OOP244 Workshop 3: Member Functions and Privacy solved


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In this workshop, you will use member functions, privacy, safe empty state and formatting the output to complete your work.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to:

– to define a class type
– to privatize data within the class type
– to instantiate an object of class type
– to access data within an object of class type through public member functions
– to use standard library facilities to format data inserted into the output stream
– to describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop

Submission Policy

This workshop is divided into two coding parts and one non-coding part:

– Part 1: A step-by-step guided workshop, worth 50% of the workshop’s total mark that is due on **Thursday at 23:59:59** of the week of your scheduled lab.
> Please note that the part 1 section is **not to be started in your first session of the week**. You should start it on your own before the day of your OOP244 class and join the first session of the week to ask for help and correct your mistakes (if there are any).
– Part 2 (**DIY**): A Do It Yourself type of workshop that is much more open-ended and is worth 50% of the workshop’s total mark. This part is due on **Sunday at 23:59:59** of the week of your scheduled lab.
– *reflection*: non-coding part, to be submitted together with *DIY* part. The reflection doesn’t have marks associated with it but can incur a **penalty of max 40% of the whole workshop’s mark** if your professor deems it insufficient (you make your marks from the code, but you can lose some on the reflection).
– Submissions of part 2 that do not contain the *reflection* (that is the **non-coding part**) are not considered valid submissions and are ignored.

If at the deadline the workshop is not complete, there is an extension of **one day** when you can submit the missing parts. **The code parts that are submitted late receive 0%.** After this extra day, the submission closes; if the workshop is incomplete when the submission closes (missing at least one of the coding or non-coding parts), **the mark for the entire workshop is 0%**.

Every file that you submit must contain (as a comment) at the top:<br />
**your name**, **your Seneca email**, **Seneca Student ID** and the **date** when you completed the work.

If the file contains only your work or work provided to you by your professor, add the following message as a comment at the top of the file:

> I have done all the coding by myself and only copied the code that my professor provided to complete my workshops and assignments.

If the file contains work that is not yours (you found it online or somebody provided it to you), **write exactly which part of the assignment is given to you as help, who gave it to you, or which source you received it from.** By doing this you will only lose the mark for the parts you got help for, and the person helping you will be clear of any wrongdoing.

## Compiling and Testing Your Program

All your code should be compiled using this command on `matrix`:

g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -g -o ws file1.cpp file2.cpp …

– `-Wall`: the compiler will report all warnings
– `-std=c++11`: the code will be compiled using the C++11 standard
– `-g`: the executable file will contain debugging symbols, allowing *valgrind* to create better reports
– `-o ws`: the compiled application will be named `ws`

After compiling and testing your code, run your program as following to check for possible memory leaks (assuming your executable name is `ws`):

valgrind ws

To check the output, use a program that can compare text files. Search online for such a program for your platform, or use *diff* available on `matrix`.

> Note: All the code written in workshops and the project must be implemented in the **sdds** namespace.

# PART 1 (50%) Shopping Bill

> Note: In this and future documents a **member function** may be referred to as a **method** and a **member variable** may be referred to as an **attribute**.

Your task for this part of the workshop is to create a program that provides a class called **Bill**. This class can be initiated using a Title name and number of shopping **Item**s.

Then the **Item**s will be added one at a time to the Bill by their name and the price and whether they are taxable or not.

The **Bill** then can be displayed, listing all the items, their prices and whether each item is taxed or not. At the end of the list the total price, tax and total price after tax should be listed as follows:

## Sample main program and execution sample
#include “Bill.h”
using namespace sdds;
int main() {
Bill B;
B.init(“Quick Shopping”, 5);
B.add(“Milk 2%”, 4.99, false);
B.add(nullptr, 15.50, true);
B.add(“Frying Pan”, 24.99, true);
B.add(“Eggs”, -2.99, false);
B.init(“Quick Shopping”, 5);
B.add(“Milk 2%”, 4.99, false);
B.add(“Spatula”, 15.50, true);
B.add(“Frying Pan”, 24.99, true);
B.add(“Eggs”, 5.99, false);
B.add(“Bug Spray”, 9.99, true);
return 0;
## An example for a valid list:
| Quick Shopping |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| Spatula…………. | 15.50 | Yes |
| Frying Pan………. | 24.99 | Yes |
| Eggs……………. | 5.99 | No |
| Bug Spray……….. | 9.99 | Yes |
| Total Tax: 6.56 |
| Total Price: 61.46 |
| Total After Tax: 68.02 |
## Examples of incomplete or lists with invalid items:

| Invalid Bill |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Invalid Bill |
| Invalid Bill |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Frying Pan………. | 24.99 | Yes |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Invalid Bill |

