Homework5: Parallelization solution


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1 Introduction
OptsRus will now put all of its optimization knowledge to work in its biggest challenge to date: parallelizing and
optimizing an artificial life simulator. Given original C code from the client, OptsRus can use pthreads to parallelize
the code to exploit multicore machines, as well as perform other optimizations to improve performance.
2 Background
You will be parallelizing/optimizing Conway’s “Game of Life” (GoL), a famous, simple algorithm for computing
artificial life (cellular automota), that through very simple rules can generate very complex and interesting behavior.
You can read more about the history and details of GoL here:
You can also play with a GoL emulator here:
3 Setup
Copy and extract the GoL source code from /cad2/ece454f/hw5/hw5gol.tar.gz into a protected directory in your
UG account.
GoL should build by simply typing make. Input and output files are in a simple image format called .pbm. The
executable initboard can create an arbitrary-sized input file by running:
initboard <num_rows <num_cols <generated_file_name
The executable gol is run as follows:
gol <num_iterations <infilename <outfilename
If you want to visualize an input or output file, you can convert it to a jpg for viewing in a browser with the command:
convert filename.pbm filename.jpg
Visualizing can potentially help you think of opportunities for optimization.
4 Parallelizing and Optimizing
Your main task in this homework is to parallelize GoL using pthreads. You can use as many threads as you like, but
you must use at least two (and you probably want to use four since there are four CPUs in the UG machines). Your
parallelized GoL should be called or forked from game of life. You are also free to do any optimization you wish
on your program, including adjusting the Makefile and/or compilation flags.
4.1 Rules
1. You may work alone or in teams of two.
2. Given some input file and some number of iterations, your program must produce the identical output file as
the original unmodified GoL program.
3. Your program must be parallelized using pthreads to exploit at least two threads and improve performance by
doing so.
4. The code must be your own, i.e., you cannot incorporate GoL-specific acceleration code or libraries written by
5. The optimizations must successfully run on the UG machines. For example, Intel Core i7 optimizations are
not allowed (unfortunately).
4.2 Assumptions
• You can assume the dimensions of all input game boards to be N × N, where N is a power of two.
• You can assume a maximum world size of 10000×10000. However, your program should at least exit gracefully
if a larger size is attempted.
• Your code does not have to parallelize for world sizes less than 32 × 32.
5 Measurement
For this homework your implementation should be measured from start to finish, using /usr/bin/time. In other
words, you will include the entire computation in your measurement, including reading and writing files, initialization,
and thread creation or other overheads associated with parallelization.
We will measure your speedup only by running GoL for 10,000 iterations on the 1k.pbm file provided.
Please test your speedup with the command below which provides the “wall clock” timing of your program in seconds.
If you find this execution is prohibitively long for quick optimization prototypes, feel free to experiment with smaller
files, or fewer Life generations, but recall that your speedup is based on the configuration below.
/usr/bin/time -f “%e real” ./gol 10000 inputs/1k.pbm outputs/1k.pbm
6 Correctness
As stated above, for the same input, the output of your optimized/parallelized program must match the output of
the original program. We will test the correctness of your code using several input files of varying sizes and
initial configurations. We have provided one (read-only) output file 1k verify out.pbm, which you can use to
verify your program in the “speedup” configuration above.
Verify correctness by running
diff outputs/1k.pbm outputs/1k_verify_out.pbm
Be sure to frequently test/debug your current program state on many different inputs. Consider generating a few
new input files (and the original output file) beyond those we have provided.
7 Evaluation
The total grade of this homework is 70 points, divided into the following four components:
• Correctness (10 points). We may test any size/configuration under the assumptions given in Section 4.2.
• Performance (50 points). The speedup of your parallelized/optimized program determines the grade you are
awarded. Speedup will be calculated as:
s =
where torig is the average original execution time (with /usr/bin/time), and topt is the average execution time
of the optimized program. Times are averaged over 5 trials.
We will determine a curve to assign performance points, where the exact curve will maximize fairness given
the performance of programs submitted. However, we will award you at least 80% of performance (40/50) for
a speedup of 8×. A speedup of 4× will earn at least 50% (25/50).
You will receive 0/50 if 1k.pbm fails the correctness test or you break Rule #3 in Section 4.1.
You will receive 0 points for Correctness and Performance if you do not respect Rule #4 and
#5 in Section 4.1 or your submitted source code fails to compile and run on UG machines.
• Report (5 points). In a brief report describe how your parallelization works and list/describe any optimizations
that you did. If you added new source files, list them and briefly explain their purpose. For 2-member teams,
clearly list the names of both team members.
• Style (5 points).
– Your code should be decomposed into functions and not use global variables.
– Your code should begin with a header comment that briefly summarizes your report, including parallelization
strategy, and optimizations.
– Each function should be preceded by a header comment that describes what the function does.
– Each subroutine should have a header comment that describes what it does and how.
8 Submission
Please submit your report in .pdf for text format, as well as a tarball of all source code and Makefiles needed to
compile and run your GoL solution. Only one submission is required per team. Suppose your source code is in the
directory src (you can name the directory whatever you wish). Enter src, remove the input/output images and
directories, clean all object/binary files in the directory, and compress.
cd src
rm -r inputs outputs
make clean
cd ..
tar -cvvf gol.tar src/
gzip gol.tar
submitece454f 5 gol.tar.gz report.pdf