there is one, it reads the
file content into memory as the offspring record. Then it enters a command loop to receive and handle user
commands to query or modify the offspring record.
The functional requirements are organized into:
Program Invocation — How the program runs;
Program Operations — What the program does; and
Helpful Tools — What tools support and enable implementation.
Program Invocation — How the Program Runs
For the examples below, the $ prompt represents the shell prompt such as that used by the bash shell.
Command Line Argument and File Rules
The offspring-file name, if present, can be a relative or absolute file path.
The file content will either be empty or contain one or more lines of valid offspring information.
If there is no file name on the command line, the program starts with an empty offspring record. The
program must not prompt for a file name.
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Running without an offspring-file
When started with no file, the program simply presents its command prompt, which is shown in this example.
$ offspring
The program now waits for user input commands.
Running with an offspring-file
If the file does not exist or cannot be opened, the program will produce the error message shown below
reporting the problem to stderr and then begin accepting commands.
$ offspring no-such-file
error: could not open file ‘no-such-file’
If the file exists and can be opened, the program will read the file, build the offspring tree from that, and issue
the prompt to read commands.
If there are errors reading individual lines of the file, report each error to stderr and continue processing the
rest of the file.
Interacting with the Command Line
This section describes user interaction for each command.
add parent name , child name
Search for the parent and add the child to their offspring. If the arguments are missing, print a usage
message and reissue the command prompt.
find [name]
Search from the tree root for the name, and print the name and its children list. If the name is not given,
substitute the empty string. If the name is not found, report that it was not in the tree.
print [name]
Print a breadth first traversal of all the offspring from the named person down. If the name is not given,
use the name of the root person.
size [name]
Compute and print the count of all members in the tree from the named person down. If the name is not
given, use the name of the root person. If the name is not found, print the size of a non-existent tree as
the value 0.
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height [name]
Compute and print the height of the tree from the named person down. If the name is not given, use the
name of the root person. The height of a single node tree is 0, and a tree with one parent and one child
is height 1. If the name is not found, print the height of a non-existent tree as the value -1.
Delete the current tree and re-initialize the offspring tree as an empty tree.
Print information on available commands.
Delete the current tree, clean up all dynamic memory and exit.
Program Operations — What the Program Does
Adding a Person to the Tree
pre-condition: The names passed into the add function must be non-null and non-empty.
Adding a person involves creating a tree node, populating it, and installing the node into the parent’s
collection of children. Adding a person adds a named child as the offspring of a named parent.
Adding a person to the tree has several cases.
If the tree is empty, then add the parent as the root of the tree, and add the child as the child of the parent.
If the parent is found in the tree, then it adds the child as an offspring provided a same-named child is not
already a child of the parent. It is an error if the child is already in the tree as a child of the parent.
If the parent is not found in the tree, then it has to check whether the named child is the root of the tree. In
that case, the meaning is to add the parent as a new root of the tree, whose current root is the named child.
If the parent is not found in the tree, and the named child is not the root of the tree, then the command is an
error; the program can add a parent to a child node only if the child of that parent is already the root of the
Finally, it is possible to create a one-person tree only from a file. If a line of the file has only one name on it,
and the tree is empty, then that name becomes the person in the tree root node. If the tree already has people
in it, then it is an error. Consequently, the first line of the file is the only line which can have a single name on
it; all other lines would have to have two or more names listed.
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Finding a Person in the Tree
Finding a person by name is the tree search function. If the tree is empty, the function must return NULL.
Otherwise, search the tree to find the named person. Return the pointer to the tree node if the person is found,
or return NULL if not found.
The algorithm for finding a person is a breadth first search. If the person’s name does not match the current
node, then check all the children of that node before progressing to the next level down the tree. This way, the
search will find the earliest ancestor whose name matches the search goal. If it fails to find the name after
searching all levels, the search must return NULL.
Printing the Tree
pre-condition: If present, the name passed into the print function must be non-null and non-empty.
Printing the tree will perform a breadth first traversal of the tree. If there is a name on the command line, it
will first find the person with the given name before it begins. If the name is not found, it prints an error
message to stderr; here is an example:
offspring> print nonsense
error: ‘nonsense’ not found
Given this offspring file:
John Smith
John Smith, Ralph , Linda
Ralph , Mary , Emily, Joseph John Smith
Fred , Bill
Joseph John Smith, Phineas
Here is an example of the breadth first output of the command print:
John Smith had Ralph and Linda.
Ralph had Mary, Emily and Joseph John Smith.
Linda had no offspring.
Mary had no offspring.
Emily had no offspring.
Joseph John Smith had Phineas.
Phineas had no offspring.
The string ” had ” is between the person and their list of children. The string ” no offspring” appears if a
person had no children. The list of children printed uses comma separation between each child and inserts the
string ” and ” between the last two children. All children in this comma-separated list appear on the same line
of output, and the line ends with a period and a newline.
