Project 1B COM S 352 solution


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1. Introduction

For this project iteration, you will practice adding new system calls to the xv6 operating system, as well
as read and modify some code in the kernel of the operating system.

Task Points
1. Add system call getppid.
int getppid(void);
The system call returns the ID of the calling
process’ parent process.

2. Add system call ps.
int ps(char *psinfo);
Here, psifo is a pointer to an array of struct
ps_info defined below.
struct ps_struct{
int pid; //pid of a process
int ppid; //parent id of the process
char state[10]; //state of the process
char name[16]; //name of the process
The system call returns the number of processes
currently in the system, and in the array pointed
to by psinfo returns the information of each of
these processes in the structs of the above

3. Add the system call getschedhistory.
int getschedhistory(char *history);
Here, history is a pointer to an array of struct
sched_history defined below.

struct sched_history{
int runCount; //number of times that the
process has been scheduled to run on CPU
int systemcallCount; //no. Of times that the
process has made system calls
int interruptCount; //no. Of interrupts that
have been made when this process runs
int preemptCount; //no. Of times that the
process is pre-empted
int trapCount; //no. Of times that the
process has trapped from the user mode to the
kernel mode
int sleepCount; //no. Of times that the
process voluntarily given up CPU
The system call returns the pid of the current
process, and in the struct_history pointed to by
history the counts of the process.

4. Documentation (see submission instructions below) 4

2. Implementation Guide

2.1. Adding System Calls on the Kernel Side
To add new systems calls on the kernel side, modify the following files.
Each system call has a unique number that identifies it. This is used by the user side application
to indicate the desired system call. Add the following system call numbers.
#define SYS_getppid 22
#define SYS_ps 23
#define SYS_getschedhistory 24

The system call numbers are used as an index into the syscalls[] array of function pointers,
which we will modify next.
Follow the example of the other systems calls to add the system call declarations and function
pointers in syscalls[].

extern uint64 sys_getppid(void);
extern uint64 sys_ps(void);
extern uint64 sys_getschedhistory(void);

[SYS_getppid] sys_getppid,
[SYS_ps] sys_ps,
[SYS_getschedhistory] sys_getschedhistory,

The Process Control Blocks (PCBs) in xv6 are stored in an array called proc (we will refer to
this as the process table) which is defined in kernel/proc.h. The struct contains the
information of a process that you need to implement system calls getppid and ps.

To implement system call getschedhistory, you need more information and so we suggest that
you add the following fields to the struct of proc:
int runCount; //number of times that the process has been
scheduled to run on CPU
int systemcallCount; //no. Of times that the process has
made system calls
int interruptCount; //no. Of interrupts that have been made
when this process runs

int preemptCount; //no. Of times that the process is preempted
int trapCount; //no. Of times that the process has trapped
from the user mode to the kernel mode
int sleepCount; //no. Of times that the process voluntarily
given up CPU

Each proc struct has a field named state, of which the values are declared in enum procstate.
Several code snippets in file proc.c deserve careful reading as you need to understand and
sometimes modify them to implement the new system calls.

1. Definition of array proc[NPROC]
In the beginning part of the file, a global array proc[NPROC] is declared. This
array contains NPROC (which is 64 by default) number of proc structs. The array keeps
the information of the processes in the system.

2. Function myproc(void)
This is the function that returns a pointer pointing to the proc struct of the current
process. It is convenient to use it to retrieve the current process.

3. Function freeproc(struct proc *p)
The proc structs in array proc[NPROC] should be reusable after the processes that
use them have terminated. This function is to make the space usable by cleaning the
values of all the fields in a proc structure. When you add new fields to proc struct, e.g.,
runConut, do remember to set the values of these fields to 0 in this function.

4. Function scheduler(void)
This function implements the xv6 scheduler. The default scheduling algorithm is
Round-Robin (RR). That is, it checks the proc structs in array proc[NPROC] and picks
one process that is in state RUNNABLE to run next.

Note that, you need to increment runCount after such a process is picked and
before the context switch (I.e., invocation of swtch(…)) happens in this function.

5. Function sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk)
This function is called when the currently-running process cannot proceed as
waiting for certain event to complete. In this case, the current process voluntarily gives
up the CPU. So, you need to increment the current process’ sleepCount before
sched() is invoked, in this function.

6. Function procdump(void)
This function prints the information of the current process. Reading its code is
helpful to your implementation of system call ps.

1. Function usertrap(void)
This function is executed when the currently running process traps from user
mode to kernel mode. It is the place where you add the code to increment the
trapCount for the process.

In addition, the function contains branches to deal with system calls, interrupts,
and particularly the handling of timer interrupts (i.e., if which_dev == 2). These
branches are the places where you can add code to increment systemcallCount,
interruptCount, and preemptCount, respectively. Note that, when a timer interrupts
the currently-running process, the process is preempted.

