1 Recitation Problems
These problems are to be found in: Introduction to Statistical Learning,
th Printing (Online Edition) by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor
Hastie, Robert Tibshirani.
1.1 Chapter 2
Problems: 1,2,4,6
2 Practicum Problems
These problems will primarily reference the lecture materials and the examples
given in class using R and CRAN. It is suggested that a RStudio session be
used for the programmatic components.
2.1 Problem 1
Load the iris sample dataset into R using a dataframe (it is a built-in dataset).
Create a boxplot of each of the 4 features, and highlight the feature with the
largest empirical IQR. Calculate the parametric standard deviation for each
feature – do your results agree with the empirical values? Use the ggplot2 library
from CRAN to create a colored boxplot for each feature, with a box-whisker
per flower species. Which flower type exhibits a significantly different Petal
Length/Width once it is separated from the other classes?
2.2 Problem 2
Load the trees sample dataset into R using a dataframe (it is a built-in dataset),
and produce a 5-number summary of each feature. Create a histogram of each
variable – which variables appear to be normally distributed based on visual
inspection? Do any variables exhibit positive or negative skewness? Install
the moments library from CRAN use the skewness function to calculate the
skewness of each variable. Do the values agree with the visual inspection?
2.3 Problem 3
Load the auto-mpg sample dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository ( into R using a dataframe (Hint: You will need to use
read.csv with url, and set the appropriate values for header,, and sep).
The horsepower feature has a few missing values with a ? – and will be treated
as a string. Use the as.numeric casting function to obtain the column as a numeric vector, and replace all NA values with the median. How does this affect
the value obtained for the mean vs the original mean when the records were