CS 2400 Lab 7 Computer Class solution


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Classes, friend functions and overloaded operators.
Computer class:
Design a computer class (Computer) that describes a computer object. A computer has
the following properties:
• Amount of Ram in GB (examples: 8, 16), defaults to 8.
• Hard drive size in GB (examples: 500, 1000), defaults to 500.
• Speed in GHz (examples: 1.6, 2.4), defaults to 1.6.
• Type (laptop, desktop), defaults to “desktop”
Provide the following functions for the class:
• A default constructor (constructor with no parameters) that initializes all the
variables to their default values.
• A constructor with four parameters to initialize all four member variables.
• Getters(accessors) and setters(mutators) for all four member variables.
• Calculate the price using the following formulas:
o Laptop: 600.00 + amount of ram in GB * 5.00 + Hard drive size * .15 +
(speed in GHz – 1.6) * 200
o Desktop: 400.00 + amount of ram in GB * 4.00 + Hard drive size in GB * .10 +
(speed in GHz – 1.6) * 200
• Overload the << operator to output all properties of a computer. • Overload the >> operator that reads all four properties of a computer.
• Overload the == operator test if two computers are the same (all properties must
• Overload the < operator that compares the prices of two computers.
You don’t have to check for invalid values.
Test the Computer class with the following main program.
Computer Class (100 points)
int main()
Computer comp; //use default constructor
Computer comp1(16, 1000, 1.6, “Laptop”);
cout << comp << endl; //output defaults
cout << endl;
cout << comp1 << endl;
cout << endl;
int compRam = comp1.getRam();
cout << “The computer ram was changed to ”
<< comp1.getRam() << endl;
cout << “The computer hd was changed to ”
<< comp1.getHd() << endl;
cout << “Updated info” << endl << endl;
cout << comp1 << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << “Computer type was changed to Desktop” << endl;
cout << comp1 << endl;
Computer comp2;
cout << “Enter specs of a computer (Ram, HD, Speed, Type)” << endl; cin >> comp2;
cout << comp2 << endl;
if (comp1 < comp2)
cout << “Computer 2 is more expensive” << endl;
if (comp1 == comp2)
cout << “comp1 and comp2 have the same specifications” << endl;
return 0;