For this project you will build a naïve Bayesian classifier which is able to classify text fragments according
to their language. Determining the language of a document may seem trivial, since the most common few
words in each language—or the character set it uses—could be thought of as an identifying signature.
we would like to use a more principled approach that quantitatively scores the probability of some fragment
of text being written in one language, relative to others.
Naturally, Bayes’ theorem comes to mind:
𝑃(lang|text) =
As we did in the POS-tagging lecture, we can ignore the denominator of the right side. This is because we
will be interested in comparing the result of this calculation for different languages—but always for the
same text. Since we will only compare results for the same text fragment, 𝑃(text) will always be 1.0, and
it can be excluded from the calculation.
𝑃(lang|text) = 𝑃(text|lang)𝑃(lang)
Next, we will assume that each of the 15 languages are equally likely. Again, we could always multiply the
right side by 1
, but since we will only use the results for comparison, this term can also be dropped.
𝑃(lang|text) = 𝑃(text|lang)
Finally, we apply the naïve Bayesian assumption: all words in the text are conditionally independent of
each other. Therefore, the probability that a text fragment is written in a language will be product of the
probabilities of all of its words, according to a unigram language model of that language.
𝑃(lang|text) = ∏𝑃(word𝑖
Because this product may approach zero, the calculation will actually be done by adding log-probabilities.
logprob(lang|text) = ∑log10 𝑃(word𝑖
This calculation is repeated for each of the 15 languages, and the language with the highest probability is
predicted. If we just wanted to know the best predicted language 𝐿̂, we could use argmax to drop the left
side of the equation. As you recall, this notation discards the actual result, returning only the parameter that
yielded it.
𝐿̂ = argmax𝑗 ∑log10 𝑃(word𝑖
However, for this project, in addition to identifying the best prediction, you will calculate and report the
actual log-prob scores for each line of text, for each of the 15 languages.
In the following location you will find the corpus: 15 unigram language model files similar to what you
built for Project 2. The models are truncated, containing only the most common 1,500 words.
These files use the Latin-1 encoding, an 8-bit file format. Because some languages use lexical capitalization
(for example, nouns are always capitalized in German), and because some programming languages may
lack support for correctly changing the case of letters with diacritics, this project will use case-sensitive
comparison. Do not ignore case.
In order to match the way the language model was built, you should strip punctuation from the input
sentences. A suggested set of punctuation to strip is given here: .,!¡¥$£¿;:()”‘—–-/[]¹²³«» but you are
welcome to develop your own set, based on an examination of the language models.
In accordance with typical classification practice, you will be provided with separate training and testing
input files. These files, test.txt and train.txt are located in the /project5 dropbox. Each example is
on a single line, consisting of an identifier, a tab character, and the example text. The training examples
are labeled, so the identifier will be the correct three-letter language code for the example. The test
examples are unlabeled, so the identifier will be a numeric value. Since the training examples are taken
from the training corpus, they should all be readily identified by your classifier, and you can use them to
verify that it is working properly. You only need to submit results for the testing examples.
As is usual, you will encounter a lot of words in the test data which are not in the language model that you
are currently evaluating. How you deal with these is called smoothing, and you should implement a
principled approach to the problem. One possibility is to assign unseen words the same probability as a
singleton (a word that occurred once in the model) for the language under consideration.
Discuss your smoothing technique in your write-up and comment on the effect your choice has on your
classifier’s probability space.
Extra Credit (15 points)
For extra credit, also process the file extra-test.txt, which includes samples from languages that are not
included in your fifteen models. Using a threshold value or other parameters, you may determine that none
of the languages is clearly more likely than any of the others. In this case, your classifier can conclude that
it is an ‘unknown’ language (use the string “unk” for this). Use the extra-train.txt file, in which the
languages are labeled, to tune your algorithm and/or parameter(s).
Output Format
Output your results to the console (stdout). For each example you process, write the following lines:
The identifier, a tab character, and the example text
One line per language model, consisting of the language code, a tab character and a numeric value
The word “result”, a tab character, and the language code for the “best” result from your classifier.
Example output follows. Your output file will contain one section like this for each of the input examples.
The numeric values can represent whatever you wish, since they are only relative for the single example.
Depending on how you set up your math, the “result” should be the language that has either the highest—
or the lowest—value.
Include the following files in your submission: Contains command(s) that compile your program. If you are using python or
any other interpreted language that does not require compiling, then this file
will be empty, or contain just the single line:
#!/bin/sh The command(s) that run your program. Be sure to include compiled
binaries in your submission so that this script will execute without first
output This is the output of your program, captured from the console by executing
the following command:
$ ./ >output Compiles the extra credit, exactly as (optional) Runs the extra credit, exactly as (optional)
output-extra Extra credit output (optional)
readme.{pdf, txt} Your write-up of the project. Describe your approach, any problems or
special features, or anything else you’d like me to review. If you could not
complete some or all of the project’s goals, please explain what you were
able to complete.
(source code and
binary files)
All source code and binary files (jar, a.out, etc., if any) required to run and
compile your program
Gather together all the required files, making sure that, for example, any PDF or other binary files are
transferred from your local machine using a binary transmission format. Then, from within the directory
2 Cé agus, is féidir cur síos a dhéanamh mar sin ar an gcóras.
dan -17.434282
deu -17.735051
dut -17.394591
eng -16.219135
fin -17.451900
fra -17.711787
gla -13.688687
ita -17.291179
nob -17.722804
pol -17.778136
por -16.278133
spa -17.402331
swe -17.856767
swh -17.201888
tgl -17.359011
result gla
containing your files, issue the following command to package your files for submission. As usual, please
upload your readme file separately
tar -czf hw.tar.gz *
Notice that this command packages all files in the current directory; do not include any top-level directories.
Upload the file to Canvas.
Correct results 30
Follow submitting instructions 10
Clarity and readability of code 25 runs to completion 20
Write-up 15
Extra Credit: Coding 10
Extra Credit: Write-up 5
Philipp Koehn. Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation. MT Summit 2005.