Lab 11 3d Tic-Tac-Toe PARTNER PROJECT solution


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Programming assignment (100 pts): Ability to work in teams is essential for a successful career in computer science. Begin this lab by finding a partner who has completed lab#10. You can work with anyone registered for CECS130 from either Tuesday or Thursday lab section. Your assignment is to create (in the C++ programming language using good OOP principles (namespaces, etc.)) a Competition class which inherits from yours and your partner’s 3D TTT classes. Assuming both 3DTTT classes have a function which asks computer to make a move it should be possible with very little rewriting to create a competition between two computer players. Set it up so the two game bots play 10 games in a row against each other and a winner is determined and announced at the end of this competition. Give your computer players names which correspond to the names of the two programmers who created them. In the header comments to you program please clearly identify the names of the two programmers comprising your team. Obviously you and your partner will only get one (same) grade for the lab, but to make bookkeeping easier please both submit the assignment on the Blackboard.