LIN570: HW7 – mallet solution


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The goal of this assignment is to use the Mallet package for the text classification task. All
the examples are under ~/dropbox/19-20/570/hw7/. Let $dataDir be hw7/20 newsgroups, and
$exDir be hw7/examples/.

• When you type the commands, you need to replace $dataDir with /dropbox/19-20/570/hw7/20 newsgroups
and $exDir with /dropbox/19-20/570/hw7/examples.

• All the options of Mallet commands (e.g., –input) start with two -s, not one -.
• Use the Mallet package on patas, which is the correct version for this assignment.


1. Q1 (10 points): Learning the Mallet commands
(a) 1 point: Check out Mallet website at and focus on the
classification part. Go over the mallet slides and set up your PATH and CLASSPATH on
patas properly.

(b) 1 point: Run the following command to create a data vector, politics.vectors, using
the data from the three talk.politics.* newsgroups:
mallet import-dir –input $dataDir/talk.politics.* –skip-header –output

(c) 1 point: Run the following command to convert politics.vectors to the text format
vectors2info –input politics.vectors –print-matrix siw > politics.vectors.txt

(d) 1 point: Run the following command to split politics.vectors into training (90% of
the data) and testing files (10% of the data):
vectors2vectors –input politics.vectors –training-portion 0.9 –training-file
train1.vectors –testing-file test1.vectors

(e) 1 point: Run the following command to train and test. The training and test accuracy
is at the end of dt.stdout.
vectors2classify –training-file train1.vectors –testing-file test1.vectors
–trainer DecisionTree > dt.stdout 2>dt.stderr

Table 1: Classification results for Q1(e)
Training accuracy Test accuracy

(f) 5 points: Run vectors2classify to classify the data with five learners and complete Table
• Use the train.vectors and test.vectors under $exDir for this classification task.

• The names of the five learners are: NaiveBayes, MaxEnt, DecisionTree, Winnow,
and BalancedWinnow.
• The command for classification is:
vectors2classify –training-file $exDir/train.vectors –testing-file $exDir/test.vector–trainer $zz > $zz.stdout 2>$zz.stderr
whereas $zz is the name of a learner (e.g., MaxEnt).

2. Q2 (25 points): Write a script, proc, that processes a document and prints out
the feature vectors.
• The command line is: proc input file targetLabel output file
• The input file is a text file (e.g., input ex).

• The output file has only one line with the format (e.g., output ex):
instanceName targetLabel f1 v1 f2 v2 …
– The instanceName is the filename of the input file.
– The targetLabel is the second argument of the command line.

• To generate the feature vector, the code should do the following:
– First, skip the header; that is, the text before the first blank line should be ignored.
– Next, replace all the chars that are not [a-zA-Z] with whitespace, and lowercase all
the remaining chars.

– Finally, break the text into token by whitespace, and each token will become a
– The value of a feature is the number of occurrences of the token in input file.
– The (featname, value) pairs in the feature vector are ordered by the spelling of
the featname.

• For instance, running proc $exDir/input ex c1 output ex will produce output ex
as the one under the $exDir.

3. Q3 (25 points): Write a script, create, that creates training and test vectors from several directories of documents. This script has the same function as mallet
import-dir, except that the vectors produced by this script are in the text format and the
training/test split is not random.

• The command line is: create train vector file test vector file ratio
dir1 dir2 …
That is, the command line should include one or more directories.

• ratio is the portion of the training data. For instance, if the ratio is 0.9, then the FIRST
90% of the FILES in EACH directory should be treated as the training data, and the
remaining 10% should be treated as the test data. By the first x%, we mean the top x%
when one runs ls dir.

• train vector file and test vector file are the output files and they are the training
and test vectors in the text format (the same format as the output file in Q2).

• The class label is the basename of an input directory. For instance, if a directory is
hw7/20 newsgroups/talk.politics.misc, the class label for every file under that directory should be talk.politics.misc.

4. Q4 (15 points): Classify the documents in the talk.politics.* groups under $dataDir.
• Run create from Q3 with the ratio being 0.9, and the directories being
talk.politics.guns, talk.politics.mideast, and talk.politics.misc.

– The train vector file and test vector file should be called train.vectors.txt
and test.vectors.txt, respectively.

• Run mallet import-file to convert the training and test vectors from the text format
to the binary format.

– The binary vector files should be called train.vectors and test.vectors, respectively.
– Suppose you run mallet import-file first on train vector file and create train.vectors.

When you run mallet import-file next on the test vector file, remember to
use the option –use-pipe-from train.vectors. That way, the two vector files
will use the same mapping to map feature names to feature indexes.

• Run vectors2classify for training (with MaxEnt trainer) and for testing.
– The MaxEnt model file should be called me-model
– Redirect stdout to a file called me.stdout and stderr to a file called me.stderr.

• What are the training and test accuracy?

The submission should include:
• The readme.[txt|pdf] file that includes Table 1 (no need to submit anything else for Q1) and
training and test accuracy in Q4.

• hw.tar.gz that includes proc, create, and the files created in Q4 (see
the complete list in submit-file-list).