If there is no name on the command line, the print begins at the root of the tree. If the tree is empty, print an
error message and issue another prompt. Since the tree is empty, this message may come out containing the
text “(null)”.
Getting the Size of the Tree
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The size function takes an optional argument as a starting name. If there is a name given, search the tree for
that name and compute the size of the sub-tree that is rooted at that node. If the name is not found, print the
size of an empty tree. Otherwise, if the name is not given, compute the size of the tree from the root node.
Getting the Height of the Tree
The height function takes an optional argument as a starting name. If there is a name given, search the tree for
that name and compute the height of the sub-tree that is rooted at that node. Otherwise, compute the height of
the tree from the root node.
Deleting the Tree
The init command must delete the tree. Deleting the tree must start at the root and free all memory
associated with the current family tree and return the program to an empty state.
After initialization deletes the tree, adding a person will create a brand new tree of offspring.
Helpful Tools
This section describes what library and system tools will support and enable the implementation.
Queue Data Structures
Since there are two breadth first operations in this program, it will be useful to have a queue data structure to
manage things during the breadth first activities. Here is an outline of a breadth first processing pattern:
search( node, goal)
queue = makequeue()
enqueue( queue, node)
while ( size( queue) > 0 )
node = front( queue)
dequeue( queue)
if ( … node *** goal … )
return node
for child in node.children
enqueue( queue, child)

return …
*** Note that, like Java, it will be necessary to define some sort of comparator that the queue can use to
determine the equivalence between a node and the goal.
Tokenizing Lines of Commas and Spaces
Since the input of both the file and the command line will have comma-separated fields, it will be useful to
have some sort of utility to process strings with comma separations. The strtok function is useful for
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designing a function that can build a field list from comma-separated fields.
You will have to design one or more function(s) to process the comma-separated values of the file and the
command line.
Also useful is a function that can trim leading and trailing spaces from a string and yet allow the string to be
freed when no longer needed. Remember that the virtual address returned by malloc and other memory
management functions must be the address passed to free when the time comes to free the memory.
The trim function provided to you handles the trimming of character strings.
File Operations
Unless you prefer to read/write directly using system calls, you will need to use some of the following I/O
library functions:
FILE * fopen( const char *restrict filename, const char *restrict mode);
int fclose( FILE *stream);
int scanf( const char * format, …);
int fscanf( FILE * stream, const char * format, …);
int sscanf( const char * str, const char * format, …);
int fflush( FILE * stream);
Of course, you will also need fprintf to send error messages to stderr.
Memory Management
You will need to use some of the following memory management functions:
void * calloc( size_t count, size_t size);
void free( void * ptr);
void * malloc( size_t size);
You must manage all dynamic memory allocations so that, upon termination of the program, all dynamic
allocations have been properly freed, and there are no memory leaks as reported by valgrind.
In addition, there must be no other issues of memory reported by valgrind. That means there must not be
memory reads and writes outside allocation boundaries, or conditional jumps based on possibly uninitialized
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The grade will be based on the following:
80% Functionality:
10% Implementation that reads a file containing lines of format: parent [, child [,
70% Implementation of the following COMMAND examples, shown with required and
[optional] inputs and description:
add parent, child to search for parent and add child.
find [name] to search from tree root; print information on name if found.
print [name] to print the breadth first traversal.
size [name] to count of all members in the [sub]tree.
height [name] to return the height of [sub]tree.
init to free all dynamic memory and start with an empty tree.
help to provide command help.
quit to free all dynamic memory and exit.
10% Design, Testing and Memory Management:
Module structure should reveal only those functions that are to be used by external code, and the rest
should be encapsulated. This means proper use of static for making private things private.
Code does not leak dynamic memory allocations. Severity of leaks will be measured by the number of
leaks and the amounts detected by valgrind. Also means addressing other problems detected by
valgrind such as memory overruns and uninitialized variables.
10% Style, Documentation and Version Control:
Consistency of horizontal and vertical spacing is most important to aid the readability of the
code. The program code conforms to style and documentation guidelines for the course found in CStyle-Recommendations.pdf.
Version messages are brief, yet complete and thoughtful; phrases or ‘bullet points’ are preferred. The
revisions.txt file contains clear evidence of the diligent use of a version control system.
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When finished, submit your work using the try command below.
try grd-243 project2-1 offspring.c revisions.txt .gitignore […]
The optional files must include any .h header files you defined for your design, and additional .c source files
you defined.
The command git log > revisions.txt typically creates the revisions.txt file.
To check your submission, you can use the try query command like this:
try -q grd-243 project2-1
Please refer to try-summary.html for more information and guidance on using try.
Update History
Version 1.2: updated text outputs to match try tests
Mon Apr 3 08:33:46 EDT 2017 Ben K Steele,
Version 1.1: fixed typo in tree node structure example
Sat Apr 1 09:28:59 EDT 2017 Ben K Steele,
Version 1.0: initial release
Wed Mar 8 17:35:57 EST 2017 Ben K Steele,