1 Recitation Problems
These problems are to be found in: Introduction to Statistical Learning,
th Printing (Online Edition) by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor
Hastie, Robert Tibshirani.
1.1 Chapter 5
Problems: 2,3
1.2 Chapter 6
Problems: 1,2,3,4
2 Practicum Problems
These problems will primarily reference the lecture materials and the examples
given in class using R and CRAN. It is suggested that a RStudio session be
used for the programmatic components.
2.1 Problem 1
Load the Yacht Hydrodynamics sample dataset from the UCI Machine Learning
Repository (yacht into R using a dataframe (Note:
The feature labels need to be manually specified). Use the caret package to
perform a 80/20 test-train split (via the createDataPartition function), and
obtain a training fit for a linear model.
(Hint: The model fit should use all
available features with the residuary resistance as the target.). What are the
training as well as test MSE/RMSE and R2
results? Next, use the caret package
to perform a bootstrap from the full sample dataset with N=1000 samples for
fitting a linear model (via the trainControl method), resulting in a training
for each resample. Plot a histogram of the RMSE values,
and provide a mean RMSE and R2
for the fit.
How do these values compare to
the basic model? How do the test MSE/RMSE and R2
for the boostrap model
2.2 Problem 2
Load the German Credit Data sample dataset from the UCI Machine Learning
Repository ( into R using a dataframe (Note: The
final column is the class variable coded as 1 or 2). Use the caret package to
perform a 80/20 test-train split (via the createDataPartition function), and
obtain a training fit for a logistic model via the glm package.
(Hint: You
may select a subset of the predictors based on exploratory analysis, or use all
predictors for simplicity.). What are the training as well as test MSE/RMSE
and R2
Next, use the trainControl and train functions to perform
a k=10 fold cross-validation fit of the same model, and obtain train and test
cross-validated MSE/RMSE and R2 values. How do these values compare to
the original fit?
2.3 Problem 3
Load the mtcars sample dataset from the built-in datasets (data(mtcars)) into
R using a dataframe. Perform a basic 80/20 test-train split on the data (you
may use caret, the sample method, or manually) and fit a linear model with mpg
as the target response, and all other variables as predictors/features (you will
need to set up a dummy variable for am).
What features are selected as relevant
based on resulting t-statistics? What are the associated coefficient values for
relevant features? Perform a ridge regression using the glmnet package from
CRAN, specifying a vector of 100 values of λ for tuning.
Use cross-validation (via
cv.glmnet) to determine the minimum value for λ – what do you obtain? (Hint:
You can use doMC in order to speed-up your cross-validation by specifying
parallel=TRUE in your glmnet calls.).
Plot MSE as a function of λ (you
may also use log λ). What is out-of-sample test MSE (using predict), and how
do the coefficients differ versus the regular linear model? Has ridge regression
performed shrinkage, variable selection, or both?
2.4 Problem 4
Load the swiss sample dataset from the built-in datasets (data(swiss)) into
R using a dataframe. Perform a basic 80/20 test-train split on the data (you
may use caret, the sample method, or manually) and fit a linear model with
Fertility as the target response, and all other variables as predictors/features.
What features are selected as relevant based on resulting t-statistics? What are
the associated coefficient values for relevant features? Perform a lasso regression
using the glmnet package from CRAN, specifying a vector of 100 values of λ for
Use cross-validation (via cv.glmnet) to determine the minimum value
for λ – what do you obtain? (Hint: You can use doMC in order to speed-up
your cross-validation by specifying parallel=TRUE in your glmnet calls.).
Plot MSE as a function of λ (you may also use log λ). What is out-of-sample
test MSE (using predict), and how do the coefficients differ versus the regular
linear model? Has lasso regression performed shrinkage, variable selection, or