2. Data Selection, Search, Find, and Collect
For this assignment, you will start to think about how you might approach the final project
around building a Teaching Assistant assisting chatbot. Brainstorm with your team what
data might be relevant for the final project and how you might find and collect data. To
ensure individual contribution, document your individual shortlisted options for a domain
and the reasoning behind the kinds of data that you will incorporate.
You will learn to use the necessary tools and APIs to build, evaluate, and improve the
quality of data used in your system. Data sources should be publicly available datasets,
including ASCII text in forums/applications, office documents, websites, PDFs, scanned
PDFs, images, audio, and video recordings.
Document a few publicly available dataset links that you could use for training the chatbot
and a brief description of the data these data sets hold.
3. Examples of Tools for Data Collection
You will concentrate on simple text data from websites and a few common data document
types such as CSV and PDF for now. However, you must recognize that real-time data
from chat clients and extracted data from instructional videos will become very important
in the final project. Therefore, it is recommended that you start looking into the extraction
tools for those sources.
There are many options to search, find, and collect data. You are expected to individually
collect a few data samples related to your team’s dataset domain. (This is a part of data
exploration and does not have to be the final datasets you would be working on
Open a terminal or command prompt and install the necessary libraries:
pip install requests pandas beautifulsoup4 pdfplumber
pip install pytesseract
The following are some examples of the libraries and tools for data collection:
4. Data Collection
For this assignment, you will retrieve three different types of data:
i. CSV or Excel
ii. ASCII Texts like Forum Postings and HTML
iii. PDF and Word Documents that require conversion and OCR
Choose any publicly available dataset from data sources and types that you have chosen.
Create a python file named “” to retrieve the dataset using its API and
store it in csv / excel format.
Run some basic operations on the dataset including displaying the first few records,
calculating the size and dimensions of the dataset, identifying missing data, etc.
For websites, extract the text using web scraping libraries.
For PDF documents, extract text using the any PDF to text libraries.
[Note: These tasks are just to help you understand how the data exploration needs to be
done, so do not worry about which source and libraries/tools you pick. Your focus should
be understanding how the libraries work and how data can be extracted from these
5. Submission
Individually submit a document that lists the team details, your shortlisted set of domains,
publicly available datasets for each of them, and the reasoning behind your choices.
Provide a good reason behind your topic choice. Make a list of data sources, the links, and
brief descriptions with a sample excerpt of your data for each source.
Submit the data exploration python file along with the document. In the report, describe
what the script does (conversion tasks and tools to keep only the relevant data) to create a
clean single dataset.
For now, the data-driven system we will build will be a chatbot assistant for Teaching
Assistants. Describe your vision of the final system that people would care about.
While there are a lot of attempts to build realistic chatbots, most people would rather speak
to a real person because their capabilities are very limited. Describe what might be missing
in these existing chatbots. Discuss how your dataset might improve the overall performance
and correctness.
Please submit all documents, answers to the questions, source codes, and reports on
Blackboard by the due date and time. Provide a document in PDF format (No other format
would be considered). Please mention your Name and USC ID at the end of the document.
Please create a demo video to show how your scripts can be used to convert various types
of data sources into common data in the same format. Upload the demo video to YouTube
and submit the link. The main purpose of the video is to convince me that you did the tasks.
There will be a 50% penalty for all late submissions.