COP 5615 Lab 3: Event Processing in Xinu solution


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Modern operating systems often have a mechanism for sending events between
processes. Events allow a process to send information to other processes in a
system asynchronously. While events sound very similar to message passing, the
two differ in how they are received. While a process can check for messages and
read them explicitly once received, an event triggers a handler, or callback function,
that had been previously specified by the target process. Events allow a process to
receive a notification on a change without explicitly checking for that change.
Event systems have proven especially useful in the field of the Internet of Things.
One such system that has seen widespread use is MQTT. MQTT defines a
“publisher/subscriber” model, where one or more subscribers, processes wanting to
receive an event, can listen to a topic (a specific event). A publisher can then send
data under a topic to be received by all subscribers.
In this lab, you will implement an event system in the spirit of MQTT, allowing XINU
processes to subscribe to and publish events.
Part One
The three main components of the XINU event system will be subscribe,
unsubscribe, and publish. A process can subscribe to a topic by providing a topic
ID and a callback function. Once subscribed, the specified callback will be triggered
when another process publishes data to that topic. If a process unsubscribes, its
callback will no longer be triggered when data is received for the specified topic.
When a process publishes data to a topic, all processes that have subscribed to that
topic will receive the data through their callback function.
The above functions will have the following signatures:
• syscall subscribe(topic16 topic, void (*handler)(topic16, uint32));
• syscall unsubscribe(topic16 topic);
• syscall publish(topic16 topic, uint32 data);
The following typedef must be defined (in kernel.h):
• typedef uint16 topic16;
In addition, the following assumptions will be made:
• There are only 256 possible topics. (0 to 255)
• A maximum of 8 processes can subscribe to a single topic.
• When a process terminates, it will unsubscribe from all of its topics.
• Data published to a topic with no subscribers will be discarded.
Implementation Details
The system will require some data structure holding each topic and the handlers
registered for it. Consider creating a table of structures for each of the 256 topics,
containing pairs of PIDs and function pointers for the subscribers.
Note that when a data is published to a topic, the subscribers likely are not running
on the CPU at that moment. How can the callback functions be triggered if this is the
case? One way is to have an additional process, a broker, handle distribution of the
published data. The publish system call would pass off the data to the broker, which
would call each handler registered under the topic during its time slice. This is
possible in XINU because all processes share the same address space.
Consider the following pseudo code:
pid32 broker_pid = create(broker, /* broker arguments */);
process broker():
while (true):
(topic, data) = get_next_pending_publish();
for each (handler_ptr in get_handlers(topic)):
handler_ptr(topic, data);
An Example
A complete event system should behave as follows:
Process A subscribes to topic 10 with handler foo()
Process B publishes 77 to topic 10
– Function foo() is called with arguments 10 and 77
Process C subscribes to topic 10 with handler bar()
Process B publishes 42 to topic 10
– Function foo() is called with arguments 10 and 42
– Function bar() is called with arguments 10 and 42
Process D publishes 17 to topic 7
– No functions are called
Part Two
To allow more fine-grained control over published data, MQTT implements
namespaces above topics. These namespaces look like file paths, where the directory
part is the namespace, and the file part is the actual topic. For example,
house/temperature and office/temperature both contain the same topic name,
temperature, but are logically separated by the namespace. So, data published to
house/temperature would not be received by subscribers to office/temperature.
Another common feature of namespaces is the ability to use wildcards. A wildcard
allows a publisher to specify a wider range of subscribers to send data to. Using the
above example, if data was published to +/temperature, (where + is the wildcard
symbol) it would be sent to both house/temperature and office/temperature.
You will implement a simplified version of namespaces in your XINU event system.
When subscribing, a process can specify a specific group (namespace) in addition to
the topic; publishers should then be able to target an individual group when sending
data. Additionally, one group will be reserved as a wildcard, sending to it will send
to all groups.
Notice that the topic16 type is 16 bits wide, but the actual topic can only range from
0-255. (8 bits) The upper 8 bits of topic16 will specify the group of the topic. No new
functions are needed to support topic groups.
No new functions need to be declared, and the existing syscalls are left unchanged.
The following assumptions will be made:
• There are 256 available groups. (0 to 255)
• Group 0 is the wildcard group.
• Data published to group 0 will be sent to subscribers under groups 1-255.
• Data published to an empty group will be ignored as in part one.
An Example
The event system with groups should behave as follows:
Process A subscribes with a topic16 value of 0x013F and handler foo()
Process B subscribes with a topic16 value of 0x023F and handler bar()
Process C publishes data 0xFF to topic16 0x013F
– Function foo() is called with topic16 0x013F and data 0xFF
Process D publishes data 0x7E to topic16 0x003F
– Function foo() is called with topic16 0x003F and data 0x7E
– Function bar() is called with topic16 0x003F and data 0x7E
Process C publishes data 0x00 to topic16 0x113F
– No functions are called
You should submit your main file, syscall implementations, and any other modified
XINU headers/sources. The TAs will use their own main() function to compile and
test the functionality of your event system, in addition to inspecting your code.