Homework 3 COMP 7150/8150 solution


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1. Clustering for document classification (65 points)
In this assignment, you will use clustering algorithms to classify documents. Load the 20
newsgroups dataset from sklearn using the following package
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
Load the training and test data sets using
newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=’train’)
newsgroups_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=’test’)
Each instance is a document and has a specific topic. The list of topics can be listed using
The topic corresponding to each training (or test) instance in the dataset can be obtained
Your task is to use clustering algorithms to cluster the documents based on the bag of
words model. Specifically, you will convert each document to a TFIDF vector and then
run the K-Means and Gaussian Mixture Models algorithms.
For evaluation, you will compute the weighted F-1 score on the test set. Specifically,
train the clustering algorithm on the training set. For each test instance, you will predict
the cluster to which it belongs and assign the predicted topic to the test instance as
follows. The topic corresponding to the test instance is equal to the majority topic of the
cluster. For instance, after training, suppose the cluster has 10 elements, and 8 of them
are of type 0, then we will say the cluster’s type is 0, and any test instance that will
predicted to belong to this cluster will be of type 0.
Perform the above evaluation for K-Means and Gaussian Mixture Models. Report your
results for at least 5 different parameter settings (varying k for k-means, varying the
number of mixture components for GMM).
2. Linear Regression (35 points)
In this question, you will experiment with Lasso and Ridge regression.
Load the Boston housing prices dataset from sklearn as,
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
Perform Lasso and Ridge Regression on this dataset. Compare the performance with
tuning the parameters and without tuning the parameters.
Specifically, use a subset of the training set as a validation set. Tune the parameter alpha
(regularization strength) for Ridge and Lasso using the validation set. Report the MeanSquared-Error on the test set using the tuned parameters. Compare this result with the
results you get without tuning the parameters, i.e., use the default parameters for training
on the full training data set and test on the test set.