GameControl solution


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Make a complete Java program called GameControl according to the following guidelines.

This program must use a do loop to provide the following interaction with a user.

The program should prompt for an integer from 1 through 4, or q to quit.

If a user enters 1, your program should print “Up” and then prompt the user to enter another integer from 1 through 4, or q to quit.

If a user enters 2, your program should print “Down” and then prompt the user to enter another integer from 1 through 4, or q to quit.

If a user enters 3, your program should print “Left” and then prompt the user to enter another integer from 1 through 4, or q to quit.

If a user enters 4, your program should print “Right” and then prompt the user to enter another integer from 1 through 4, or q to quit.

If a user enters q, your program should print “Terminating on receiving input q” and quit