EECE 5644 Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Problem Set 1 solution


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Problem 1.1 (30%)
The probability density function (pdf) for a 4-dimensional real-valued random vector X is as
follows: fX(x) = fX|Y (x | 0)PY (0) + fX|Y (x | 1)PY (1). Here Y is the true class label that
indicates which class-label-conditioned pdf generates the data.
The class priors are PY (0) = 0.7 and PY (1) = 0.3. The class conditional pdfs are fX|Y (x | 0) =
g(x | µ0, Σ0) and fX|Y (x | 1) = g(x | µ1, Σ1), where g(x | µ, Σ) is a multivariate Gaussian
probability density function with mean vector µ and covariance matrix Σ. The parameters of
the class-conditional Gaussian pdfs are:
µ0 =


Σ0 =

2 −0.5 0.3 0
−0.5 1 −0.5 0
0.3 −0.5 1 0
0 0 0 2

µ1 =


Σ1 =

1 0.3 −0.2 0
0.3 2 0.3 0
−0.2 0.3 1 0
0 0 0 3

For numerical results requested below, generate 10000 samples according to this data distribution, keep track of the true class labels for each sample. Save the data and use the same data
set in all cases.
Part A: Expected Risk Minimization (ERM) based classification using the knowledge of true
data pdf:
1. Specify the minimum expected risk classification rule in the form of a likelihood-ratio test:
fX|Y (x|1)
fX|Y (x|0)
> γ , where the threshold γ is a function of class priors and fixed (nonnegative) loss
values for each of the four cases D = i | Y = j where D is the decision label that is either 0 or
1, like Y .
2. Implement this classifier and apply it on the 10K samples you generated. Vary the threshold γ
gradually from 0 to ∞, and for each value of the threshold compute the true positive (detection)
probability P(D = 1 | Y = 1; γ) and the false positive (false alarm) probability P(D = 1 |
Y = 0; γ). Using these paired values, trace/plot an approximation of the ROC curve of the
minimum expected risk classifier. Note that at γ = 0, the ROC curve should be at 

as γ increases it should traverse towards 

. Due to the finite number of samples used to
estimate probabilities, your ROC curve approximation should reach this destination value for a
finite threshold value. Keep track of P(D = 0 | Y = 1; γ) and P(D = 1 | Y = 0; γ) values for
each γ value for use in the next section.
3. Determine the threshold value that achieves minimum probability of error, and on the ROC
curve, superimpose clearly (using a different color/shape marker) the true positive and false
positive values attained by this minimum-P(error) classifier. Calculate and report an estimate
of the minimum probability of error that is achievable for this data distribution. Note that
P(error; γ) = P(D = 1 | Y = 0; γ)PY (0) + P(D = 0 | Y = 1; γ)PY (1). How does your
empirically selected γ value that minimizes P(error) compare with the theoretically optimal
threshold you compute from priors and loss values?
Part B: ERM classification attempt using incorrect knowledge of data distribution (Naive
Bayesian Classifier, which assumes features are independent given each class label)… For this
part, assume that you know the true class prior probabilities, but for some reason you think
that the class conditional pdfs are both Gaussian with the true means, but (incorrectly) with
covariance matrices that are diagonal (with diagonal entries equal to true variances, off-diagonal
entries equal to zeros). Analyze the impact of this model mismatch by implementing the ERM
classifier using this data distribution model and repeating the same steps in Part A on the
same 10K sample data set you generated earlier. Report the same results, answer the same
questions. Did this model mismatch negatively impact your ROC curve and minimum achievable
probability of error?
Problem 1.2 (30%)
A 3-dimensional random vector X takes values from a mixture of four Gaussians. One of these
Gaussians represent the class-conditional pdf for class 1, and another Gaussian represents the
class-conditional pdf for class 2. Class 3 data originates from a mixture of the remaining 2
Gaussian components with equal weights. For this setting where labels Y ∈ {1, 2, 3}, pick your
own class-conditional pdfs fX|Y (x | j), j ∈ {1, 2, 3} as described. Try to approximately set the
distances between means of pairs of Gaussians to twice the average standard deviation of the
Gaussian components, so that there is some significant overlap between class-conditional pdfs.
Set class priors to 0.3, 0.3, 0.4.
Part A: Minimum probability of error classification (0-1 loss, also referred to as Bayes Decision
rule or MAP classifier).
1. Generate 10000 samples from this data distribution and keep track of the true labels of each
2. Specify the decision rule that achieves minimum probability of error (i.e., use 0-1 loss),
implement this classifier with the true data distribution knowledge, classify the 10K samples
and count the samples corresponding to each decision-label pair to empirically estimate the
confusion matrix whose entries are P(D = i | Y = j) for i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
3. Provide a visualization of the data (scatter-plot in 3-dimensional space), and for each sample
indicate the true class label with a different marker shape (dot, circle, triangle, square) and
whether it was correctly (green) or incorrectly (red) classified with a different marker color as
indicated in parentheses.
Part B: Repeat the exercise for the ERM classification rule with the following loss matrices
which respectively care 10 times or 100 times more about not making mistakes when Y = 3:
Λ10 =

