EE316 LABORATORY # 4 Sequential Logic Design solution


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PART 11 (Finite State Machine) – Design of Flight Attendant
Call System
PART 2 (Edge Detector) – Design of Rising Edge Detector
PART 3 (Time Multiplexing) – Design of Controller for
Sequential Display of 4 Digits
Design Example guided through by TA
Lab 4 contains 3 parts: Part 1 – implementation of a sequential circuit (state
machine) with detailed guidance, Part 2 – independent design of a rising edge
detector state machine and Part 3 – independent design of a controller for
sequential display of four numbers on 7-segment displays. Lab4 focuses on using
behavioral Verilog description to define state machines. Its purpose is to get
familiar with:
i. Clock-synchronous state machine design, synthesis, and implementation
ii. Usage of Basys3 board’s internal clocks
iii. Using clock divider circuit to reduce clock frequency
iv. Time-multiplexing of seven-segment displays
● PC or compatible
● Digilent’s Basys3 FPGA Evaluation
● Xilinx Vivado Design Software Suite
PAGE6PART 1. Design of Flight Attendant Call System
In this FPGA application experiment, “flight attendant call system” will be
implemented and tested. Because the design is a synchronous state machine, a
clock source is needed to clock the registers. This lab will use the internal clock
source of the Basys3 board which is a 100MHz oscillator connected to pin W5. For
this part, the clock frequency is not important, and hence the 100MHz oscillator
can directly be used as the clock source.
The Flight Attendant Call System functions according to the following rules –
Press CALL button: light turns on and stays on even after the button is released
Press CANCEL button: light turns off
Figure 1 shows the specification of the flight attendant call system.
Figure 1. Flight Attendant Call System Specification
PAGE6System Analysis and Implementation
Step 1 (Drawing the state table) – The first step in implementation is to
come up with the state transition table as per the specification. It is easy to
observe that there will be two possible states here – one when the light is on and
the other when the light is off. Since 2 states require just one flip-flop for Finite
State Machine (FSM) implementation, the state table can be drawn to express the
next state as a function of the inputs (Call and Cancel) and the present state. It is
highly recommended that you draw your own state tables for getting a better
understanding of the system, and then compare it against the one provided in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. State Transition Table
Note -> Although this system can be implemented using both structural and
behavioral modeling, the aim is to practice behavioral modeling in this lab. Hence,
all the parts will have to be implemented using behavioral modeling, except for an
additional exercise towards the end of this part.
PAGE6Step 2 (Writing the Verilog code) – The next step is write the Verilog code
according to the state table obtained above. As done in the previous labs, a new
project needs to be created in Vivado with the right part number
(XC7A35TCPG236-1). After creating the project, a new design source needs to be
added to start writing the Verilog code, which is given below for this part. Note
that the variable light_state corresponds to Q, and the variable next_state
corresponds to D from the state table in Figure 2.
Step 3 (Creating the Verilog testbench) – After completing the design file,
the next step is to write the testbench to verify the module. The testbench for this
part is given below and can be used for simulation. The simulation waveform
should be observed carefully to verify circuit behavior.
PAGE6Step 4 (Synthesis and Implementation) – If the behavioral simulation of
the system is correct, the next step is to implement the system on the Basys3
board. The two buttons and an LED on the Basys3 board can be used to emulate
the call button, the cancel button, and the light respectively, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Flight Attendant Call System – Basys3 Board I/O Mappings

To map the ports of the module to the I/Os of the Basys board, a constraints file
needs to be created, as done in Lab 3. The uncommented lines of the constraints
file are given below.
PAGE6// Clock signal
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports {clk}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {clk}]
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports {clk}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W19 [get_ports {call_button}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {call_button}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T17 [get_ports {cancel_button}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {cancel_button}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U16 [get_ports {light_state}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {light_state}]
After adding the constraints file, synthesis and implementation needs to be run,
as done in lab 3.
