Q1 (35 points): Write a TBL trainer, TBL, for the text classification task.
• The command line is: TBL train data model file min gain
• The initial annotator simply tags each document with the first class in the training data (e.g.,
if the training data is train2.txt, the first class would be “talk.politics.guns”).
• train data has the same format as before (see train2.txt)
• model file has the default classname (i.e., the first class in the training data) in the first line,
followed by a list of transformations (one transformation per line). The transformation line has
the format “featName from class to class net gain”.
• min gain should be a positive integer. If it is not, the code should print out an error message
and exit.
– If the net gain of the best transformation for the current iteration is less than min gain,
the TBL training will stop.
– For instance, if min gain is 1, the trainer will not stop until the best transformation in the
current iteration cannnot provide a positive gain. In this case, the model file contains all
the transformations with positive gains.
• In order to find the best transformation, you need to go over all the instances including the
ones whose current class labels are correct.
If your implementation is efficent, for every iteration of training, you need to go over the training
data only once to find the best transformation. The trick is that for each training instance,
determine what transformations would be triggered by the instance and update their net gains
accordingly. See the slides for hw7.
Q2 (25 points): Write a TBL decoder, TBL, that uses a TBL model to classify test
• The command line is: TBL test data model file sys output N
• test data has the same format as before (see test2.txt)
• model file is the model created by TBL
• The format of sys output is “instanceName trueLabel sysLabel transformation1 transformation2
– trueLabel is the label in the gold standard
– sysLabel is the label produced by the TBL classifier
– each transformation has the format “featName from class to class”
– transformation1 is the first one applied to the instance, tranformation2 is the second, and
so on.
• N is the number of transformations in the model file that will be used. For instance, suppose
the model file has 1,000 transformations and N is 10, then only the first 10 transformations in
the model file will be used for decoding, and the rest will be totally ignored as if they were not
in the file.
Q3 (15 points): Run TBL with train2.txt as the training data, and run TBL
with train2.txt and test2.txt as the test data for training accuracy and test accuracy, respectively.
(a) Fill out Table 1. N is the number of transformations used by TBL
(b) For Table 1, you only need to run TBL with min gain=1, and use the model file for
every row in Table 1. Let us call that model file model file.
(c) When you run TBL on test2.txt with a value N, name the sys output file as sys output N.
You need to submit model file, sys output 20, sys output 50, and sys output 100.
Table 1: The classification results
N Training Accuracy Test accuracy
Submission: Submit the following to Canvas:
• Your note file readme.(txt | pdf ) that includes Table 1, and any notes that you want the TA to
• hw.tar.gz that includes all the files specified in dropbox/18-19/572/hw7/submit-file-list, plus any
source code (and binary code) used by the shell scripts.
• Make sure that you run check before submitting your hw.tar.gz.