For this project you will write a program to clean a corpus and tally the words in it. The resulting output is
called a unigram language model.
This is one of the most common tasks in computational linguistics text
processing, as it is a prerequisite for many of the more advanced NLP tasks.
For this task you will use part
of the AQUAINT corpus of English newswire. You will process all of the files in the following directory,
which contains 249 files containing New York Times news articles in SGML format.
1. First you will clean the files of formatting. The only appearance of the less-than (<) and greaterthan (>) symbols in these files is for delimiting tags that we wish to discard. Accordingly, you will
ignore all SGML tags, retaining only content that is outside of any SGML tag.
2. We are only interested in words, not punctuation, symbols, or digits. The next step in cleaning will
be to gather all of the words. For this project, a word is defined as a contiguous occurrence of one
or more acceptable characters.
The acceptable characters include the following:
a. Capital letters A through Z
b. Lower-case letters a through z
c. The straight apostrophe, ‘ which is ASCII character 39, (\x27).
3. After gathering these words, perform the following operations:
a. Trim any occurrence(s) of the straight apostrophe from the beginning and end of the word.
Note that this preserves internal occurrences of this character, as in the words “Marvin’s”
or “O’Conner”.
b. Convert every word to lower-case.
4. Finally, you will tally (count) the number of instances of each word, an write this information,
sorted according to decending order of frequency, to the console (stdout). Each line will consist of
the word, exactly one tab character (ASCII 9), and then a number representing the total number of
instances of that word in the entire corpus.
For some programming languages, the most effective way to achieve step 2 is to first load the contents of
the file into a string, replace all characters in this string that are not acceptable with a space character, and
then use a string “split” function (specifying the space character for the character to split on) to obtain all
of the words. Depending on language, you might have to then discard empty strings from the result.
For tallying, you will most certainly want to use a hash table that maps a string (the word) to an integer
(the current tally for that word). Depending on programming language, this data structure is called a
dictionary, map or perhaps associative array.
Because the results must be presented in sorted order, you must maintain the tallies in memory and process
all the files, prior to sorting the results and writing them to the console.
You can use Python, Java or C# for this project. If you wish to use a different language and have a good
reason for doing so, talk to the instructor before starting the assignment. Use absolute paths (path that starts
with ‘/corpora/…’) to reference the corpora.
Use relative paths (pathas that do not start wth ‘/’) to
reference any additional files you are including with your submission. You should not use any packages to
complete this assignment.
Output Format
Your program will write the sorted unigram language model to the console (stdout). Dependng on
programming language, this is achieved by using a statement such as ‘print’, ‘printf’, ‘Writeline’, etc. The
results are written in descending order of their count. Here is an example of what the first few lines might
look like:
the 26799464
of 11334126
to 10920886
and 10016354
a 9642340
in 9057801
that 4179900
for 4108357
on 3401376
Not visible in this example is the fact that there is just a single ‘tab’ character between the word and the
tally. Do not use any space characters for this.
Include the following files in your submission: Contains command(s) that compile your program. If you are using
python or any other interpreted language that does not require
compiling, then this file will be empty, or contain just the single line:
#!/bin/sh The command(s) that run your program. If you use a compiled
language, be sure to include compiled binaries (if any) in your
submission so that this script will execute without first running
condor.cmd Condor control file, suitable for running your program as follows:
condor_submit condor.cmd
output This is the captured console output (stdout) from running your
program, and must be formatted according to the “Output Format”
instructions above. This file should be produced by:
./ >output
readme.{pdf, txt} Your write-up of the project. Describe your approach, any problems or
special features, or anything else you’d like me to review. If you could
not complete some or all of the project’s goals, please explain what
you were able to complete.
(source code and
binary files)
All source code and binary files (jar, a.out, etc., if any) required to run
and compile your program
Gather together all the required files, making sure that, for example, any PDF or other binary files are
transferred from your local machine using a binary transmission format. Then, from within the directory
containing your files, issue the foll9owing command to package your files for submission.
Tar –czf hw.tar.gz *
Notice that this command packages all files in the current directory; do not include any top-level
directories. Upload the file to Canvas.
Correct results 45
All files present, named correctly 10
Clarity and readability of code 15 runs to completion 10
condor.cmd runs to completion 5
Write-up 15
Corpus Citation
David Graff. 2002. The AQUAINT Corpus of English News Text. LDC, Philadelphia