In this assignment, you will design classes to model filters, a basic concept…solution


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In this assignment, you will design classes to model filters, a basic concept in signal
processing. A filter repeatedly takes an input value and produces an output value. In the
simplest case (scalar filters), the inputs and outputs are doubles, but filters can operate on
different types (double vectors are popular), and in fact the type of the input and of the
output may differ. The simplest filter always produces as output the same value it has read
as input:
Input Output
3. 3.
0. 0.
-1. -1.
2. 2.
More useful filters output the maximum, minimum, or the arithmetic mean of the input
signal seen so far. The maximum and the minimum are defined according to some total
order on the input values. These filters are useful to find extreme points in the signal (for
example, the maximum round-trip time of a packet exchange over the Internet). The
arithmetic mean filter is a scalar filter, and can be used to average a sequence of data
Filters can support an optional reset operation. The reset uses a parameter of the same
type as the input. The meaning of reset depends on the type of filter. For example, a max
filter will return the maximum value seen since the last reset. In fact, max, min, and average
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 Filters that return the max, min, average input value since the beginning or since
the last reset, whichever occurred last, and
 Filters that return the max, min, or average of the last N values (or less if less than
N values are available since the beginning or the last reset).
For example,
Input Reset Max ∞ Max 3
-1 -1 -1
1 1 1
2 2 2
-1 0 0
3 3 3
1 3 3
2 3 3
1 3 2
A filter cascade is a filter that consists of a sequence of filters: a filter in the sequence
takes its input from the output of the preceding filter. For example, the cascade of a max2
filter followed by a min3 filter are:
Input Max2 Output Cascade Output
-1 -1 -1
3 3 -1
1 3 -1
2 2 2
1 2 2
A cascade cannot be reset as a whole, but each individual filter can if the individual filter
supports the reset operation.
A scalar linear filter is a scalar filter governed by:
i i i M i M i i i N i N y a y a y a y b x b x b x b x  1 1  2 2    0  1 1  2 2  
where xi is the ith value of the input, yi is the ith value of the output, and the a1, … , aM and
b0, … , bN are the filter parameters. A scalar filter can be reset to a value r, in which case
the record of all of previous input values is set to r and the record of all previous output
values is set to        
i i
i i r b a
0 1
/ 1 (can you see why?). If there are not enough inputs,
the missing values of x and y are taken to be equal to their value as calculated during the
last reset. If no reset ever occurred, the missing values are taken to be equal to 0. For
example, if M=N=1, a1=.1, b0=b1=.5, then
and so:
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Input Reset Output
-1 -.5
1 .05
2 1.495
-1 -.5
3 1.05
1 1.895
2 1.3105
1 1.36895
Scalar filters have a wide range of applications: for example, they can be used to smooth
out the input signal, or to remove a periodic carrier signal from the input, or to determine
the signal trend.
An important type of linear filters is when a1=a2=…=aM=0, which is called a FIR filter.
A simple but useful case of a FIR filter always outputs the input multiplied by a constant
factor: in this case, b1=b2=…=bN=0 and b0 is called the filter gain. Another useful FIR filter
is the binomial filter, in which 

  i
bi (binomial filters are often used to smooth out a
window of data, for example in speech or image processing).
Your job is to create an object-oriented design for filters, which have been described
above. Types of filters should be represented by classes, and commonality among filter
types can be expressed through inheritance or containment. Submit a design documents
that describes your architectural decisions. Implement classes, methods, pseudo-code,
error-handling, and test cases to validate and improve your design. Create a filter.git
repository where to submit your submission.
Discussion Guidelines
The class discussion will focus on class design.
Evaluation Guidelines
At this stage of the course, a more strict view will be taken of the following basic issues:
 Routines with McCabe’s complexity exceeding 4
 Improperly named routines
 Repeated code