Step 5 (Generate Bitstream and Program Device) – The final step to
implement the system on the board is to generate the bitstream file after the
implementation step and program the Basys3 board with the generated bitstream
file. Now, your design can be verified on the board.
Additional Exercise – Dataflow Modeling
The aim of this exercise is to appreciate the fact that the next state can always be
expressed in terms of the current state and the inputs using a Boolean expression.
The code snippet for the dataflow modeling is given below. Only the assign
statement needs to be completed using the minimized expression of next_state to
be derived from the state table in Figure 2. As discussed before, the variable
light_state corresponds to Q, and the variable next_state corresponds to D in the
state table. Use a K-map to obtain the minimal expression for next_state.
PAGE6The same testbench as provided above can be used to verify the behavior of the
dataflow-modeled system, just by changing the name of the instantiated module.
Post simulation, the same constraints file can be used to implement the design on
the Basys3 board.
PART 2. Rising-Edge Detector
The rising edge detector is a circuit that generates a short, one-clock-cycle pulse
(called a tick) when the input signal changes from ‘0’ to ‘1’. A switch can be used to
emulate an input signal. The clock should be adjusted to a sufficiently low
frequency (~1Hz) so that the LED one-clock-cycle flash can be seen clearly.
Design and Implementation
The edge detector module can be implemented using two blocks – a
combinational block which computes the FSM’s next state and a sequential block
which updates and stores the state on the clock edge. The module definition is
given below but needs to be completed as guided by the commented lines.
State Diagram and Verilog Code – Start by drawing a state transition
diagram consisting of 3 states that will be required to represent this system. It is
not necessary to draw the state table as the Verilog implementation can be written
directly from the state diagram using the case and if-else statements. Also, note
that the input called “signal” is the one on which the rising edge needs to be
detected and “outedge” is the output on which the status of the rising edge needs
to be shown.
PAGE6If the board’s internal clock is directly used, the flashing of the LED cannot be
seen because the frequency, 100MHz, is too high for the human eye to detect a
one-clock flash of the LED. This problem can be solved by using a much slower
clock (~1Hz). Hence, the slower clock needs to be derived from the faster clock
using a method known as clock division. The module definition of the clock
divider circuit is given below.
PAGE6In the above module, the signal “clk” is coming from the board, while the signal
“clk_out” is the one that drives the implemented FSM.
Important Note –> In the code above, the counter is specified to have the width
of 16 bits. This is a somewhat arbitrary number. The actual width which is
required for observing the flashing of LED is likely to be even larger. However, if
such a counter is directly simulated, the simulator will need to go through 2^16
cycles before setting the counter, which will result in a very long simulation time.
To allow the simulation to conclude within reasonable time, the width of the
counter should be set to 2 bits for behavioral simulation. However, when the
design is to be implemented on the board, the counter width needs to
be adjusted such that the resulting clock frequency meets the
problem specifications, i.e., the flashing of the LED can be clearly observed
with naked eye (the width may not be 16 for that).
Behavioral Simulation – Please create a test bench to conduct the behavioral
simulation of the FSM. Pay attention to the above note while doing the behavioral
simulation of the module.
Implementation – After behavioral simulation, the constraints file needs to be
created according to the following mapping specifications –
– “clk” input port to clock pin W5
– “signal” input port to switch V17
– “reset” input port to button U18
“outedge” output port to LED U16
PAGE6Using the constraints file, the design needs to be implemented to generate the
bitstream file. The Basys3 board needs to be programmed with the generated
bitstream file for the verification of the design on the board.
PART 3. Controller for Sequential Display of 4 Digits
The Digilent Basys3 Board contains four seven-segment LED displays with
decimal points. The goal of this experiment is to sequentially (one-at-a-time)
display four different numbers on the four LED displays. The design challenge
comes from the fact that while all four 4-bit numbers are available at the same
time, only one number should be shown (on one of four 7-segment displays) at
any given time. This problem will be solved by designing a controller (FSM)
circuit to control the display of the four displays sequentially using a
time-multiplexing scheme, in which the four displays share eight common signals
to light the segments but need to be carefully controlled via their enable signals to
allow only one display to be on at any given time.