## Implementation

Implement this program in two modules (ie. classes):
**Item** and **Bill**

Files to submit:
billTester.cpp <— contains the main function, do not modify when submitting

### The Item Class
Develop this class in files **Item.h** and **Item.cpp**

#### Private Member Variables (attributes)
The class subject should have the following member variables:

char m_itemName[21]; // holds the item name up to 20 chars
double m_price;
bool m_taxed;
#### Private Member functions (Methods)
void setName(const char* name);
This function sets the **itemName** member Cstring variable to a the Cstring in the **name** argument up to 20 characters.

#### Public Member functions (Methods)
void setEmpty();
Sets the **Item** to a recognizable safe Empty State. Do this by setting the price to an impossible value like **0.0** and setting the **m_itemName** to a blank string (first character set to null).

void set(const char* name, double price, bool taxed);
Sets the **m_itemName** attribute to the Cstring pointed by the **name** argument using the **setName** method and sets the **m_price** and **m_taxed** attributes to the corresponding arguments.

If price is less than **0** or name is **null**, then the Item is set to a recognizable invalid **empty state** (safe empty state).

double price()const;
Returns the **m_price** attribute;

double tax()const;
Returns the product of m_price and 0.13(define a constant double value for this tax rate). Or it returns **0.0** if the m_taxed is false.

bool isValid()const;
Returns true if the **Item** is not set to the empty state (As done in setEmpty function) .<br />
This function can not modify its owner.

void display()const;
Prints an item in the following format.<br />
**If the Item is valid:**<br />
“| ”
m_itemName; left-justified in 20 spaces, padded with ‘.’ (dots)
” | ”
m_price; right-justified in 7 spaces with two digits after the decimal point
” | ”
if m_taxed is true prints “Yes” otherwise prints “No ”
” |”
**If the Item is invalid**
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |

### The Bill Class

#### Private Member Variables (attributes)
The class **Bill** should have the following private member variables and functions:

char m_title[37]; // title of the shopping list
Item* m_items; // pointer to the dynamically allocated array of Items
int m_noOfItems; // size of the dynamically allocated array of Items
int m_itemsAdded; // number of the Items added by the add method
double totalTax()const; // returns the total tax applied to the Items
double totalPrice()const; // returns the sum of prices of Items
void Title()const; // Prints the title of the shopping list
// prints the footer contaning total tax, price and total price after tax
void footer()const;
void setEmpty(); // sets the Bill to an emtpy state
bool isValid()const; // returns true is the Bill and all of its Items are valid

#### Private Member functions (Methods)
void setEmpty();
Sets the **Bill** object to an empty state by setting **m_title** to an Empty Cstring and **m_items** to **nullptr**

bool isValid()const;
Returns true if **m_title** is not empty and **m_items** is not null and all the **Items** in the **m_items** array are valid.

> hint: First check and make sure m_title and m_items are valid. Then loop through all the Items in the m_items array and make sure they are all valid.

double totalTax()const;

Adds all the taxes of the items using a loop and returns the sum.

double totalPrice()const;

Adds all the prices of the items using a loop and returns the sum;

void Title()const;
Prints the title in the following format:

Prints: “`”+————————————–+”<NEWLINE>“`

**If the Bill is valid**<br />
“| ”
m_title; left-justified in 36 spaces
” |”
**If the Bill is invalid**
“| Invalid Bill |”<NEWLINE>
Then in both cases (valid or invalid), it will print:

“| Item Name | Price + Tax |”<NEWLIN>

void footer()const;
Prints the footer in the following format:

Prints: “`”+———————-+———+—–+”<NEWLINE>“`

**If the Bill is valid**<br />
“| Total Tax: ”
totalTax(); right justified in 10 spaces with two digits after the decimal point
” |”
“| Total Price: ”
totalPrice(); right justified in 10 spaces with two digits after the decimal point
” |”
“| Total After Tax: ”
totalTax()+totalPrice(); right justified in 10 spaces with two digits after the decimal point
” |”
**If the Bill is invalid**
“| Invalid Bill |”<NEWLINE>
Then in both cases (valid or invalid), it will print:


#### Public Member functions (Methods)

void init(const char* title, int noOfItems);

