Ling 473 Project 3 solution


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For this project you will implement a finite state machine (FSM) that identifies syllables in Thai text. Thai
uses a phonetic alphabet of consonants, vowels, and tone marks, but does not use space to separate words
or syllables.

Therefore, a fundamental problem in text processing for Thai—and many other East Asian
languages—is to automatically identify syllable and word boundaries in text.

Normally, an FSM syllable-breaker for Thai is non-deterministic, and requires backtracking or look-ahead
in order to resolve ambiguities in the input stream. For this project, we will consider a simplified structure
which allows for a (mostly) greedy, deterministic FSM. The input text has been selected so that it falls fully
within the reduced model.

At first, I was going to give you a description of the simplified version of the Thai orthography, and have
you figure out the state machine, but this proved to be a bit ambitious for this project. Instead, I will give
you the correct FSM design for you to implement. In addition, because this project does not refer to any
copyrighted corpora, you can develop it on your computer at home. However, your final code must still run
on patas/dryas.

Another objective of this project is to gain familiarity with foreign-language encoding systems.
Programming languages offer varying degrees of support for either Unicode, UTF-8, or legacy (8-bit)
character encodings. For example, to use Unicode in Python 2.4.3, you must use the “unicode” object,
which is distinct from the default 8-bit string object. See for
more details.

To give you maximum flexibility, the Thai input document will be available in three different encodings:
Unicode, UTF-8, and a legacy (8-bit) Thai encoding. It is preferred that you use the UTF-8 or Unicode
file, but I do not expect anybody to write a UTF-8 decoder, or endure hardship if your programming
language cannot elegantly deal with 16-bit characters. The files use UNIX line endings.

Another issue to consider is whether you can save your source code files using the UTF-8 encoding. This
makes programming easier, since you can just use the Thai characters as literals in your program. For
example, if you are using C#, you can just use the following initialization. You’d need to make sure that
your editor can save the source file in UTF-8.

HashSet<Char> V1 = new HashSet<Char>(“เแโใไ”);
HashSet<Char> C1 = new HashSet<Char>(“กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟภมยรฤลฦวศษสหฬอฮ”);
HashSet<Char> C2 = new HashSet<Char>(“รลวนม”);
HashSet<Char> V2 = new HashSet<Char>(“ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ “);
HashSet<Char> T = new HashSet<Char> {“ิ ิ ิ ิ “};
HashSet<Char> V3 = new HashSet<Char>(“าอยว”);
HashSet<Char> C3 = new HashSet<Char>(“งนมดบกยว”);

The three versions of the input document ‘fsm-input.format.txt’ are located in the following dropbox
location: /opt/dropbox/18-19/473/project3. You will also find a copy of the above code snippet in a
C# skeleton source file which you may use in any way you wish.

When considered as a stream of code points, the structure of our (simplified) maximal orthographic syllable
is as follows. Square brackets show optional elements. Additional constraints are encoded in the FSM state
transitions, below.
[𝑉1] 𝐶1
] [𝑉2
] [𝑇] [𝑉3
] [𝐶3]

Category Members Unicode TIS-620
𝑉1 Preposed vowel เ แ โ ใ ไ
0E40, 0E41, 0E42, 0E43, 0E44 E0, E1, E2, E3, E4
Initial consonant ก ข ฃ ค ฅ ฆ ง จ
ฉ ช ซ ฌ ญ ฎ ฏ
ฐ ฑ ฒ ณ ด ต ถ
ท ธ น บ ป ผ ฝ พ
ฟ ภ ม ย ร ฤ ล ฦ
ว ศ ษ ส ห ฬ อ ฮ
0E01 – 0E2E
A1 – CE
𝐶2 Clustered consonant ร ล ว น ม
0E19, 0E21, 0E23, 0E25, 0E27 B9, C1, C3, C5, C7
𝑉2 Super- or subscript vowel ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ ิ 0E31, 0E34, 0E35, 0E36, 0E37,
0E38, 0E39, 0E47
D1, D4, D5, D6,
D7, D8, D9, E7

