Task 1: Multi-response Regression of Image Pixels
Consider the pixels of images with “happy” expression as responses (Y), and pixels
of images with “wink”, “surprised” expressions as predictors (X). Perform a multiresponse regression and conduct inferences (i.e., parameter estimation accuracy, prediction accuracy, prediction interval, hypothesis testing) for the estimated model.
From reading the RGB data of the .gif images, it is found that each image is
consisted of 243×320 pixels. To form the multi-response matrix Y, I picked some
important points in each of the “happy” images where different facial expressions will
lead to different RGB values. See Figure 1 for the points that are picked.
Figure 1: Plot of the achieved coverage of the Wald interval determined from Monte
Carlo simulation.
Thus, for each of the 15 “happy” figures we can obtain 11 data points whose RGB
values (range from 0 to 255) as the multi-response. Here we denote the new matrix
with reduced dimension as Yn. (The 15×11 Yn matrix can be found in the comment
section of the code.) To form the X matrix, we start with the “wink” figures. Each
row of RGB values of a “wink” figure are flattened so that for each figure we have one
array with 243×320(=77760) RGB values. In the same way, we can obtain the arrays
(with 77760 elements) for the “surprised” figures. For the same person I concatenate
the “wink” array and “surprised” array so that each row of the matrix will have
155520 elements. With data of 15 persons, we can obtain a X matrix with a shape
of 15×155520. In the X matrix, a lot of covariates are highly correlated, such as
pixels at the upper-left and upper-right conners, their values are almost all 255. To
avoid the problem collinearity during regression, PCA is applied. The scree plot of
the PCA look as follows:
Figure 2: Scree plot of PCA result. The first ten principal component explains 91.68%
of the variance.
The detailed result of the PCA calculation can be found in the comment section
of the code. It is can be found that the first 15 principal components have the
proportion of variance explained as 0.3585, 0.1551, 0.08336, 0.0705, 0.06393, 0.04883,
0.04277, 0.03458, 0.03048, 0.02874, 0.02408, 0.0227, 0.01859, 0.01786, 0.00000. Also,
from the data of cumulative proportions, we can find more than 90% of variance are
explained when the principal component number reaches 10. Thus I choose the first
10 principal components of the PCA transformed data as the new predictor variables
(which form Xn). Here Xn is a matrix of size 15×10.
With Yn and Xn multi-response regression is performed using R. From the output
of the lm(.) routine in R we can draw the regression result for each of the 11 variables
in Yn. For example, we can pick point 5 (see Figure 1), which represents a point on the
chin if the person does not open his/her mouth. In the regression result for point 5,
we find the R2
is 0.9479, which means the model with the estimated Bˆ explain 94.79%
of the variation of the fifth response variable in Yn. The P-value for the F statistics
test is 0.03535, meaning the model is acceptable for explaining the variations in the
5th column of Yn. Also, we can find that in addition to the parameter estimation
of the intercept, the parameter estimation of the 4th and 8th principal components
are also significant. The standard error for these three parameters are 4.7518907,
0.0007582 and 0.0010827 respectively. The standard error of residual is 18.4.
Given an arbitrary xnew data, we want to predict the corresponding y value on
the point 5. This can be done by calculating x
newBˆ, the prediction for the 11 Y
values given a certain x
new (see the comment section in code) is (176.3837, 84.75026,
129.8396, 59.86544, 86.72901, 69.55481, 100.2671, 132.6298, 107.7541, 70.61056, 45.55909).
The standard error of prediction for each element of Y requires the knowledge of the
standard error of residual for that element of Y. For example σ5 = 18.4 for the fifth
σ5∗ = σ5
−1xnew + 1, Xn1 = [1, Xn] (1)
The σ5∗ is found to be 19.82849 in our case. Thus, the prediction interval can be
estimated as
P I5 = [86.729 − 19.828 × t4,0.975, 86.729 + 19.828 × t4,0.975] = [31.676, 141.782] (2)
The range of P I5 looks a little large. However, a color of dark grey to grey is predicted,
instead of plain white (255) or some other extremely light grey color (200 to 255).