If any of the arguments are invalid, it will set the Bill to an empty state (ie. **title** is null or **noOfItems** is zero or less)

Otherwise, if the incoming arguments are valid:

– **init()** function will first set the **m_noOfItems** member variable to the incoming corresponding argument and sets **m_itemsAdded** to zero.
– Next, it will copy the Cstring pointed by the **title** argument into **m_title** attribute up to 36 characters
– Then it will dynamically allocate an array of **Item**s pointed by **m_items** member variable. The length of this array will be **m_noOfItems**.
> Make sure all the dynamically allocated **Item**s are set to empty

bool add(const char* item_name, double price, bool taxed);

If the number of added **Item**s (**m_itemsAdded**) is less than the length of the **m_items** array, this function will set the next available subject to the incoming argument values. Then it will add one to the **m_itemsAdded** and return true;

Otherwise, this function will do nothing, returning false;

void display()const;

This function will first print the **title()**, then it will loop through the **m_items** elements, printing every one of them, and finally prints the **footer()**. This function can not modify the Bill.

void deallocate();
Deallocates the **m_items** arrays and sets the pointers to null.

## The tester program
Modify the [tester program](#sample-main-program-and-execution-sample) provided to test all circumstances of execution.<br />
Note that when submitting, the professor’s tester program will have more test data than the tester provided here.

### The tester program output:
| Invalid Bill |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Invalid Bill |
| Invalid Bill |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Frying Pan………. | 24.99 | Yes |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxx |
| Invalid Bill |
| Quick Shopping |
| Item Name | Price + Tax |
| Milk 2%…………. | 4.99 | No |
| Spatula…………. | 15.50 | Yes |
| Frying Pan………. | 24.99 | Yes |
| Eggs……………. | 5.99 | No |
| Bug Spray……….. | 9.99 | Yes |
| Total Tax: 6.56 |
| Total Price: 61.46 |
| Total After Tax: 68.02 |


## PART 1 Submission

Upload your source code and data file to your `matrix` account. Compile and run your code using the `g++` compiler as shown above and make sure that everything works properly.

Then, run the following command from your account
– replace `profname.proflastname` with your professor’s Seneca userid
– replace **??** with your subject code (2**00** or 2**44**)
– replace **#** with the workshop number
– replace **X** with the workshop part number (**1** or **2**)
~profname.proflastname/submit 2??/w#/pX

and follow the instructions.

> **⚠️Important:** Please note that a successful submission does not guarantee full credit for this workshop. If the professor is not satisfied with your implementation, your professor may ask you to resubmit. Re-submissions will attract a penalty.


# DIY (50%) Daily Calorie Report (Part 2)
> Except from the mandatory sections of DIY, all the other parts can be changed by students if they find it necessary as long as the program produces an output that exactly matches the required output.

Write a **Daily Calorie Report** program that receives several food items and their calorie numbers and when they were consumed.

There are four options for the time of the food consumption:

## Mealtime and their code

| When | Code|
|Breakfast| 1|


The program should report the list of the Items as follows and at the end of the report it should print the total daily Calorie consumption:

## Report sample

| Daily Calorie Consumption |
| Food name | Cals | When |
| Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk.. | 170 | Breakfast |
| Tim Hortons Medium coffee doub | 230 | Breakfast |
| Cheeseburger……………… | 303 | Lunch |
| French Fries……………… | 312 | Lunch |
| Pepsi……………………. | 150 | Lunch |
| Apple……………………. | 52 | Snack |
| Bread and Cheese………….. | 195 | Dinner |
| Garden Salad with Dressing…. | 220 | Dinner |
| Red Wine…………………. | 85 | Dinner |
| Total Calories for today: 1717 | |


## Implementation

Code your implementation in two modules:

### Food Module
The Food class should at least hold the following information:
– Food name; up to 30 characters
– Calorie number; valid between 0 and 3000 calories (including 3000).
– Time of consumption; values 1, 2, 3 or 4 (see [Meal time and their code](#meal-time-and-their-code))

### Displaying a food item
A food item should be displayed as shown in the [Report Sample](#report-sample)

If the Food item holds invalid information all the data are replaced with “x”:

| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |

Your food module should not unnecessarily expose any method or attribute; “Only make things **public** if needed”.

### CalorieList Module

The CalorieList class should dynamically hold series of Food items and display them in a report.