𝑇 Superscript tone mark ิ ิ ิ ิ 0E48, 0E49, 0E4A, 0E4B E8, E9, EA, EB
𝑉3 Postposed vowel or glide า อ ย ว
0E22, 0E27, 0E2D, 0E32 C2, C7, CD, D2
𝐶3 Final consonant ง น ม ด บ ก ย ว
0E01, 0E07, 0E14, 0E19, 0E1A,
0E21, 0E22, 0E27
A1, A7, B4, B9,
BA, C1, C2, C7

States and transitions of the finite state machine
State # Action Transition
0 Accept V1/C1 V1 → 1
C1 → 2
1 Accept C1 C1 → 2
2 Accept C2/V2/T/V3/C3/V1/C1 C2 → 3
V2 → 4
T → 5
V3 → 6
C3 → 9
V1 → 7
C1 → 8
3 Accept V2/T/V3/C3 V2 → 4
T → 5
V3 → 6
C3 → 9
4 Accept T/V3/C3/V1/C1 T → 5
V3 → 6
C3 → 9
V1 → 7
C1 → 8
5 Accept V3/C3/V1/C1 V3 → 6
C3 → 9
V1 → 7
C1 → 8
6 Accept C3/V1/C1 C3 → 9
V1 → 7
C1 → 8
7 Break before previous character → 1
8 Break before previous character → 2
9 Break now → 0
Start state: 0
Accept (final) states: 7, 8, 9

If there is no valid transition out of a state based on the current character, then the input would be rejected.
Note, however, that the test data for this project has been selected so that a correct FSM will not reject any
lines, and will correctly identify all Thai syllables.

For states 0 through 9, echo the input character to the output. States 7, 8, and 9 are the cases where a syllable
break has been detected. To keep the FSM simple as simple as possible, there is one exception to its greedy
behavior: for states 7 and 8, the character that triggered the state actually belongs to the next syllable, so
you will need to figure out how to emit a space before the character that caused the transition. The easier
case is for state 9, where the character that triggered the state was the last character of a syllable. Here, you
will simply emit a space after it.

Because some characters appear in more than one category, the order in which the current character is
matched within each state is important. For example, for the state “Accept V3/C3/V1/C1,” you will take
the first category that matches, reading from left-to-right.

The input file contains several lines of Thai text. In accordance with Thai prescriptive convention, they
contain no spaces. Process each line of the input file separately and in order. For each line, feed it into your
FSM, determine the syllable breaks, and write one line to the output file, separating the syllables with a
space character.

Output Format
Console terminal output is not suitable for displaying Thai characters. For this assignment, your program
will use the file I/O operations in your programming language to write an HTML file which can be displayed
in a web browser. As with the input, it is preferred that you create a Unicode or UTF-8 file, although TIS620 is acceptable if necessary (in this case, you’d change the <meta> tag to be TIS-620).

The following
template shows the HTML markup that you should use:
When you run your program, it will produce this file with the output inserted as shown. You will be able to
view the results by loading this HTML file in a web browser.
<meta http-equiv=’Content-Type’ content=’text/html; charset=UTF-8′ />
แบ ง แผ น ด น ออก เป น สอง สว น<br />
หล ม พอ ต น ให ญ ง อก งาม ชด ตล ่ง<br />

Include the following files in your submission: Contains command(s) that compile your program. If you are using python or
any other interpreted language that does not require compiling, then this file
will be empty, or contain just the single line:
#!/bin/sh The command(s) that run your program. Be sure to include compiled
binaries in your submission so that this script will execute without first
output.html This is the HTML file created by running your program, and must be
formatted according to the “Output Format” instructions above.
readme.{pdf, txt} Your write-up of the project. Describe your approach, any problems or
special features, or anything else you’d like me to review. If you could not
complete some or all of the project’s goals, please explain what you were
able to complete.
(source code and
binary files)

All source code and binary files (jar, a.out, etc., if any) required to run and
compile your program
Gather together all the required files, making sure that, for example, any PDF or other binary files are
transferred from your local machine using a binary transmission format. Then, from within the directory
containing your files, issue the following command to package your files for submission.

tar hw.tar.gz *
Notice that this command packages all files in the current directory; do not include any top-level directories.
Upload the file to Canvas.
Correct results 40
Output file properly formatted 5
All files present, named correctly 10
Clarity and readability of code 15 runs to completion 15
Write-up 15