In addition, tests of models basing on the ‘Wilks’ statistics are performed. It
shows that models with the first one, first two or first three columns of Xn (in the
direction of principal components) are valid for explaining the variations in Yn. Their
P-values for the F-statistics are 0.02996, 0.02633 and 0.04462. The hypothesis test
won’t work for models with even larger number of covariates for lack of degrees of
freedom for the residuals. (See test results in code) If we can include more images of
some other people (larger n) in our image data set, we will be able to do a hypothesis
test for the model with 10 covariates.
Task 2: Facial Expression Classification
Using the subset of data with “sad”, “happy”, and “wink” expressions, conduct a
three-class classification. Please evaluate the classification accuracy of your method.
Before classification, we want to build the 15×77760 matrix for the 15 “sad”
images with the pixels in each of the image. This can be done by lining up the
243 rows of the pixel data of each image into one row vector and concatenate such
vectors for all the “sad” images by rows. In the same way, we build the 15×77760
matrices for the “happy” images and “wink” images. Then, we concatenate these
three 15×77760 matrices by rows and form a 45×77760 matrix. Between each pair of
the 45 records (data points) in this matrix, “Bray Curtis” distances are calculated.
With the distances between the 45 points in 77760 dimensions, we have a network in
high dimensions. Using IsoMap we can simplify this network so that the connections
of only the nearest 3 neighbors of a data point can be retained. Also I set the
parameter “ndim” to be 10 so that this network will be projected into a space of 10
dimensions using Multi-dimensional Scaling. The two dimensional projection of the
10-dimensional map is presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Two dimensional projection of the ten-dimensional IsoMap for the 45 data
points, the distance metric used in the original space is Bray Curtis distance.
With the data in the 10-dimensional map, we have the 45×10 data matrix. Now we
can zip the 45×10 matrix with the vector (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3)’ by column. Here “1” is the label for “sad”
images, “2” is the label for “happy” images and, “3” is the label for “wink” images.
With the 45×11 matrix we shuffle the records/rows. Within the shuffled 45×11
matrix, the first 30 rows are chosen as training set and the last 15 rows are chosen as
testing set.
In the 30×11 training set, the data points are sparsely spaced in feature space, thus
I used SVM to do the classification. After trying different kernels (such as “linear”
kernel, the “polynomial” kernel, the “radial” kernel and the “sigmoid” kernel), I found
the “sigmoid” kernel gives the best performance. Then I used 5-fold cross validation
to tune the best misclassification penalty parameter (the ’cost’ parameter). Plugging
the best parameter directly into the SVM routine we can obtain the optimized fitted
model “svmModel”. Using “svmModel” we are able to make predictions for the
testing data, which is a 15×10 matrix. The prediction result is as follows:
3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2 (3)
and their real labels are:
3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2 (4)
The misclassification rate for the testing data is 0.4666667, which is considerably
larger than expected. One possible reason for the large error rate is the author’s lack
of experience of finding the optimal kernel; another possible reason for the large error
rate is the lack of training data; a third possible reason is that I didn’t find a better
distance metric to build a distance/dissimilarity matrix which can better represent
the distinctions between the images.
Task 3: Image Clustering
Using all the image data, conduct a clustering method to group the data. Evaluate
the performance of your clustering method.
Before clustering the images I first performed PCA and reduced the dimension for
each image from 77760 into 6. The detailed procedures and results of PCA can be
found in Task 4. As can be found in Figure 8, the structure of the data is complicated.
Figure 4: Clustering result of Spectral Clustering as displayed in a scatter plot in the
dimensions of PC1 and PC2, after scaling the data of six dimensions.
Zooming in one of the plots in Figure 8, here Figure 4 displays the scaled data
in the dimension of the first two principal components. Since the outline of the
data in this plot is “V” shaped, we can imagine that the clustering algorithm which
requires convex-shaped outlines of the data (such as K-means) will not work very
well. However, the algorithm of Spectral Clustering, which is dedicated to cluster
non-convex data, can be used for the current task. Since there are 11 expressions
for each of the 15 persons, I set the total number of clusters to be 11. The result of
Spectral Clustering are represented by the different colors in Figure 4. (The detailed
cluster membership by Spectral Clustering can be found in the comment section of the
code.) The Within Sum of Squares for each cluster is as follows: 53.28955, 181.07577,
68.17774, 180.11255, 96.37523, 143.88464, 43.08548, 146.86978, 167.48242, 169.36351,
190.01196. And the total Within Sum of Squares is 1439.729.
Figure 5: Dendrogram of the Agglomerative Clustering algorithm with Ward’s
In addition to Spectral Clustering, Agglomerative Clustering with Ward’s minimum variance method is performed, also with the reduced data from PCA in Task 4.