Following are the mandatory public member functions:

// sets the CalorieList to accept the “size” number of Food Items.
// This function is called to prepare the CalorieList for accepting food items
void init(int size);
// Adds Food Items using their Name, Calorie count and time of consumption up to
// the number set in the init() function, returns true if successful.
bool add(const char* item_name, int calories, int when);
// Displays the report with food information and the total calorie consumed in the day
// as shown in the report sample
void display()const;
// Releases all the memory used. After this function init() can be called for another
// report;
void deallocate();

## The tester program

Here is a sample of the main program using the **CalorieList** Class and its execution result:

// Workshop 3:
// Version: 0.9
// Date: 2021/1/31
// Author: Fardad Soleimanloo
// Description:
// This file tests the DIY section of your workshop
// Do not modify this code when submitting
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include “CalorieList.h”
using namespace sdds;
using namespace std;
const int c_breakfast = 1;
const int c_lunch = 2;
const int c_dinner = 3;
const int c_snack = 4;

void testDMA(CalorieList& CL);
int main() {
CalorieList CL;
CL.add(“Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk”, 170, c_breakfast);
CL.add(nullptr, 100, c_breakfast);
CL.add(“Cheeseburger”, 303, c_lunch);
CL.add(“Pepsi”, 150, 0);
CL.add(“Apple”, 52, c_snack);
CL.add(“Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk”, 170, c_breakfast);
CL.add(“Tim Hortons Medium coffee double double”, 230, c_breakfast);
CL.add(“Cheeseburger”, 303, c_lunch);
CL.add(“French Fries”, 312, c_lunch);
CL.add(“Pepsi”, 150, c_lunch);
CL.add(“Apple”, 52, c_snack);
CL.add(“Bread and Cheese”, 195, c_dinner);
CL.add(“Garden Salad with Dressing”, 220, c_dinner);
if (!CL.add(“Red Wine”, 85, c_dinner)) {
cout << “This should not be printed!” << endl;

if (CL.add(“This should not be added”, 100, c_dinner)) {
cout << “This should not be printed!” << endl;
//testDMA(CL); // uncommnet to test DMA
return 0;

void testDMA(CalorieList& CL) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
CL.add(“Tim Hortons Medium coffee double double”, 230, c_breakfast);
## The tester program output
| Invalid Calorie Consumption list |
| Food name | Cals | When |
| Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk.. | 170 | Breakfast |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| Invalid Calorie Consumption list |
| Invalid Calorie Consumption list |
| Food name | Cals | When |
| Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk.. | 170 | Breakfast |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| Cheeseburger……………… | 303 | Lunch |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
| Apple……………………. | 52 | Snack |
| Invalid Calorie Consumption list |
| Daily Calorie Consumption |
| Food name | Cals | When |
| Cheerios Cereal with 2% milk.. | 170 | Breakfast |
| Tim Hortons Medium coffee doub | 230 | Breakfast |
| Cheeseburger……………… | 303 | Lunch |
| French Fries……………… | 312 | Lunch |
| Pepsi……………………. | 150 | Lunch |
| Apple……………………. | 52 | Snack |
| Bread and Cheese………….. | 195 | Dinner |
| Garden Salad with Dressing…. | 220 | Dinner |
| Red Wine…………………. | 85 | Dinner |
| Total Calories for today: 1717 | |

## Files to submit:

> Modify the tester program to test all the different circumstances of the application and note that the professor’s tester may have many more samples than the tester program here.

## Reflection

Study your final solutions for each deliverable of the workshop, reread the related parts of the course notes, and make sure that you have understood the concepts covered by this workshop. **This should take no less than 30 minutes of your time and the result is suggested to be at least 150 words in length.**

Create a file named `reflect.txt` that contains your detailed description of the topics that you have learned in completing this workshop and mention any issues that caused you difficulty.

You may be asked to talk about your reflection (as a presentation) in class.

## DIY Submission (part 2)

Upload your source code and data file to your `matrix` account. Compile and run your code using the `g++` compiler as shown above and make sure that everything works properly.

Then, run the following command from your account
– replace `profname.proflastname` with your professor’s Seneca userid
– replace **??** with your subject code (2**00** or 2**44**)
– replace **#** with the workshop number
– replace **X** with the workshop part number (**1** or **2**)
~profname.proflastname/submit 2??/w#/pX

and follow the instructions.

> **⚠️Important:** Please note that a successful submission does not guarantee full credit for this workshop. If the professor is not satisfied with your implementation, your professor may ask you to resubmit. Re-submissions will attract a penalty.