2. Function kerneltrap()
This function is executed when the kernel space running on behalf of the current
process is interrupted. In particular, the execution could be interrupted by timer and
preempted. In the following code snippet, you need to add also the code to increment
the preemptCount.
// give up the CPU if this is a timer interrupt.
if(which_dev == 2 && myproc() != 0 && myproc()->state == RUNNING){
//to do: add code to increment preemptCount

The functions that implement the system calls are normally placed in this file. So, at the end of
the file, append the following functions.
1. The function that implements system call getppid
(1) call myproc() to get the caller’s struct proc
(2) follow the field “parent” in the struct proc to find the parent’s struct
(3) in the parent’s struct proc, find the pid and return it

2. The function that implements system call ps
extern struct proc proc[NPROC]; //declare array proc which is defined in proc.c already
//define the ps_struct for each process and ps[NPROC] for all processes
struct ps_struct{
int pid;
int ppid;
char state[10];
char name[16];
} ps[NPROC];

int numProc = 0; //variable keeping track of the number of processes in the system
/*To do: From array proc, find the processes that are still in the system (i.e.,
their states are not NUNUSED. For each of the process, retrieve the
and put into a ps_struct defined above*/
//save the address of the user space argment to arg_addr
uint64 arg_addr;
argaddr(0, &arg_addr);
//copy array ps to the saved address
if (copyout(myproc()->pagetable,
(char *)ps,
numProc*sizeof(struct ps_struct)) < 0)
return -1;
//return numProc as well
return numProc;

3. The function that implements system call getschedhistory
//define the struct for reporting scheduling history
struct sched_history{
int runCount;
int systemcallCount;
int interruptCount;
int preemptCount;
int trapCount;
int sleepCount;

} my_history;
//To do: retrieve the current process’ information to fill my_history

//save the address of the user space argment to arg_addr
uint64 arg_addr;
argaddr(0, &arg_addr);
//To do: copy the content in my_history to the saved address
if (copyout(p->pagetable,
(char *)&my_history,
sizeof(struct sched_history)) < 0)
return -1;
//To do: return the pid as well

2.2. Adding System Calls on the User Side
For a user application to call a system call the call must be declared as a function. A Perl script
takes care of generating the assembly code. Update the following two user side files.

Add the new system call to the Perl script that automatically generates the required assembly
code. Follow the example of uptime to add entries for getppid, ps and getschedhistory.

Add the following system call declarations that specify the function interface for user programs.
int getppid(void);
struct ps_struct{
int pid;
int ppid;
char state[10];
char name[16];
int ps(char *psinfo);
struct sched_history{
int runCount;
int systemcallCount;
int interruptCount;
int preemptCount;
int trapCount;
int sleepCount;
int getschedhistory(char *history);

2.3. Testing the System Calls (Not required, but recommended)
The attached update file broadcast.c contains testing sample. Compared to the original
broadcast.c in Project 1.A, this version adds faked computational operations to all processes, and
the parent process makes the new system calls as follows:
printf(“\nCall system calls for Project 1.B\n\n”);

printf(“Result from calling getppid:\n”);
int ppid = getppid();
printf(“My ppid = %d\n”, ppid);
printf(“\nResult from calling ps:\n”);
int ret;
struct ps_struct myPS[64];
ret = ps((char *)&myPS);
printf(“Total number of processes: %d\n”, ret);
for(int i=0; i<ret; i++){
printf(“pid: %d, ppid: %d, state: %s, name: %s\n”,
myPS[i].pid, myPS[i].ppid, myPS[i].state, myPS[i].name);

printf(“\nResult from calling getschedhistory:\n”);
struct sched_history myHistory;
ret = getschedhistory((char *)&myHistory);
printf(“My scheduling history\n pid: %d\n runs: %d, traps: %d, interrupts: %d, preemptions:
%d, sleeps: %d, system calls: %d\n”,

ret, myHistory.runCount, myHistory.trapCount, myHistory.interruptCount,
myHistory.preemptCount, myHistory.sleepCount, myHistory.systemcallCount);

A sample input/output is as follows:
$ broadcast 5 hello
Parent: creates child process with id: 0
Child 0: start!
Parent: creates child process with id: 1
Child 1: start!
Parent: creates child process with id: 2
Child 2: start!
Parent: creates child process with id: 3
Child 3: start!
Parent: creates child process with id: 4
Child 4: start!
Parent broadcasts: hello
Child 0: get msg (hello)
Child 1: get msg (hello)
Child 2: get msg (hello)
Child 3: get msg (hello)
Child 4: get msg (hello)
Parent receives: completed!
Call system calls for Project 1.B
Result from calling getppid:
My ppid = 2

Result from calling ps:
Total number of processes: 8
pid: 1, ppid: 0, state: SLEEPING, name: init
pid: 2, ppid: 1, state: SLEEPING, name: sh
pid: 15, ppid: 2, state: RUNNING, name: broadcast
pid: 16, ppid: 15, state: ZOMBIE, name: broadcast
pid: 17, ppid: 15, state: ZOMBIE, name: broadcast
pid: 18, ppid: 15, state: ZOMBIE, name: broadcast
pid: 19, ppid: 15, state: ZOMBIE, name: broadcast
pid: 20, ppid: 15, state: ZOMBIE, name: broadcast

Result from calling getschedhistory:
My scheduling history
pid: 15
runs: 27, traps: 853, interrupts: 19, preemptions: 20, sleeps: 6, system calls: 834
Note: your outputs may be different. However, the following should hold:
runs = preemptions + sleeps + 1
traps = interrupts + system calls

3. Documentation
Documentation is required for the project. Every location that you add/modify code in the kernel must
have a comment explaining the purpose of the change.
Include a README file with your name(s), a brief description, and a list of all files added or modified in
the project.

4. Submission
Make sure the code compiles, focus on working code over having every feature complete. We will look at
the code for partial credit. Document anything that is incomplete in the README file.

Submit a zip file of the xv6-riscv directory. On the Linux command line, the zip file can be created using:
$ zip -r xv6-riscv