As have been done for Spectral Clustering, the data in 6 dimensions (the dimensions
of the first 6 principal components) are also scaled. This algorithm starts with 165
clusters (the number of data points) and merge two clusters into a bigger one if the
increase of total Within Sum of Squares is the smallest in that iteration. The distance
in this clustering method is set to be Euclidean. The dendrogram of Agglomerative
Clustering can be found in Figure 5. (The detailed cluster membership by this clustering algorithm can be found in the comment section of the code.) The Within Sums
of Squares in each cluster is: 163.3609 55.84344 146.8698 97.13051 190.012 100.9495
56.63406 169.3635 114.8533 225.2949 196.288. And the total Within Sums of Squares
is 1516.6, which is a little larger than that of the Spectral Clustering algorithm. This
is because Agglomerative Clustering with Ward’s Method is a greedy algorithm, which
prefers convex-shaped clusters.
As a result, the performance of Spectral Clustering beats that of the Agglomerative
Clustering with Ward’s Method.
Task 4: PCA of the Image Data
Using all the image data, perform the principal component analysis and interpret
your result properly.
In the same way as described at the beginning of Task 2, we can build the
15×77760 matrices for each of the center-light, glasses, happy, left-light, no glasses,
normal, right-light, sad, sleepy, surprised, and wink expressions (eleven in total).
Then we concatenate the eleven 15×77760 matrices (by rows) in to a 165×77760
matrix. From the image data set we can see each pixel value ranges from 0 to 255,
Figure 6: Scree plot of PCA result with all the images in the “Yale Face” folder. The
first ten principal component explains 78.89% of the variance.
indicating black to white. This means the RGB values of each pixel vary in the same
range. Also, we can observe that there are locations in the pictures where all the 165
images show pure white color (RGB=255). With all the 165 images having the same
value of RGB in a specific pixel, we obtain a variance of 0. In this case, the data
scaling is not applicable since 0 will appear in denominator of the calculation. Data
scaling is neither encouraged because it will change the “shape” of the data and thus
change the result of PCA. For both reasons as mentioned above, I perform PCA with
R without scaling the data in the feature space. (It should be noticed that the PCA
routine in R default the center parameter to be TRUE and the scale parameter to
be FALSE, so the centering procedure is automatically performed.) The scree plot of
the PCA can be found in Figure 6. The Cumulative Proportion of Variance can be
found in Figure 7.
From the PCA result (can be found in the comment section of the code), we can
see the first principal component explains 30.54% of the variance in the rotated feature
space, where the covariance matrix of the data is diagonal, with the diagonal elements
ordered from large to small. By adding the second principal component, which is
uncorrelated to the first component, additional 14.04% of variance is explained. If
we include the first 6 principal components (which are uncorrelated with each other),
69.73%≈70% of the variances can be explained/represented. In Task 3, I used the
dimensions of the first 6 principal components to represent the complete image data
(in 77760 dimensions) for clustering.
In Figure 8, the scatter plots of the data described by the first 4 principal components are shown in pairs. It can be found from the plots that the outlines of the data
are neither linear or oval. What can be observed include the “V” shaped outlines,
the “Ω” shaped outline, the arrow shaped outline and the “S” shaped outlines. This
Figure 7: Cumulative Proportion of Variance of the principal components, from PC1
to PC26.
means the structure of the data is complicated, a problem cannot be resolved by
simple rotation, translation or scaling of the data.
Task 5: CCA of the Image Data
Suppose one group of data is the images with “sleepy” expression, and the other
group data is the images with “happy”. Perform the canonical correlation analysis
for these two groups of data and explain the results appropriately.
Canonical Correlation Analysis aims to find the basis vectors a and b such that
when data set X and Y are projected to them respectively, the correlation (between
the vectors U1 = a1
0X and V1 = b1
Y ) become the largest. When the first pair U1, V1
are found, the second pair of U2, V2 are to be found for largest correlation, under the
condition that cov(U1, U2)=0 and cov(V1, V2)=0, etc.
To tackle with this task, PCA is performed for the 15×77760 “happy” matrix.
