For this project you will write a program to count the number of syntactic constituent types that occur in an
annotated corpus. Processing all of the files in the following directory, fill out the table below to indicate
how many of the syntactic elements of each type are annotated in the entire corpus.
Nested constituents of
the same type are to be counted equally at any level where they appear.
This is a portion of the Treebank-3 corpus from the Linguistic Data Consortium. You are not permitted to
copy this corpus off the computational linguistics cluster.
Constituent PTB symbol Count
Sentence (S …)
Noun Phrase (NP …)
Verb Phrase (VP …)
Ditransitive Verb Phrase (VP verb (NP …) (NP …) )
Intransitive Verb Phrase (VP verb )
For the last example, we are looking for VPs whose immediate (top-level) constituents include no NPs (or
no immediate children at all). It turns out that this will actually give a lot of auxiliary verbs, and also verbs
that take a clause as their complement such as “said.”
For the Ditransitive case, we are looking for exactly two immediate constituents of type NP. Do not count
NPs that are marked as, for example, NP-SBJ. Dealing with nesting and making sure that you only consider
the immediate constituents will be tricky, especially if you are using RegEx, since RegEx does not easily
handle matching of balanced parentheses.
You can use Python, Java or C# for this project. If you wish to use a different language and have a good
reason for doing so, talk to the instructor before starting the assignment. You do not need to use regular
expressions in your program but you are welcome to use this method if you find it convenient. Well-written
procedural code is often more self-documenting and maintainable than elaborate regular expressions.
Use absolute paths (path that starts with ‘/corpora/…’) to reference the corpora. Use relative paths (paths
that do not start with ‘/’) to reference files you are including with your submission. Do not directly reference
your home directory, since I may not have permissions for it when I’m running your program.
Output Format
The output for this assignment should have each constituent on its own line followed by a tab and the
count, capitalized and spelled as follows:
Sentence 10
Noun Phrase 23
Verb Phrase 14
Ditransitive Verb Phrase 2
Intransitive Verb Phrase 2
For this project, you will also create a control file that submits your program as a batch job to the condor
computing cluster. Include the following files in your submission: Contains command(s) that compile your program. If you are using python or
any other interpreted language that does not require compiling, then this file
will be empty, or contain just the single line:
#!/bin/sh The command(s) that run your program, emitting required output to the
console (stdout). Be sure to include compiled binaries in your submission so
that this script will execute without first running
condor.cmd Condor control file, suitable for running your program as follows:
condor_submit condor.cmd
output captured console output (stdout) from running your program, this should be
produced by:
./ >output
readme.{pdf, txt} Your write-up of the project, including a table similar to the one above which
reports your results. Describe your approach, any problems or special
features, or anything else you’d like me to review. If you could not complete
some or all of the project’s goals, please explain what you were able to
(source code and
binary files)
All source code and binary files (jar, a.out, etc.) required to run and compile
your program
Gather together all the required files, making sure that, for example, any PDF or other binary files are
transferred from your local machine using a binary transmission format. Then, from within the directory
containing your files, issue the following command to package your files for submission.
tar -czf hw.tar.gz .
Notice that this command packages all files in the current directory; do not include any top-level directories.
Please submit readme.{pdf, txt} separate from your tar ball. Canvas will allow you to upload multiple files
at once. Note that if you upload the files in separate submissions, Canvas will overwrite the previous
submission, so you should upload the readme file and the tar ball at the same time.
To check that your tar ball contains all of the required files (note that this does not include the readme,
because it is expected to be uploaded separately from the output), run dropbox/18-
19/473/project1/ from the directory containing your tarball. For example, from my
project1 folder, I run:
If all files are included, this should run with no errors, and just return “Check complete”.
Correct results 45
All files present, named correctly 10
Clarity and readability of code 15 runs to completion 15
Write-up 15
Corpus Citation
Mitchell P. Marcus, Beatrice Santorini, Mary Ann Marcinkiewicz and Ann Taylor. 1999. Treebank-3.
Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia