Programming Assignment 1: Introduction to C solution


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1 Introduction
This assignment is designed to get you some initial experience with programming in C, as well as compiling, linking, running, and debugging. Your task is to write 5 small C programs. Each of them will test a portion of your knowledge about C programming. They are discussed below,
2 First: Decision making
In the first part, you have write a program to check whether an integer is odd or even. As a refresher, a number is even if it is divisible by 2 and odd otherwise.
Input and output format: This program takes an integer argument from the command line. It prints “odd” if the number is odd, “even” if the number is even and “error” if no input is given. you can assume the input will be a proper integer ( 0). Thus, it will not contain any ‘.’ or letters. The output should to be in lowercase, finish with a newline character (“\n”) and contain no space.
Example Execution:
./first 10 even ./first 5 odd ./first error
3 Second: Looping
The second part requires you to write a program that checks whether a number is a prime number or not. A number is prime if it is divisible only by 1 and that number.
Input and output format: This program takes an integer argument from the command line. It prints “yes” if the number is prime, “no” if the number is not prime and “error” if no input is given. you can assume the input will be a proper integer ( 0). Thus, it will not contain any ‘.’ or letters.
Example Execution:
./second 10 no ./second 7 yes ./second error
4 Third: Linked List
In the third part, you have to implement a linked list that maintains a list integers in sorted order. Thus, if the list contains 2, 5 and 8, then 1 will be inserted at the start of the list, 3 will be inserted between 2 and 5 and 10 will be inserted at the end.
Input format: This program takes a file name as argument from the command line. The file will have some lines. Each line contains a character (either ‘i’ or ‘d’) followed by a tab character and an integer number. For each of the line that starts with ‘i’, your program should insert the number in the linked list in sorted order if it is not already there. Your program should not insert any duplicate value. If the line starts with a ‘d’, your program should delete the value if it is present in the linked list. Your program should silently ignore if the requested value is not present in the linked list.
Output format: At the end of the execution, your program should print all the values of the linked list in sorted order. The values should be in a single line separated by tab. There should be no leading or trailing white spaces in the output. Your program should print “error” (and nothing else) if the file does not exist or it contains lines with improper structure. Your program should print a blank line if the input file is empty or the resulting linked list has no node.
Example Execution:
Lets assume we have 3 text files with the following contents. “file1.txt” is empty and, file2.txt: i 10 i 12 d 10 i 5
file3.txt: d 7 i 10 i 5 i 10 d 10
./third file1.txt
./third file2.txt 5 12 ./third file3.txt 5 ./third file4.txt error
5 Fourth: Hash table
In this part, you will implement a hash table for integer numbers. You can assume the has table will store at most 1000 numbers. An important part of a hash table is collision resolution. In this assignment, we want you to use linear probing. In this case, if there is a collision at a location then you move forward by a stepsize. Please use 1 for stepsize. More information about linear probing can be found at Wikipedia, probing.
Input format: This program takes a file name as argument from the command line. The file will have some lines. Each line contains a character (either ‘i’ or ‘s’) followed by a tab character and an integer number. For each of the line that starts with ‘i’, your program should insert the number in the hash table if it is not present. If the line starts with a ‘s’, your program should search the value.
Output format: For each line in the input file, your program should print the status/result of the operation. For an insert, the program should print “inserted” is the value is inserted or “duplicate” if the value is already present. For a search, the program should print ’present’ or “absent” based on the outcome of the search. Your program should print “error” (and nothing else) if the file does not exist. The program should print “error” for input lines with improper structure.
Example Execution:
Lets assume we have 2 text files with the following contents. “file1.txt” is empty and, file2.txt: i 10 i 12 s 10 c 5 i 10 s 5
./fourth file1.txt
./fourth file2.txt inserted
inserted present error duplicate absent ./fourth file3.txt error
6 Fifth: Matrix addition
The fifth part requires you to add 2 matrices. The matrices need to have same dimension (number of rows and column) for a valid addition. The output will be of the same dimension as well.
Input and output format: This program takes a file name as argument from the command line. First line of the file will contain tab separated 2 numbers (m and n) where m is the number of the rows and n is the number of the columns. This will followed by m lines for first matrix followed by a blank line and second matrix. Each row will have tab separated n values. You can assume the input will be properly structured for this part of the assignment. The program should output the result matrix in m lines. Each line will contain tab separated n values.
Example Execution:
Lets assume we have a text files with the following content, file1.txt: 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
./fifth file1.txt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 Submission
You have to e-submit the assignment using Sakai. Your submission should be a tar file named pa1.tar. To create this file, put everything that you are submitting into a directory (folder) named pa1. Then, cd into the directory containing pa1 (that is, pa1’s parent directory) and run the following command:
tar cvf pa1.tar pa1
To check that you have correctly created the tar file, you should copy it (pa1.tar) into an empty directory and run the following command:
tar xvf pa1.tar
This should create a directory named pa1 in the (previously) empty directory. The pa1 directory in your tar file must contain 5 subdirectories, one each for each of the parts. The name of the directories should be named first through fifth (in lower case). Each directory should contain a c source file, a header file and a make file. For example, the subdirectory first will contain, first.c, first.h and Makefile (the names are case sensitive).
8 Grading Guidelines
This is a large class so that necessarily the most significant part of your grade will be based on programmatic checking of your program. That is, we will build a binary using the Makefile and source code that you submitted, and then test the binary for correct functionality against a set of inputs. Thus:
• You should make sure that we can build your program by just running make. • You should test your code as thoroughly as you can. In particular, your code should be adept at handling exceptional cases. For example, programs should not crash if the argument is not a proper number or file does not exist. • Your program should produce the output following the example format shown in previous sections. Any variation in the output format can result up to 100% penalty. There should be no additional information or newline. That means you will probably not get any grade is you forgot to comment out some debugging message.
Be careful to follow all instructions. If something doesn’t seem right, ask.