According to the scree plot out of PCA, the values in the dimensions of the first 6
principal components are retained to represent the complete “happy” dataset, see
Figure 9. Same procedures have been done for the “sleepy” dataset.
Figure 8: Scattering plots of the image data in the directions of the first four principal
Figure 9: (a) Scree plot of the “happy” dataset. (b) Scree plot of the “sleepy” dataset.
After performing the Canonical Correlation Analysis in R, we obtained the coef9
ficient matrix A = (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) and B = (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) as:
A =
−9.02e − 05 2.34e − 05 −1.20e − 05 −1.43e − 05 −3.08e − 05 1.37e − 05
3.02e − 05 6.61e − 05 1.44e − 05 −1.18e − 04 1.77e − 05 1.55e − 05
−3.75e − 05 −1.57e − 04 −3.92e − 05 −9.97e − 05 4.04e − 05 −2.67e − 05
−1.03e − 05 −4.57e − 05 6.74e − 05 1.57e − 05 5.46e − 05 2.09e − 04
−9.59e − 06 −4.81e − 05 2.01e − 04 −2.57e − 05 −9.66e − 05 −4.87e − 05
−8.56e − 05 4.26e − 05 8.74e − 05 3.23e − 05 1.99e − 04 −7.78e − 05
B =
−9.13e − 05 2.69e − 05 −5.75e − 06 −2.58e − 05 −2.39e − 05 1.81e − 05
−4.07e − 05 −4.37e − 05 2.33e − 05 1.24e − 04 −3.58e − 05 −3.83e − 06
−3.21e − 05 −1.44e − 04 3.94e − 05 −4.77e − 05 6.44e − 05 8.10e − 05
−5.87e − 05 −5.92e − 05 −1.86e − 05 −2.63e − 05 5.52e − 05 −1.79e − 04
1.48e − 05 −7.76e − 05 −1.96e − 04 −6.73e − 06 −7.50e − 05 1.91e − 05
3.84e − 05 −6.42e − 05 9.82e − 05 −8.43e − 05 −1.87e − 04 −4.71e − 05
(The more accurate values for A and B can be found in the comment section of the
code.) Then we can calculate the U = XA and V = Y B and have a look at the
correlation between U and V , which is:
corr(U, V ) =
9.97e − 01 −8.17e − 17 −1.02e − 16 1.42e − 16 1.37e − 16 1.98e − 16
5.79e − 17 9.95e − 01 −5.36e − 16 −1.31e − 16 −1.37e − 16 1.80e − 16
4.11e − 17 −1.68e − 16 9.78e − 01 1.59e − 17 −4.62e − 17 3.57e − 17
−1.21e − 16 2.08e − 16 5.34e − 17 9.71e − 01 3.22e − 16 −1.86e − 16
2.35e − 16 2.92e − 16 1.21e − 16 1.31e − 16 8.91e − 01 1.04e − 17
−1.09e − 17 3.03e − 16 −6.32e − 17 3.73e − 16 3.33e − 17 6.94e − 01
with pair-wise correlations corr(Ui
, Vi) =0.9969858, 0.9954081, 0.9776235, 0.9705297,
0.8906162 and 0.6941896 for i = 1, 2, …, 6. It is not hard to find, for i = 1, 2, 3, 4,
the (Ui
, Vi) pairs are highly correlated, having the correlation values bigger than 0.97.
For i = 5, 6, the correlation between Ui and Vi are still large and non-negligible. This
means, after transforming the reduced “happy” and “sleepy” datasets, we obtain two
new datasets U and V . The columns of each of U and V are uncorrelated, yet the
corresponding columns between U and V are highly correlated (the matrices U and
V should be almost the same if the columns of both matrices are standardized).
This means, the reduced “happy” and “sleepy” datasets can be transformed by
CCA such that we can match the images from the two sets very easily (by calculating
the inner products of the records in the transformed datasets). Detailed speaking,
if we partition the “happy” and “sleepy” datasets into training and testing datasets,
we can use the training sets to find A and B. With the trained A and B, we can
transform the testing sets. Given a transformed record from the “happy” testing set,
we can retrieve the same person’s “sleepy” record by simply calculating the inner
products between itself and the transformed records in the “sleepy” testing set. The
record of the largest inner product should be the matched “sleepy” image, which
should be of the same person.