Part 1 (60 points) In this part, you are asked to complete shape3d_part1.c program (available in Moodle) which keeps the list of shapes in a text file. Please check the content of the example shapes3d_1.txt below. Content of 3dshapes1.txt cube 4 -5 3 5 square_prism -3 4 4 5 2 sphere 3 -2 1 3 square_prism 3 1 -2 1 2 cube -4 -1 4 3 Each line contains a shape data.
The data format for each shape type is as follows: cube
square_prism< height>. sphereFollow the below steps in your program: Create point_t structure with x (double), y (double) and z (double) coordinates. Create sphere_t structure with center (point_t) and radius (double). Create cube_t structure with center (point_t) and side (double). Create square_prism_t structure with center (point_t), base-side-length (double) and height (double). Create union type shape3d_data_t with cube (cube_t), square_prism (square_prism_t) and cube (cube_t). Create enumerated type class_t with constants CUBE, SQUARE_PRISM, SPHERE. Create shape_t structure with type (class_t) and shape (shape3d_data_t). type field determines which member of 3d shape contains a value. If type is SPHERE, shape.sphere contains a value.If type is SQUARE_PRISM, shape.square_prism contains a value. If type is CUBE, shape.cube contains a value. Write 3 functions: • int scanShape(FILE *filep, shape_t *objp); scanShape function gets a pointer to FILE and a pointer to shape3d_t. Reads shape data from the file, and fills shape_t pointed to, by objp. Returns 1 if the read operation is successful; otherwise, returns 0. • int loadShapes(shape_t shapes[]); loadShapes function gets an array of shape_t. Opens the text file with the entered name. For each array element, reads data by calling scanShape function. Stops reading when scanShape function returns 0.Returns the number of read shapes. • void printShape(const shape_t *objp); printShape function gets a pointer to a constant shape_t. Prints shape information. The format for each shape type is as follows (also see example run). While printing double values, use %.2lf as the format specifier. Cube: Square_prism: Sphere: You can use following formulas to calculate volume of each 3d shape: • Cube: side-length3 • Square_prism : base-side-length2 x height • Sphere: 4/3 x π x radius3 • main function is already provided to you (see shape3d_part1.c) and it is supposed to remain as it is (you should not change it). In main function, an array of shape_t is declared, loadShapes function is called, and all shapes are printed. Example Run: Enter the file name to read: shapes3d_1.txt Opening shapes3d_1.txt Loading complete Closing shapes3d_1.txt Shapes 3D: Cube: <4.00 -5.00 3.00> <5.00> <125.00> Square_prism: <-3.00 4.00 4.00> <5.00 2.00> <50.00> Sphere: <3.00 -2.00 1.00> <3.00> <84.82> Square_prism: <3.00 1.00 -2.00> <1.00 2.00> <2.00> Cube: <-4.00 -1.00 4.00> <3.00> <27.00> Part 2 (40 points) In this part, you will add the following function to your program in Part 1.• int isVolumeBetween(double minVolume, double maxVolume, const shape_t *objp); isVolumeBetween function gets two double variables minVolume and maxVolume, and a pointer to a constant shape_t. Returns 1 if the given shape’ s volume is between minVolume and maxVolume, otherwise returns 0.• main function is already provided to you (take main function from shape3d_part2.c) and it is supposed to remain as it is (you should not change it). In main function, an array of shape_t is declared, loadShapes function is called, all shapes are printed, and finally, only the shapes which contain a user entered point are printed.Example Run: Enter the file name to read: shapes3d_1.txt Opening shapes3d_1.txt Loading complete Closing shapes3d_1.txt Shapes 3D: Cube: <4.00 -5.00 3.00> <5.00> <125.00> Square_prism: <-3.00 4.00 4.00> <5.00 2.00> <50.00> Sphere: <3.00 -2.00 1.00> <3.00> <84.82> Square_prism: <3.00 1.00 -2.00> <1.00 2.00> <2.00> Cube: <-4.00 -1.00 4.00> <3.00> <27.00> Enter min and max volumes: 1 29 Volumes of the following shapes are between 1.00 and 29.00: Square_prism: <3.00 1.00 -2.00> <1.00 2.00> <2.00> Cube: <-4.00 -1.00 4.00> <3.00> <27.00>