Programming Assignment #3 CS 163 Data Structures solution


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Programming – Goal: The goal of the third program is to create a hash table using
chaining per Topic#6 and Lab #6. Hash tables are very useful in situations where
an individual wants to quickly find their data by the “value” or “search key”. You
could think of them as similar to an array, except the client program uses a “key”
instead of an “index” to get to the data. The key is then mapped through the hash
function which turns it into an index!
Programming – Problem Statement: Have you ever wished you could quickly
find an app on your phone, but it is nearly impossible. This is especially the case
when you update an app and the widget used changes and is no longer
recognizable. In fact, I would like to search for an app not by its name but what I
can do with it. Not always easy to do. What I am not interested in doing is sorting
the apps that I have available on my phone. So a hash table comes to mind as a
good alternative.
We will be implementing a hash table using chaining as the collision resolution
technique that uses a list of applications that are on a mobile device. Your program
will hash on the keyword used in the description to determine the match. Each
item in our table will have the following information (at a minimum) which should
be stored as a struct or a class:
1) Application name
2) List of at most 5 keywords that describe why this app is used (e.g., business,
books, education, mapping, etc.)
3) A description of what can be done with this application
4) A rating of how you have enjoyed using the app in the past
Data Structures: Write a C++ program that implements and uses a table abstract
data type using a hash table (with chaining) to add applications, retrieve (e.g.,
find a match based on a keyword), and display (all matches and display all). Since
there will be multiple instances of an app in the table (because of multiple
keywords), your nodes should have pointers to the app so that only one instance
of the memory exists.
What does retrieve need to do? It should take one of the keywords and supply
back to the calling routine all the apps that have that keyword in their list. Retrieve,
since it is an ADT operation, should not correspond with the user (i.e., it should
CS163 Spring 2015 Assignment #3
not prompt, echo, input, or output data). Retrieve should have an array of apps as
an argument that is filled by the ADT. The apps may be stored as a struct or class.
Evaluate the performance of storing and retrieving items from this table. Monitor
the number of collisions that occur for a given set of data that you select. Make
sure your hash table’s size is a prime number. Try different table sizes, and
evaluate the performance (i.e., the length of the chains!). Your design writeup
must discuss what you have discovered.
In summary, the required functions for your TABLE ADT are:
1. Constructor,
2. Destructor
3. Insert a new app
4. Retrieve (based on a keyword)
5. Display (only displaying matches, based on a keyword)
6. Display all
Things you should know…as part of your program:
1) Do not use statically allocated arrays in your classes or structures. All
memory must be dynamically allocated and kept to a minimum!
2) All data members in a class must be private
3) Never perform input operations from your class in CS163
4) Global variables are not allowed in CS163
5) Do not use the String class! (use arrays of characters instead and the cstring
6) Use modular design, separating the .h files from the .cpp files. Remember, .h
files should contain the class header and any necessary prototypes. The .cpp
files should contain function definitions. You must have at least 1 .h file and
2 .cpp files. Never “#include” .cpp files!
7) Use the iostream library for all I/O; do not use stdio.h.
8) Make sure to define a constructor and destructor for your class. Your
destructor must deallocate all dynamically allocated memory.
9) Remember that 20% of each program’s grade is based on a written discussion
of the design. Take a look at the style sheet which gives instruction on the topics
that your write-up needs to cover.