LING 570: Hw4 solution


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Q1 (15 points): Write, which builds an expanded FSM given a lexicon
and morphotactic rules expressed by an FSA.

 The command line: lexicon morph_rules output_fsm

 Lexicon and morph_rules are input files; output_fsm is the output file.

 The lexicon file has the format “word classLabel”, where word and classLabel
can be any string that does not contain whitespace. A sample file is

 The morph_rules file is an FSA (in the Carmel format) that encodes the
morphotactic rules; that is, the input symbols in the FSA are class labels (e.g.,
regular_verb_stem). An example is examples/morph_rules_ex, which
represents an FSA that is equivalent to the one on Slide #23 of day06_morph.pdf.

 The output_fsm file is the expanded FSM (in the Carmel format), where an arc in
the morph_rule FSA is replaced by multiple paths and each path corresponds to
an entry in the lexicon; in other words, the input symbol in the expanded FSM
should be a character or an empty string ε, not a word. See slide #19-21 in day06-
morph.pdf as an example.

Q2 (20 points): Write, which checks whether the input words are
accepted by the FSM created in Q1.
 The command line: fsm word_list output_file
 fsm and word_list are input files; output_file is the output file

 “word_list” is a list of words, one word per line (e.g., examples/wordlist_ex)
 “fsm” is the FSM (in the Carmel format) created in Q1
 “output_file” has the format “word => answer” for each word in the word_list,
where “answer” is “yes” if the word is accepted by the morph acceptor, or “no”
otherwise (e.g., examples/q2_result_ex)

Q3 (30 points): Write and so that the “output”
file produced by has the format “word => answer”, where “answer”
is “morph1/label1 morph2/label2 …” if the word is accepted by the morph acceptor, or
“*NONE*” otherwise (e.g., examples/q3_result_ex).

 The command line formats of and are the
same as and, respectively.
 In your note file, explain briefly how the fsm produced by differs
from the one produced by

Q4 (5 points) Run the following commands and store the results under q4/ lexicon_ex morph_rules_ex q4/q4_expand_fsm q4/q4_expand_fsm wordlist_ex q4/q4_result

Q5 (5 points) Run the following commands and store the results under q5/ lexicon_ex morph_rules_ex q5/q5_expand_fsm q5/q5_expand_fsm wordlist_ex q5/q5_result

Note: The example files (e.g., q2_result_ex) under examples/ are meant to show the
format of the files. They are not meant to serve as the gold standard.

The submission should include:
 The readme.[txt | pdf] that includes answers to Q3.
 hw.tar.gz that includes all the files in submit-file-list