Q1 (6 points): Manually create FSTs for the following regular relations and save the
FSTs in Carmel format as files “fst1”, “fst2”, “fst3” under q1/.
fst1 for {(a2n
, b
) | n >=0}
fst2 for {(a
, b
2nc) | n >=0}
fst3 for{(an d*, (bc)
n g) | n>=0}
Q2 (14 points): Use Carmel to build a FST acceptor,
The format of the command line is: fst_file input_file >
fst_file is an FST in the Carmel format (e.g., “examples/fst0”,
“examples/wfst1”, “examples/wfst2”)
Each line in the input file is a string (e.g., “examples/ex”, “examples/ex2”)
Each line in the output_file has the format “x => y prob” (e.g.,
“examples/ex.fst0”), where
o x is the string from the input file.
o y is the output string if x is accepted by the FST, or *none* if x is not
accepted by the FST.
o prob is the probability of the path whose yield is x.
o The probability of a path is the product of the probabilities of the edges in
the path.
o If there are multiple paths for an input string x, y is the output string of
the path with the highest probability (for paths with the same probabilities,
Carmel breaks the tie somehow)
Run your with the FSTs in Q1 and hw3/examples/ex as input file,
save the output files in ex.fst[1-3], respectively, under q2/. q1/fst1 hw3/examples/ex > q2/ex.fst1 q1/fst2 hw3/examples/ex > q2/ex.fst2 q1/fst3 hw3/examples/ex > q2/ex.fst3
Run the following commands and save the output files under q2/. hw3/examples/wfst1 hw3/examples/ex2 > q2/ex2.wfst1 hw3/examples/wfst2 hw3/examples/ex2 > q2/ex2.wfst2
Q3 (25 points): Build WITHOUT using Carmel, which has the same
command line format and functionality as except: CANNOT use Carmel
Since we have not covered Viterbi algorithm, will handle only
non-ambiguous FST; that is, if you ignore the output symbols on the arcs, the
resulting FSA is a DFA, not an NFA.
If the FST is ambiguous, your code should print to stderr “The input FST is
ambiguous”, and print out nothing to stdout.
a) Run the following commands and save the output files under q3/. Remember to
use fst1 and fst2, not wfst1 and wfst2 for the following: hw3/examples/fst1 hw3/examples/ex2 > q3/ex2.fst1 hw3/examples/fst2 hw3/examples/ex2 > q3/ex2.fst2
Q4 (30 points): Build WITHOUT using Carmel, which converts an input
NFA to an equivalent DFA (with the caveat below).
The format of the command line is: input_nfa_file > output_dfa_file
Both input_nfa_file and output_dfa_file are FSA files in the Carmel format: the
former is an NFA, the latter is a DFA. If the former is a DFA, the script will
simply output the same FSA.
To learn how to convert an NFA to an DFA, please look at the slides attached to
this assignment called NFA-to-DFA-conversion.pdf. You can also find videos on
youtube such as
The main idea is that each state in the output DFA will correspond to a set of
states in the input NFA. The algorithm will start from the start state of the NFA
and determine for each input symbol, what states will be reached and make those
states into a single state in the DFA. Then for each new DFA state, determine
what states can be reached for each input symbol. Repeat the process until no new
DFA states will be created. A DFA state is a final state if and only if one of the
corresponding NFA states is a final state in the NFA.
One caveat about the DFA: If the resulting DFA may have more than one final
state, because the Carmel format allows only one final state, you have to create a
new final state (let’s call it FinalState), and add arcs that go from each of these
DFA final states to FinalStatewith with the empty string as the label. So in that
sense, the output-dfa-file is not a real DFA, but this is due to the limitation of the
Carmel format. If the resulting DFA has only one final state, do NOT create a
new final state.
For the resulting “DFA”, let’s use the following convention for naming the states
in the DFA:
o Suppose a DFA state corresponds to the set S, say {q1, q3, q5}, the state
should be called q1-q3-q5 (the states are sorted alphabetically), not q1-q5-
q3, etc.
If S has only one member, say q1, then the DFA state should be
called q1 as well.
o If the DFA has multiple final states, and we have to create a new final
state, let’s call that final state FinalState. You can assume that the input
NFA does not have a state with the same name.
The conversion algorithm in the NFA-to-DFA-conversion.pdf file defines a few
o MoveNFA(s, a) is the set of states in the input NFA that can be reached
from a state s when the input symbol is a. Here, s is a single state in the
o MoveNFA(S, a) is the set of states in the input NFA that can be reached
from any state s in S when the input symbol is a. Here, S is a set of states
in the NFA.
o ԑ-Closure(s) is the set of states in the input NFA that can be reached from
a state s by going over zero or more arcs with empty string as the label.
o ԑ-Closure(S) is the set of states in the input NFA that can be reached from
any state in S by going over zero or more arcs with empty string as the
o MoveDFA(A, a)=B, where B is the set of states in the input NFA that can be
reached from a state A in the DFA when the input symbol is a. Here, A is a
state in the DFA which means that A actually corresponds to a set of states
in the NFA. If B is not already a state in the current DFA, we then make it
as a new state in the DFA.
Run the following commands and save the output files under q4/. hw3/examples/nfa1 > q4/dfa1 hw3/examples/nfa2 > q4/dfa2
The submission should include:
The readme.(pdf | txt) file as always.
Hw.tar.gz that includes all the files specified in submit-file-list