This exercise is a continuation of the last
exercise presented in the previous lab. Assume
the ParkingPlace class in this lab is given. You
can find it in file.
+ ParkingPlace()
+ carArrives(String plate, int hour, int minutes):void
+ carLeaves():void
+ free() :boolean
+ getCar():String
Methods of ParkingPlace class
•ParkingPlace() : constructor without parameters that constructs a parking place that is
initially free;
•String toString() : that returns “——-” if the parking place is free, and the licence
plate of the car, if the parking place is occupied;
•void carArrives(String plate, int hour, int minutes) : modifies the state of the
parking place by setting it to occupied, sets the plate of the car that occupies the place
to plate, and sets the time since when it is occupied to hour and minutes; if the parking
place is already occupied, the method does nothing;
•void carLeaves() : modifies the state of the parking place by setting it to free;
•boolean free() : returns true if the parking place is free, false otherwise;
•String getCar() : returns the plate of the car that occupies the parking place, if the
place is occupied, null otherwise;
•int getHour() : returns the hour since when the parking place is occupied, if the place
is occupied, -1 otherwise;
•int getMinutes() : returns the minutes since when the parking place is occupied, if the
place is occupied, -1 otherwise;
Exercise 1
• Write a class UseParkingPlace that contains various public static
methods that are clients of ParkingPlace. In the description of
all methods below, we assume that a parking lot is always
represented as an array of parking places. The class should
contain the following methods:
– static int firstFreePlace(ParkingPlace[] p) : that, given a parking
lot p, returns the index of the first free parking place in p;
– static int countFreePlaces(ParkingPlace[] p) : that, given a parking
lot p, returns the number of free parking places in p;
– static int[] freePlaces(ParkingPlace[] p) : that, given a parking lot p,
returns an array of integers containing the indices of all free
parking places in p;
– static void carEnters(ParkingPlace[] p, String a, int hour, int
minutes) : that, given a parking lot p, modifies the array p by
inserting the car a (represented by its plate) in the first free
parking place available in p, assigning hour and minutes as arrival
time; if there is no free parking place inp, the method does nothing;
Exercise 1 (Con’d)
• static void carExits(ParkingPlace[] p, String a) : that, given a
parking lot p, modifies the array p by freeing the parking place
where the car ais parked; if the car a is not present in the parking
lot, the method does nothing;
• static int longestParkedCar(ParkingPlace[] p) : that, given a parking
lot p, returns the index of the parking place in which the longest
parked car is present; if there is more than one such car, the
method should return one of the indexes (chosen arbitrarily); if
there is no car parked in the parking lot, the method should
return -1;
• static String[] allParkedCars(ParkingPlace[] p) : that, given a
parking lot p, returns an array of strings that represent the plates
of all cars present in p;
Exercise 2
Realize a class ParkingLot to represent parking lots, and
whose objects support the same functionalities through
instance methods as those implemented in UseParkingPlace
through static methods. The class should have a constructor
that takes as parameter a positive integer n and constructs a
parking lot with n parking places that initially are all empty.
Hint: Note that you do not have to “recode” all the
methods. To create instance methods in ParkingLot class you
can reuse the developed static methods. Eg:
public class ParkingLot{
private ParkingPlace[] places;
public int firstFreePlace() {
return UseParkingPlace.firstFreePlace(this.places);