0 1 10
1 0 10
1 1 0

 and Λ100 =

0 1 100
1 0 100
1 1 0

Note that, the (i, j)
th entry of the loss matrix indicates the loss incurred by deciding on class i
when the true label is j. For this part, using the 10K samples, estimate the minimum expected
risk that this optimal ERM classification rule will achieve. Present your results with visual and
numerical reprentations. Briefly discuss interesting insights, if any.
Problem 1.3 (40%)
Download the following datasets…
• Wine Quality dataset located at
Quality consists of 11 features, and class labels from 0 to 10 indicating wine quality scores.
There are 4898 samples.
• Human Activity Recognition dataset located at
datasets/Human+Activity+Recognition+Using+Smartphones consists of 561 features,
and 6 activity labels. There are 10299 samples.
Implement minimum-probability-of-error classifiers for these problems, assuming that the class
conditional pdf of features for each class you encounter in these examples is a Gaussian. Using
all available samples from a class, with sample averages, estimate mean vectors and covariance
matrices. Using sample counts, also estimate class priors. In case your sample estimates of
covariance matrices are ill-conditioned, consider adding a regularization term to your covariance
estimate as in: ΣRegularized = ΣSampleAverage+λI where λ > 0 is a small regularization parameter
that ensures the regularized covariance matrix ΣRegularized has all eigenvalues larger than this
parameter. With these estimated (trained) Gaussian class conditional pdfs and class priors,
apply the minimum-P(error) classification rule on all (training) samples, count the errors, and
report the error probability estimate you obtain for each problem. Also report the confusion
matrices for both datasets, for this classification rule. Visualize the datasets in various 2 or 3
dimensional projections (either subsets of features, or if you know how to do it, using principal
component analyses). Discuss if Gaussian class conditional models are appropriate for these
datasets and how your model choice might have influenced the confusion matrix and probability of error values you obtained in the experiments conducted above. Make sure you explain
in rigorous detail what your modeling assumptions are, how you estimated/selected necessary
parameters for your model and classification rule, and describe your analyses in mathematical
terms supplemented by numerical and visual results in a way that conveys your understanding
of what you have accomplished and demonstrated.
Hint: Later in the course, we will talk about how to select regularization/hyper-parameters. For
now, you may consider using a value on the order of arithmetic average of sample covariance
matrix estimate non-zero eigenvalues λ = α trace ΣSampleAverage/rank(ΣSampleAverage) or geometric average of sample covariance matrix estimate non-zero eigenvalues, where 0 < α < 1 is a
small real number. This makes your regularization term proportional to the eigenvalues observed
in the sample covariance estimate.