Design and Implementation
Block Diagram and Verilog Code – From lab 3, recall that the signals
controlling the 7-segment display are active-low (i.e., enabled when a signal is ‘0’).
The example of displaying ‘3’ on the right-most LED is shown in Figure 4. Note
that the enable signal (i.e., an) is ‘1110’ for this case.
Figure 4. ‘3’ displayed on one seven-segment display
Time-multiplexing the four seven segment displays means that the four displays
are enabled in turn and not all at a time, as shown in the simplified timing
PAGE6diagram in Figure 5. The frequency of the enable signal needs to be sufficiently
low so that the human eye can distinguish the on and off intervals of the
7-segment displays and would perceive that all four displays are lit one after the
other. Therefore, at the end of the design process, it is required that we adjust the
frequency of the enable signal to allow easy visual observation.
Figure 5. Time-multiplexing: the 4 enable signals (an0-an3) made active (low) sequentially
The block diagram in Figure 6 below has two objectives: (a) places the desired
system in the context of a general controller architecture that involves a state
register (D Flip Flops) and the combinational circuit for outputs and next state;
and (b) suggests one possible realization of the required functionality. This figure
should be used as a guide to implement the system.
igure 6. The display controller architecture and suggested implementation
PAGE6To convert a binary code into a 7-segment hex code, the following Verilog code
serves as a look-up table. The code below must be used as a template and should
be completed at the commented places. (Note that the seven-segment display can
take values A, b, C, d, E, F for inputs greater than 9 respectively, as this is the hex
code and not BCD. Hence, it should not be turned off for inputs greater than 9 as
was done in lab 3 and the segments corresponding to the letters should be on.)
After the design of the hex to 7-segment decoder above, the next step is to design
the top module for this system, as shown in Figure 6. The structure of the code is
given below and it needs to be completed at the commented places. Note that
there are 4 inputs for each 7-segment display and hence, the bus width of sw input
is 16. Four hex to 7-segment decoders will be designed to be instantiated inside
the top module to decode each set of 4 input bits. Further, note that there is also a
clk_div_disp module instantiated, which has the same functionality as the clkdiv
module designed for the second part but may have different width requirement.
PAGE6The next step is to implement the controller circuit with the top module called
time_mux_state_machine. The structure of the Verilog code of the module is
given below and needs to be completed at the commented places.
PAGE6Important Note -> It is required that the four 7-segment displays are ON and
show different numbers one after the other and not simultaneously, i.e., only one
of the displays should be on at any given time. Therefore, the internal clock of the
board should be divided using the clock divider circuit and then used, like in part
2. It is required that you come up with the appropriate counter width based on
your experiments.
Behavioral Simulation – Please create a test bench to conduct the behavioral
simulation of the FSM. Please note that the counter width should be made small
for simulation purposes to avoid high simulation time, as discussed in part 2.
Implementation – After behavioral simulation, the constraints file needs to be
created according to the following mapping specifications –
– “clk” input port to internal clock W5
– “reset” input port to button U18
– “sw[0],..,sw[15]” input ports to switches V17, V16, W16, W17, W15, V15,
W14, W13, V2, T3, T2, R3, W2, U1, T1, R2 respectively
– “an[0], an[1], an[2], an[3]” output ports to U2, U4, V4, W4 respectively in
7-segment display
PAGE6- “sseg[6],..,sseg[0]” to W7, W6, U8, V8, U5, V5, U7 respectively in
7-segment display
Using the constraints file, the design needs to be implemented to generate the
bitstream file. The Basys3 board needs to be programmed with the generated
bitstream file for the verification of the design on the board.