CS 2400 HW 6, Bobcat Auto Dealership solution


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Use arrays, files, searching arrays, manipulating array contents, characters, and strings.
You are asked to implement a car ordering system for Bobcats Auto Dealership. This dealership is brand
new and only sells one brand of cars with three different models. However, a buyer can add options if
they choose.

Write a C++ program that allows the user to order a single car with different options. All the options
available will be stored in a file called “options.txt” along with their cost. You may assume that the file
will not contain more than 30 options.

The user should be able to select the car model, display options
and prices, add options, remove options, or cancel the order.

Allow the user to see all the available
options and their prices. The program should always display the car model, cost, and the options
ordered so far. If the user has not selected a car model, then an error message should be displayed
indicating that the order has not started yet (e.g. NO MODEL SELECTED). A user should not be able to
add more than 6 options to the car.

The base prices of the three models: E ($10,000.00), L ($12,000.00), and X ($18,000.00).
Implement the following menu options in separate functions:

1. Select a model (E, L, X)
The user should enter either E, L, or X (either in lower or upper case). If the wrong character is
entered, the user should be prompted repeatedly until the user enters a valid model. Update
the order information after this selection.

2. Display available options and prices
List all the options 3 per line. See below.

3. Add an option
The user should enter an option such as “DVD System”, “10 Speakers”, etc. The option entered
must be one of the options available. If it’s not, the user should be prompted repeatedly until
the user enters a valid option or enter “cancel”. After the selection, the order information
should be updated. (see sample input/output below). Duplicate options should not be allowed.

4. Remove an option
Allow the user to remove one of the option from the list of options added earlier. Update the
order information. If the option name is not in the list of options, then it should be ignored.

5. Cancel order
Start over. Update the order information.

6. Quit

• Use an array/vector to store all the options along with an integer for the number of options read.
• Use an array/vector to store all the options’ prices.
• Use an array/vector of strings for the options added along with an integer for the number of options
• Write a function to convert a string to lowercase for comparison.
• Write a function that returns true if an option is valid

Sample input/output:
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit

Enter choice: 3
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit

Enter choice: 2
Prices for model E, L, & X: $10000.00, $12000.00, $18000.00

Available Options
Leather Seats ($5000) DVD System ($1000) 10 Speakers ($800)
Navigation System($1400) CarPlay ($500) Android Auto ($500)
Lane Monitoring ($2000) 3/36 Warranty ($800) 6/72 Warranty ($999)
Dual Climate ($1500) Body Side Molding($225) Cargo Net ($49)
Cargo Organizer ($87) 450W Audio ($700) Heated Seats($1000)
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit
Enter choice: 1
Enter the model (E, L, X): l
Model: L, $12000.00, Options: None
CS 2400 HW 6, Bobcat Auto Dealership (60 points)
Due: Wednesday June 19, 2019
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit
Enter choice: 3

Enter option: 450w aUdIO
Model: L, $12700.00, Options: 450W Audio
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit
Enter choice: 3

Enter option: carplay
Model: L, $13200.00, Options: 450W Audio, CarPlay
1. Select a model (E, L, X)
2. Display available options and prices
3. Add an option
4. Remove an option
5. Cancel order
6. Quit
Enter choice: 4
Enter option to remove: carplay
Model: L, $12700.00, Options: 450W Audio


Programs that contain syntax errors will earn zero points.
Programs that do not include functions, other than main, will also earn zero points.
Programs that use global variables, other than constants, will earn zero points.

Your grade will be determine using the following criteria:
• Correctness: the program works as requested above (50 points).
o Displaying menu and current cost of the car (5 points)
o Selecting the car model (5 points)
o Add an option (10 points)
o Remove an option (10 points)
o Cancel order (5 points)
o Display available options and their prices (5 points)
o Checking for valid option using lowercase or uppercase letters (5 points)
o Checking for valid car model using lowercase or uppercase letters (5 points)
• Documentation and Style (10 points)