COMP-SCI 7202 Practical-06 Part II: Tree and Graph solution


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Part 1 – Binary Search Tree

Question 1: Set up a new project in your IDE with a Main class. Your project name should be BinarySearchTree. All your files for this part should be saved under practical06/BinarySearchTree/. You can look at this if you are not familiar with binary search trees. video ( (

Question 2: A Binary Search Tree is a node-based binary tree data structure. Define a Node class to represent the elements in the tree. The Node class should have a data field saving the data contained in this node, a left field and a right field that refer to its left child node or right child node, respectively.

In the constructor, left and right should be initialised as NULL. public class Node Attributes: private int data; // the data saved in this node private Node left; // the reference to its left child private Node right; // the reference to its right child Methods: // Print the data saved in the node. public void printNode(); // You should also implement the constructors, mutators and accessors. … Example output for printNode(): Node data: “” 1

Question 3: Define a MyBST class. The MyBST class should have a root field which saves the root node of this tree. You need to Implement an insert(int value) method to insert a value into this tree.

To insert a value into a tree, you need to start by comparing the inserting element data with the root node data, if the value is less than the root value, then recurse for the left child, else recurse for the right child. After reaching the leaf node, insert the value at the left child (if the value is less than the leaf node value) else, insert at the right child.

Note: If a node is already in this tree, do not insert it again, instead, print out “Node is in the tree”. Implement a search(int value) method to search for a value in this tree. To find a value in a tree, you need to start with comparing the search value with root’s nodes value, if the value is equal to the root, then return TRUE, if it is less than the root, then recurse for the left child, else, recurse for the right child.

After reaching the leaf node, if the value is not equal to the leaf node’s value, return FALSE. public class MyBST Attributes: private Node root; // The reference to the root node in this tree Methods: // You should initialise an empty tree in the constructor. public MyBST(); // Insert a new value into the tree.

This method calls insertRec() public void insert(int value); // This is a recursive function to insert a new value in the tree. private void insertRec(Node current, int value) // Search a node in the tree. This method calls searchRec() public boolean search(int value); // This is a recursive function to search a node in the tree. private boolean searchRec(Node current, int value)

Part 2 – Graph

Question 4: Set up a new project in your IDE with a Main class. Your project name should be Graph. All your files for this part should be saved under practical-06/Graph/

Question 5: Graph consists of nodes that can be connected to each other. Define a Node class to represent the nodes in a graph. The Node class should have an index field saving the index of this node. Each Node will have a different index in

Question 6. public class Node Attributes: private int index; // the index of this node Methods: // Print the data (the index) saved in the node. public void printNode(); // You should also implement the constructors, mutators and accessors. … Example output for printNode(), you should replace the with the value saved in index: “Node ”

Question 6: Define a MyGraph class. An Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List are the most commonly used representations of a directed graph. In this question we will refer to each Node by it’s index. These indexes will be referred to by i and j.

An adjacency matrix is a 2D array of size V*V where V is the number of vertices (nodes) in the graph. Let the 2D array be adj[][], a element adj[i][j] =1 indicates that there is an edge from node i to node j, and adj[i][j] = 0 indicates that there is no edge from node i to j. An adjacency list is an array of linked lists. The size of the array is equal to the number of nodes. Let the array be array[]. An entry array[i] represents the list of nodes adjacent (connected) to the i th node.

If node j is in the list of nodes saved in array[i], there is an edge from node i to node j, otherwise, there is no edge from node i to node j. In this question, you are asked to implement a matrixToList() method to transform an adjacency matrix into an adjacency list.

Note: You can use the LinkedList ( class in Java instead of building a Linked list by yourself. public class MyGraph Attributes: LinkedList adjListArray[]; Methods: // You should initialise an empty graph in the constructor. public MyGraph(); // transform an adjacency matrix to an adjacency list public void matrixToList(int[][] matrix); // Print out the adjacency list array public void displayAdjListArray(); Example Input matrix (The first row and the first column are the index of the 2d array to help you understand.

They are not a part of input): 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 Output for displayAdjListArray: 0: Node 1 -> Node 3 1: Node 0 2: Node 3 3: Node 1 -> Node 2 Hint: You should call printNode() method defined in question 5 to help you display the adjacent list array.