CS 490-B8/680-A8 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT #1 Reading virtual /proc files solution


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Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .ZIP solution file upon Payment


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Topics covered:
Obtaining command line parameters
Obtaining files from Project Gutenberg
Basic function handling, including multiple assignment for returning multiple values
Opening a file and reading it with for vbl in file_handle
Entering Unicode characters, both as code points and as UTF 8
Strings, including processing with for vbl in string (not with subscripts!)
Basic arithmetic
Basic statistics (chi-square)
1. Read two parameters from the command line with the names of two files you have obtained from Project Gutenberg. (I will also load the files on turing.) If the command line does not have exactly two parameters, display an error message and quit.
Some possible test files are:
Pride and Prejudice in UTF 8: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-0.txt
Du côté de chez Swann in UTF 8: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2650/2650-0.txt
2. Write a function that opens a file and does the following:
a) Prints the number of lines, number of characters and number of letters in the file with appropriate rubrics. A letter is any character whose Unicode category code starts with ‘L’.
You can see the Unicode categories here:
and you can learn how to access them in Python here:
b) Print the name(s) of the system utilities you used to verify that the number of lines and number of characters are correct.
c) Count the number of vowels the file contains. (Convert to lower case for simplicity.) We will consider the vowels to be a e i o u and the twelve French vowels with diacritics:
U+00e9 = e acute
U+00e2 – a circumflex
U+00ea = e circumflex
U+00ee = i circumflex
U+00f4 = o circumflex
U+00fb = u circumflex
U+00e0 = a grave
U+00e8 = e grave
U+00f9 = u grave
U+00eb = e dieresis
U+00ef = i dieresis
U+00fc = u dieresis
d) Print the number of vowels, number of consonants, total number of letters and percent of vowels with appropriate rubrics. A consonant is any letter that is not one of the vowels listed above. Percents should be rounded to 2 decimal places.
e) Return the number of consonants and number of vowels.
3. Use the chi-square statistic to investigate the hypothesis that one of these texts has a greater percent of vowels than the other. Look at the number of consonants and the number of vowels. Do the arithmetic as shown on this web page:
Print the chi-square statistic and your conclusion about whether the result is significant, using the format in the last paragraph of the web page.

Name your main program hw1.py. You may use as many auxiliary files for classes as you like (none are needed in this assignment).
Zip up all of your source files (no object files, test files, intermediate subdirectories, or other files). Name your zip file hw1 xxxx.zip, where xxxx is your 4 letter ID in lower case. Zip is available on turing/hopper, or you can use one of the many free implementations available.
There will be a penalty for violating these rules, e.g., submitting extra files, adding an extra level of subdirectory, using a different compression program, or naming your files differently.
Text in the Blackboard comment fields will not be seen by our grading protocol and will be ignored. Feel free to put comments at the top of your program.
Submit the zipped file on Blackboard. I will compile and run them on turing/hopper. You will lose points if your program does not compile and run on turing/hopper, whether the error is due to non-standard code or to not following the submission rules.
Coding style:
You must follow the rules for PEP 8 or equivalent.
Test your program on turing, on hopper and using a command line parameter. Try each of the provided test files.
Your program must run on any legal input.
For full credit, your program must work correctly and follow the specs and documentation standards above, including naming conventions and file organization.
Grading rubric:
10 points – proper parm handling
10 points – can open and run every provided test file
10 points – proper string handling
10 points – proper Unicode use
10 points – correct arithmetic
In addition, there will be a 10 point penalty for violating any of the rules above (10 points per rule).
If you realize you have made a mistake, you can resubmit your program once before the deadline. In that case the submission time will be the later one, and I will ignore the earlier submission.
This assignment is mainly a way to do something interesting with real data without using any complex data structures. Even so, counting letters is useful in several real-world contexts:
– Data compression. Zip and related algorithms work by assigning shorter bit patterns to the most common letters in a document.
– Cryptography.
– Language identification, e.g., the “detect language” feature in Google Translate.
– Author identification. Common approaches to author identification use vocabulary, function words (e.g., prepositions), or content words (e.g., nouns, adjectives and verbs), but this paper makes a case for using low-level features like letter counts as well:
Stamatatos, Efstathios. (2009). A survey of modern authorship attribution methods. Journal
of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(3): 538-556.